20 CSR Activities to Boost Employee Engagement and Corporate Image in 2024

CSR Activities play a pivotal role in today's business landscape, extending far beyond their traditional scope. They've evolved into powerful tools that not only fulfill corporate social responsibility but also play a key role in shaping employee engagement and bolstering the corporate image.

In this blog, we'll explore a meticulously curated selection of 20 CSR activities. These activities are designed not only to make a positive impact on society and the environment but also to resonate deeply with employees and enhance the company's reputation.

From hands-on community involvement to innovative sustainability endeavors, each activity offers a unique avenue to forge a stronger connection between your organization, your employees, and the global community. Join us as we uncover a multitude of ways to not just give back, but to create a lasting legacy of positive change.

20 CSR activities to boost employee engagement

Engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities not only benefits the community and the environment but also has a positive impact on employee engagement and the corporate image. Here are 20 CSR activities that can help boost both.

1. Employee volunteer programs

Organize volunteer opportunities for employees to engage in community service or environmental projects. This can include activities like tree planting, beach cleanups, food drives, and mentoring programs. Such programs provide employees with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, leading to increased engagement and a stronger connection to the company's values.

One of the pioneers in corporate philanthropy, Salesforce established their "1-1-1 Model" early on, pledging 1% of their equity, 1% of their product, and 1% of their employees' time to charity. The last part of that pledge is implemented through their Employee Volunteer Program.

Each Salesforce employee receives 56 paid hours a year to volunteer in the community. They are encouraged to either volunteer for a cause they're passionate about or join one of Salesforce's organized volunteer events. Over the years, Salesforce employees have contributed millions of volunteer hours.

2. Skills-based volunteering

Encourage employees to utilize their professional skills to support nonprofit organizations. For example, if your company excels in marketing, you could offer marketing workshops to local nonprofits. This not only showcases the expertise of your employees but also strengthens the company's reputation as a socially responsible organization.

IBM's "Corporate Service Corps" (CSC) program takes skill-based volunteering to an international scale. The program sends teams of IBM employees from different countries and business units to emerging markets, where they spend four weeks working on critical community projects that align with IBM's business capabilities.

These projects might involve IT infrastructure development, business process improvement, or training and knowledge transfer. The CSC program not only benefits the communities in which these teams work, but also provides a unique leadership development opportunity for IBM employees, giving them a chance to apply their skills in a different context.

3. Supporting education

Invest in education initiatives that benefit underprivileged communities. This could involve providing scholarships, donating educational materials to schools, or organizing workshops to enhance students' skills.

Employees can participate by volunteering as mentors, guest speakers, or workshop facilitators. Education-focused CSR activities demonstrate a commitment to social progress and employee development.

4. Environmental sustainability programs

Implement initiatives that reduce your company's environmental footprint. This could include waste reduction, energy conservation, and sustainable sourcing practices.

Engage employees in these efforts through educational campaigns, "Green" challenges, and participation in local environmental events. Demonstrating environmental responsibility can enhance your company's image and align with employees' concerns about climate change.

Unilever, a global consumer goods company, has been at the forefront of environmental sustainability with its "Unilever Sustainable Living Plan." This initiative is anchored in reducing the company's environmental footprint across its production and supply chain.

Key goals have included halving their environmental impact, improving health and well-being for billions, and enhancing the livelihoods of millions of people by 2020. Their efforts range from sustainable sourcing of raw materials, reducing carbon emissions, to cutting down water usage in production processes.

5. Charitable giving and donation matching

Set up donation matching programs that encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations of their choice. Additionally, the company can identify key social or environmental causes and donate to reputable nonprofits. This not only supports essential causes but also shows that the company values employee input and is committed to making a positive impact.

Microsoft's philanthropic arm, Microsoft Philanthropies, has a long-standing employee donation matching program. For every dollar an employee donates to eligible nonprofits, Microsoft matches it, effectively doubling the impact.

Over the years, billions have been donated to various causes around the world through this initiative, showcasing Microsoft's commitment to harnessing the collective power of its employees for positive change.

6. Diversity and inclusion initiatives

Implement programs and events that promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace and the community. This could involve supporting lgbtq+ rights, gender equality, and cultural awareness.

By demonstrating a commitment to diversity, your company can attract a wider range of talent and appeal to socially conscious employees.

Nike has made strides in emphasizing diversity and inclusion as core components of its corporate values. The company releases an annual Impact Report that outlines its commitments to creating a diverse and inclusive environment, from its board of directors down to its global workforce.

They engage in various initiatives to promote gender equality, racial and ethnic representation, and championing LGBTQ+ rights.

7. Health and wellness campaigns

Launch wellness initiatives that focus on employee health and well-being. This could include organizing fitness challenges, offering meditation sessions, or promoting mental health awareness.

A healthy and happy workforce is more likely to be engaged and productive, and these initiatives reflect positively on your corporate image.

While Coca-Cola is primarily known as a beverage company, in recent years, it has taken on health and wellness campaigns to promote active, balanced lifestyles. This includes introducing a broader range of low-calorie and reduced-sugar products and funding physical activity programs worldwide.

They are also committing to transparent labeling to help consumers make informed choices about their beverage intake.

8. Partnerships with local businesses

Collaborate with local businesses and entrepreneurs to support economic development in your community. This could involve sourcing products or services locally, mentoring small business owners, or participating in joint CSR projects.

These partnerships not only boost your company's reputation but also strengthen ties with the local community.

9. Disaster relief and resilience programs

Develop plans to provide assistance during natural disasters or emergencies. This could involve setting up relief funds, organizing volunteer efforts, or providing resources to affected communities.

Showing that your company is ready to support those in need during challenging times can greatly enhance your corporate image and inspire employee pride.

Procter & Gamble, through its P&G Children's Safe Drinking Water Program, has provided clean drinking water during times of crises. They've distributed water purification packets in disaster-stricken areas, transforming contaminated water into clean, drinkable water. This aids not only in immediate relief but also in the longer-term resilience of affected communities by preventing water-borne diseases.

10. Ethical supply chain initiatives

Focus on ensuring that your supply chain adheres to ethical and sustainable practices.

This could involve auditing suppliers for fair labor practices, environmentally friendly sourcing, and responsible production methods. Transparently communicating your commitment to ethical sourcing can strengthen trust with customers and employees alike.

Apple is committed to ensuring that its supply chain is free from unethical practices. The company publishes an annual Supplier Responsibility Progress Report detailing its efforts to uphold human rights, labor, health, and environmental standards across all suppliers. Apple regularly conducts supplier audits and has taken steps to ensure that materials like tin and cobalt are sourced responsibly.

11. Employee-driven CSR projects

Empower employees to propose and lead their own CSR projects. This allows them to address causes they are passionate about and take ownership of making a positive impact.

Supporting employee-led initiatives not only increases engagement but also showcases the company's commitment to giving employees a voice in CSR efforts.

12. Skills-based workshops for communities

Host workshops or training sessions for local communities, sharing your employees' expertise in areas such as technology, financial literacy, or career development.

This contributes to community empowerment and positions your company as a valuable resource and leader in these areas.

13. Remote and virtual CSR activities

Incorporate virtual CSR activities that can be participated in remotely, especially in the wake of global events that may limit in-person engagement. Virtual volunteering, online fundraising campaigns, and digital educational initiatives can help employees stay engaged while making a positive impact from anywhere.

Recognizing that many traditional in-person volunteering opportunities were halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Deloitte adapted by offering virtual volunteering. This allowed employees to engage in CSR activities from the safety of their homes.

Activities include virtual mentoring, online skills-based volunteering, and remote consulting for non-profits. This not only ensures continuity of their CSR efforts but also leverages the skills of their workforce in a digital context.

14. Social impact challenges

Organize internal challenges that encourage employees to develop innovative solutions to social or environmental issues. This could be in the form of hackathons, idea competitions, or innovation labs.

Employees working together to solve real-world challenges can foster a sense of purpose and camaraderie.

Google has organized the "Google Impact Challenge" in various regions worldwide. This challenge invites nonprofits and public charities to propose how they would use technology to make the world better. Winners receive grant funding and technical support from Google to bring their ideas to life.

This initiative sparks innovative solutions to societal issues and fosters a spirit of tech-for-good.

15. Long-term partnerships with NGOs

Establish strategic partnerships with reputable nonprofit organizations that align with your company's values.

Rather than one-off initiatives, commit to long-term collaborations that involve ongoing support, joint projects, and regular engagement. Such partnerships demonstrate dedication to a specific cause and can have a lasting positive impact on employee engagement and corporate reputation.

Starbucks has formed a long-standing partnership with Conservation International, an NGO focused on protecting nature. Together, they've worked for over 20 years to make coffee production sustainable, helping farmers grow coffee in a way that's better for both the people and the environment.

This partnership has been central to Starbucks' commitment to ethically sourced coffee.

16. Employee giving campaigns

Launch campaigns that encourage employees to donate a portion of their salary to a chosen charity or cause. Match their contributions or offer incentives for higher participation. This not only demonstrates the company's commitment to philanthropy but also fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose among employees.

Ben & Jerry's, known for its social activism, has integrated micro-volunteering and online giving platforms into its digital outreach. Through partnerships with platforms like Change.org, Ben & Jerry's facilitates online petitions and drives on social issues. While not directly a "giving" platform, it encourages small actions (like signing a petition) that can cumulatively lead to big changes.

17. Cultural and heritage celebrations

Host events that celebrate various cultures, traditions, and heritage within your workforce. This promotes inclusivity, educates employees about diversity, and creates a more welcoming work environment. These celebrations can be in the form of cultural festivals, food tastings, or awareness workshops.

IBM, recognizing its diverse global workforce, celebrates various cultural and heritage months like Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. By doing so, IBM acknowledges the diverse backgrounds of its employees, fosters inclusivity, and educates its workforce on different cultures, thereby enriching its organizational culture.

18. Green initiatives at the workplace

Implement sustainability practices within the company premises. Set up recycling programs, reduce energy consumption, and encourage employees to adopt eco-friendly habits. Demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility not only enhances the company's image but also resonates with employees who care about sustainability.

Toyota, known for its leadership in hybrid vehicle technology, extends its environmental commitment to its workplace. The Toyota Motor North America headquarters in Plano, Texas, for instance, has been designed with sustainability in mind. It utilizes Texas wind to generate electricity, employs solar panels, and has a rainwater harvesting system.

Additionally, they've incorporated drought-resistant landscaping and other green building practices, reinforcing their dedication to environmental stewardship.

19. Impact measurement and reporting

Regularly communicate the tangible outcomes of your CSR initiatives. Share stories of the positive changes your company's efforts have brought about in the community or environment. Transparently showcasing the impact of your activities helps build trust among employees and stakeholders.

20. Mentorship and skills sharing

Initiate mentorship programs that connect employees with individuals from underserved communities, offering guidance and support for personal and professional development. Additionally, host skill-sharing sessions where employees can teach their expertise to others, both internally and externally. These activities demonstrate a commitment to knowledge-sharing and community upliftment.

Google's "Grow with Google" initiative offers free training, tools, and workshops to help individuals and businesses grow their skills. While the broader initiative is geared towards anyone wanting to enhance their digital capabilities, Google also has a dedicated nonprofit program.

This program provides workshops and training tailored for nonprofits, helping them make the most of digital tools for their specific needs. It covers everything from using Google Ad Grants effectively to maximizing YouTube for nonprofit storytelling.

10 Tips to create a Corporate Social Responsibility program

Creating a successful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program requires careful planning, alignment with company values, and a genuine commitment to making a positive impact. Here are some tips to help you develop an effective CSR program

1. Define your objectives

Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of your CSR program. Are you focusing on environmental sustainability, community development, employee well-being, or a combination of these? Having well-defined objectives will guide your program's direction and ensure it aligns with your company's mission.

2. Align with company values

Ensure that your CSR initiatives reflect your company's core values and beliefs. Authenticity is crucial; your program should resonate with employees, customers, and stakeholders. When your CSR efforts genuinely reflect your values, they'll be more impactful and believable.

3. Engage employees

Involve employees in the decision-making process. Seek their input on which causes and initiatives matter most to them. When employees have a say in the CSR activities, they're more likely to participate enthusiastically and feel a stronger connection to the program.

4. Set measurable goals

Establish clear and measurable goals for your CSR program. Whether it's reducing carbon emissions, volunteering hours, or funds raised for a specific cause, having quantifiable targets will help track progress and demonstrate the program's impact.

5. Research and partnerships

Identify nonprofits, NGOs, or community organizations that align with your chosen causes. Establish partnerships to amplify your impact. Collaborating with established organizations can provide expertise, resources, and a broader reach for your initiatives.

6. Start small and scale

Begin with a few focused CSR activities that you can manage effectively. As your program gains momentum and demonstrates success, you can expand to include more initiatives and engage a wider range of stakeholders.

7. Communication and transparency

Communicate your CSR efforts both internally and externally. Regularly share updates on your program's achievements, impact, and any challenges faced. Transparency builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to accountability.

8. Employee involvement

Encourage employees to actively participate in CSR activities. Offer volunteer opportunities, encourage skill-sharing, and create platforms for employees to suggest and lead initiatives. Their involvement fosters a sense of ownership and enthusiasm.

9. Measurement and reporting

Track and measure the outcomes of your CSR initiatives. Use data to showcase the positive changes your program is making. Sharing these results demonstrates the program's effectiveness and motivates stakeholders to stay engaged.

10. Adapt and evolve

Stay open to feedback and be willing to adapt your CSR program based on changing needs and circumstances. As your company grows and evolves, your CSR program should reflect those changes as well.


Aa successful CSR program is an ongoing commitment that requires dedication, collaboration, and a genuine desire to make a difference. By incorporating these tips, you can create a CSR program that not only benefits the community and the environment but also enhances your company's reputation and employee engagement.

Embracing CSR is more than a trend; it's a strategic decision that has the power to amplify your company's impact while resonating with your employees' sense of purpose. By aligning these activities with your core values, involving your workforce, and communicating transparently, you're not just creating a program – you're forging a legacy.

Through every tree planted, every community empowered, and every cause championed, your company's image will radiate the authenticity of its commitment to a better world.

So, step forward, embrace these activities, and watch as your journey towards meaningful change enhances both your employee engagement and your corporate image.