16 Ways of Improve Employee Engagement in Startups in 2024

Have you noticed your team isn’t as excited about work as they used to be? Are the smiles and energetic chats around your startup becoming rare?

According to a report from Gallup, 85 percent of workers are not really into their jobs. It highlights that some in your team are just clocking in and out without being invested in what they do. 

How can we turn it around, especially in a startup like yours where every minute counts? 

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of employee engagement in startups with 16 easy ways to get your team excited and involved again.

But before that, you must know the basics.

Why is employee engagement in startups important?

When engaged and joyful, startup teams produce better results and create great things. Keeping them content also means they’ll likely stick around, saving the startup money on hiring and training new folks.

If a team member in a startup isn’t invested, they’ll just do what’s needed to get their paycheck. The attitude isn’t beneficial for your startup’s vibe and growth.

When startup employees are fully engaged, they’re driven to meet the startup’s goals because they feel a shared bond and care with the company.

Now, let’s dive into some practical ways to boost that engagement without breaking your startup’s budget. 

16 cost-effective employee engagement in startup ideas

Let’s explore 16 budget-friendly strategies to elevate employee engagement, ensuring your startup succeeds smoothly.

1. Provide professional development opportunities

Investing in your team’s growth enhances their skills and shows that the startup values their progression. The investment can manifest in various forms - from workshops and courses to providing access to industry conferences and events. 

An example is Asana, a work management platform startup that provides employees with a yearly stipend for professional development. The stipend can be utilized for courses and conferences that enhance their skills and career growth, ensuring that the team is always at the forefront of industry knowledge and expertise.

Asana's approach creates an environment where continuous learning and self-improvement are integral to the company culture. This initiative encourages employees to proactively seek out learning opportunities that align not only with their current roles but also with their future career aspirations. 

By doing so, Asana ensures that its workforce remains versatile and adaptable, qualities that are essential in the ever-evolving tech industry. The policy helps attract and retain top talent who value personal and professional growth.

2. Encourage employees to participate

Motivating your team to engage in volunteer activities is another method to boost their engagement. It's a basic human instinct to feel joy and mental peace when giving to others.

Encourage your team to participate in local community services, such as neighborhood clean-ups or assisting at a senior citizens' home. It provides a refreshing break from their busy schedules and rejuvenates them.

For examples, when employees are mentally unburdened, they can perform optimally at work. It enhances your company’s reputation and builds positive brand recognition. Salesforce encourages its employees to participate in community services by providing 56 hours of paid volunteer time and a competitive matching policy of up to $5,000 annually for their chosen causes.

Such initiatives create a sense of purpose and fulfillment among employees, transcending the usual work-related achievements. Participating in activities like neighborhood clean-ups or assisting at senior citizens' homes allows employees to make a tangible difference in their communities. The experience of giving back can significantly boost morale and foster a sense of team unity and company pride.

3. Promoting camaraderie

Potlucks are a delightful method to promote camaraderie among everyone in the office. It's a communal food gathering where each person brings a dish made at home to share. It's all about connecting over cuisine. Hosting potlucks is a more budget-friendly alternative than dining out at a restaurant.

When team members gather to share a meal, it cultivates a unique atmosphere where everyone can exchange thoughts and gain insights from one another. It, in turn, positively influences their collective productivity as a team.

Zappos often organizes various team-building activities and events to promote employee camaraderie. By regularly hosting events such as potlucks, team outings, and creative workshops, Zappos creates numerous opportunities for employees to interact in non-work-related settings, fostering stronger personal connections and a sense of belonging.

Zappos’ focus on team-building activities reflects its understanding that employee engagement and satisfaction are crucial for long-term business success. Engaged employees are more likely to be productive, loyal, and motivated, directly impacting the company's performance and customer service standards.

4. Introduce new games and challenges

Too much of the same work can make anyone feel uninspired, not just Jack.

It's not only Jack who might lose his spark with repetitive, daily tasks - your team might feel the same way. Sprinkle fun into their everyday tasks through challenges or inviting them to participate in light-hearted indoor games could be the perfect solution.

Atlassian hosts "ShipIt Days," where employees work on any project, fostering innovation and breaking the monotony of everyday tasks. During "ShipIt Days," employees are encouraged to step away from their regular duties and dedicate time to projects they are passionate about, whether it involves developing new features, fixing bugs, or working on something outside their usual remit.

This approach has several key benefits:

  • Encouraging creativity and innovation: By allowing employees to work on projects of their choosing, Atlassian taps into its workforce's diverse talents and interests. This freedom can lead to the developing of innovative solutions and ideas that might not emerge through regular work channels.
  • Enhancing employee engagement: "ShipIt Days" provide a change of pace and scenery, which can be a significant morale booster. Employees feel more engaged and motivated when they can work on something they genuinely want.
  • Cross-departmental collaboration: These events often lead to collaborations between employees from different departments or teams who might only sometimes work together. This cross-pollination of ideas and skills can lead to unique solutions and build community and teamwork within the organization.

5. Guide your employees

Every team member brings their unique flair and expertise, sometimes in areas unrelated to their job role. It presents a unique chance for employers to weave it into their employee development initiatives.

Consider allowing your employees to enter a mentorship role, sharing their unique skills with their colleagues. These skills could span a wide range, from arts to competitive coding. It facilitates new learning opportunities for your team and helps the mentors hone their expertise while sharing it with others.

LinkedIn offers its employees various learning and development opportunities to enhance their skills and career development, including access to their LinkedIn Learning platform. 

LinkedIn's initiative of providing access to its learning platform encourages employees to become mentors and share their unique expertise. The mentorship aspect is beneficial as it allows employees to take on leadership roles and contribute to the development of their colleagues.

6. Conduct sessions on financial education

Repeated or prolonged financial troubles arising from poor financial choices can distract your employees and hinder their focus on work. The issue can be detrimental for startups and small businesses where every team member plays a pivotal role.

By integrating financial education into its workplace culture, NerdWallet aids its employees in managing their finances and also enhances their overall job satisfaction and productivity.

Employees gain valuable insights into effective money management, investment strategies, and planning for future financial stability through workshops, seminars, or access to financial planning tools.

7. Celebrate milestones and birthdays

Recognizing and celebrating milestones like birthdays and work anniversaries can play a pivotal role in uplifting employee spirits.

In day-to-day operations, these special moments can sometimes be missed, potentially casting a shadow on an employee’s emotional connection with the workplace.

A content and appreciated employee often reflects their happiness in their work, bringing their best to the table in every aspect. Facebook celebrates its employees' milestones and birthdays by creating a positive and appreciative work environment, which includes various celebrations and acknowledgments. 

By taking the time to celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries, Facebook demonstrates a genuine interest in its employees as individuals, not just as workers. This personal touch can significantly boost an employee's emotional connection to the workplace.

When employees feel seen and valued for their contributions and life events, it cultivates a deeper sense of loyalty and attachment to the company.

8. Allow work-from-home option

Many workers, especially the younger ones who make up a big part of today's workforce, value the chance to work from home.

People do their best work when they can balance their job and personal life well. But let’s face it, life is pretty busy these days. Workers often find themselves stuck between their jobs and personal responsibilities, which can create stress and affect their work quality.

Spotify has also embraced the flexibility trend. Recognizing the growing needs of the modern workforce, Spotify offers its employees the option to work remotely, in-person and hybrid.

The company provides financial support for co-working space memberships for employees who move to areas without nearby Spotify offices but still desire the experience of working in a communal office environment.

9. Promote well-being and balance

Ensuring the well-being and balance of employees is crucial for maintaining a healthy work environment, especially in startups where the pace can be fast and demands high. Building a culture that prioritizes mental and physical health, encourages regular breaks, and supports a balanced work-life dynamic is vital.

Nestle offers multiple resources to help employees balance work and life in this changing work environment. They provide employees access to meditation app Headspace and mental healthcare support through Spring Health.

By providing resources like Headspace, Nestle encourages its employees to engage in mindfulness and meditation practices, which are proven to reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall mental well-being. It benefits the employees personally and improves concentration and productivity in their professional roles. 

Meditation and mindfulness can be particularly beneficial in high-pressure work environments, helping employees to manage stress and maintain mental clarity.

10. Pet-friendly workplace

A pet-friendly workplace can alleviate stress and enhance the overall mood within the office. Allowing employees to bring their pets to work or having a designated pet day can bring joy and relaxation, particularly in a startup environment where work can be intense.

Trupanion is known for its pet-friendly policies, where employees can often bring their pets to work, ensuring a joyful and stress-free environment.

It helps in:

  • Stress reduction: Pets are known to have a calming effect on humans. Their presence can lower stress levels, creating a more relaxed and pleasant work atmosphere. It is particularly beneficial in startups, where the fast pace and high stakes can contribute to employee anxiety.
  • Increased job satisfaction: A pet-friendly workplace can be a significant perk for employees, contributing to higher job satisfaction. It demonstrates the company's commitment to a flexible and accommodating work environment, which can be a major draw for talent.
  • Improved work-life balance: For many pet owners, the ability to bring their pets to work means they don't have to worry about leaving them alone at home. It can alleviate guilt and improve their work-life balance, leading to happier and more focused employees.

11. Transparent communication

Transparent communication builds trust among team members and ensures everyone is on the same page, which is crucial in a startup where roles can be diverse and interdependent.

Salesforce is known for its transparent communication with employees. They have utilized unique compensation and benefits, staff empowerment and autonomy, and a flexible work environment to maintain transparency and keep their employees engaged.

Empowering staff with autonomy and relevant information enables them to make informed decisions and feel more invested in their work. The flexible work environment, communicated openly, helps employees balance their professional and personal lives, enhancing job satisfaction. Regular updates and feedback loops ensure that employees are not just recipients of information but active participants in the company's growth. 

12. Empowerment initiatives (giving employees autonomy over projects)

Empowering employees by giving them autonomy over projects can boost their confidence and enhance their sense of ownership and accountability.

Google has successfully empowered its employees through initiatives like the famous 20 percent creative time and 80 percent work program, encouraging autonomy and pride in work.

By allowing this creative freedom, Google fosters an environment where employees feel a strong sense of ownership and accountability, enhancing job satisfaction and productivity. 

The autonomy in project selection and execution encourages employees to explore new ideas and approaches, contributing to a dynamic and innovative workplace culture.

13. Intrapreneurship programs

Intrapreneurship programs encourage employees to act like entrepreneurs within the company, fostering innovation and new ideas, which can be particularly beneficial in a startup that needs to stay innovative and competitive.

3M is famous for its intrapreneurial culture, allowing engineers to spend 15 percent of their work time on projects, leading to innovations like the Post-It Note. By allowing employees to explore and develop their ideas, 3M taps into a wealth of internal talent and potential, leading to products and solutions that can transform markets. 

The freedom to innovate motivates employees and aligns with the company's goals of staying at the forefront of technological and product innovation.

14. Employee-driven committees

Employee-driven committees allow team members to have a say in various aspects of the company, from event planning to workplace improvements, which is vital in a startup to ensure all voices are heard and valued.

At Cisco Systems, employee feedback and recognition are pivotal. They have an Employee Recognition Initiative that recognizes employees for achievements in all areas of life.

Such committees can lead to more engaged employees who feel that their opinions matter, enhancing job satisfaction and loyalty.

Also, these committees can provide valuable insights and ideas to management, contributing to the company's overall success and adaptability.

15. Embrace technology for efficiency

Utilizing technology to streamline processes and enhance efficiency is crucial in a startup where resources might be limited, and maximizing productivity is key.

Deloitte conducted a survey revealing that 58% of executives felt their existing performance management methods needed to engage employees more effectively or drive high performance. 

Recognizing the need for a more immediate, precise, and personalized approach, Deloitte overhauled its system. The revamp, highlighted in the Harvard Business Review, introduced significant changes:

  • Elimination of cascading objectives.
  • Abandonment of annual reviews.
  • Removal of 360-degree feedback tools.

Deloitte's updated performance management system focuses on three key areas:

  1. Acknowledging Contributions: Recognizing each employee's unique input within their teams.
  2. Objective Performance Assessment: Ensuring performance evaluations are fair and unbiased.
  3. Enhancing Employee Potential: Providing support and resources to help employees reach their full performance capabilities.

16. Rewards and recognition

Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements is crucial for maintaining morale and motivation, especially in a startup where the work can be challenging and demanding.

For example, Mu Sigma, a big data analytics company, used Empuls to make saying 'thank you' to their team easy and fun. It helped keep everyone happy and feeling valued. The efficiency of the Empuls R&R process significantly improved over traditional methods. 

It reduced the time to implement any reward to not more than 5 minutes, simplifying the setup and management of awards and budget allocation for managers. The platform also provided dedicated support to address queries from employees and HR, ensuring smooth implementation and adoption.

So, we've seen different ways to keep your team happy and engaged. Next, let’s review how tools like Empuls can help make your startup a great place to work in our wrap-up.

Make workspace better with Empuls

Startups need happy teams to build big dreams. And a happy team feels seen, heard, and valued. 

That’s where Empuls can help. 

It’s a platform where you can easily thank your team, celebrate wins, and listen to what everyone says.

With Empuls, you can give rewards, share special moments, and make sure every voice is heard. So, let’s use Empuls to to boost your employee engagement in startups and create a happy workspace.