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Employee feedback is a crucial part of every successful organization. When delivered with thoughtfulness and respect, It has the potential to:

  • Increase motivation and reliability
  • Improve work efficiency
  • Enhance employee loyalty
  • Increase staff retention
  • Help achieve organizational goals

This tells us how important it is for an organization to get ideas on positive feedback examples for employees. Not only will it help you incorporate a feedback culture, but it will also boost employee engagement in your company.

Many companies prefer to create and maintain a strict corporate culture. They incessantly keep stressing more about the negative aspects of their employees and correcting them. However, there’s a 50% chance of this strategy backfiring.

Their best bet to achieve the above-mentioned pointers is by providing positive feedback, which will, in the long run, help their employees become their best versions.

Let's understand what's positive feedback in detail and in what instances you can use it.

What is positive employee feedback?

Positive employee feedback means communicating with your employees where you highlight their strengths, talents, and achievements and letting them know you value how diligently they have worked for your organization.

This boosts staff engagement, increases loyalty, and motivates employees to thrive and strive harder for better results.

Let's now talk a bit about positive reinforcement. It is a different concept, however, closely related to positive feedback. It simply means rewarding good behavior.

As humans, we are more receptive to positive reinforcement than negative. Doing the same with your employees will certainly improve your relationship with them and pave the road for better understanding.

To help you empower your employees, here are 20 positive employee feedback examples that you can use in real-time situations.

20 Positive employee feedback examples

The following are 20 scenarios where you can provide positive feedback to your employees for:

1. An employee carrying out a huge responsibility with utmost dedication

New employees generally require training to acclimate to their new corporate environment. The team member tasked to conduct those training programs has to deal with many issues coming from different individuals. Therefore, they deserve positive feedback.

To appreciate them, you can compliment them by saying: "You took up a huge responsibility for the team and assisted with training our new teammates with utmost dedication and commitment. I sincerely appreciate your extra effort to help new employees settle in quickly."

2. An employee handled a complicated situation and found resolutions for conflicts

While collaborating on a project, teammates can often clash due to their varied approaches, leading to discrepancies. But if employees took the initiative to get past all conflicts and found practical solutions to keep the work flowing, they deserve positive feedback.

In that case, you can say: “I sincerely appreciate your efforts in addressing the disagreements and finding acceptable resolutions for all concerned members and stakeholders. We acknowledge that it wasn’t easy, yet you managed to handle it well. Great work!

3. An employee who is overburdened with additional work

There can be times when there’s a shortage of resources, and because of that, many employees with availability have no choice but to take up extra work. Over time, this can lead some of them to become severely stressed and ultimately resort to quiet quitting.

In that case, you can say: “I’m aware of how hard you have been working for the past two weeks, and I genuinely appreciate your efforts. Your work will go back to its normal schedule soon, and you will be compensated justly for your overtime. Keep up the good work!”

4. An employee whose hard work has gone unnoticed

A few employees in your organization always tirelessly work to produce the best outcomes. They consistently deliver quality work no matter what, but sometimes get unnoticed.

In that case, you can say: “I appreciate that you never miss deadlines and consistently help keep things moving for us. It is evident that you take delight in your job since it reflects in the quality of your deliverables each time. We genuinely appreciate having you as a part of our team.”

5. An employee going beyond their capacity to meet targets

Due to strict deadlines, employees often end up with their plates loaded with work. It certainly calls for appreciation if employees go beyond their regular capacity to produce deliverables on or before time.

In that case, you can say: “I am aware that you were recently assigned to work on some additional work. You managed to deliver them on time to meet our weekly targets, which I realize could be difficult given the strict deadlines. Sincere thanks for your unfazed dedication.

6. An employee feeling underappreciated for their honest efforts

Sometimes, hardworking employees can too land up in tough spots where they feel insignificant or underappreciated for their efforts. You need to provide positive feedback to help them come out of such mental traps.

In that case, you can say: “Over the past few weeks, you have not only effectively carried out the tasks you were assigned but also significantly contributed to the success of our team's most recent project. We thank you for setting such a great example for your other teammates. Good job!”

7. An employee surpassed your expectations

Researching any specific project-related strategies and finding the appropriate ones could take considerable time. If a teammate surpasses your expectations and comes up with multiple interesting strategies so that you can make better business decisions, don’t shy from applauding them with positive feedback.

In that case, you can say: “Your sincerity and dedication towards this project are commendable. You did a great job researching and coming up with effective strategies in such a short period. Thank you for your commitment to our team's shared goals.”

8. An employee undertook a major initiative for the entire team

These days half of the corporate world is missing out on opportunities for building social relationships. Employees find it difficult to understand their teammates due to a lack of proper communication. This is the result of incorporating hybrid and remote work settings after the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If a teammate takes the initiative to set up virtual socializing sessions where employees get a platform to build strong relationships, it calls for the big-time positive feedback.

In that case, you can say: “Many employees were experiencing the fear of missing out since there weren't enough opportunities to interact and connect with coworkers. However, setting up virtual socializing sessions tremendously aided in fostering interpersonal relationships among team members. Thank you for creating such a significant impact and bringing our team closer than ever.”

9. An employee consistently did their best to achieve organizational goals

If you have noticed that your employee has been consistently meeting all their targets on time, then this truly deserves some appreciation. A positive feedback from you will reinforce that sense of achievement.

To honor them, you can say: “I've noticed that over the past few weeks, you've achieved all of your targets on or before the deadlines. For all the other teammates, this serves as an excellent example. Your management skills and ability to recognize your limitations while also going the extra mile prove that you will be a valuable member of our team for a long time.”

10. An employee helped you save your company from wasting additional resources

Let’s say an employee came up with practical solutions to resolve an issue that could have harmed your company. The solutions proved successful and saved your company time and money.

In that case, you can say: “We sincerely appreciate your prompt action in finding a solution to this issue. Your willingness to undertake risky situations and make quick judgments spared us from a big catastrophe. I'm delighted to have you on board!”

11. An employee takes the initiative to maintain employee communication

Every successful business needs employees who are skilled communicators. Fostering effective relationships among staff members can motivate them to perform even better. Effective employee communication is one skill that high-performance employees capitalize on.

When you notice your employee taking the initiative, you can say: “I appreciate how you actively kept me informed about this week's task progress. It greatly reduced the amount of time I had to spend communicating and coordinating with the project stakeholders. Your productivity and communication skills are quite impressive.”

12. An employee surprised you with their perseverance

Sometimes employees end up surprising you by demonstrating exceptional skills at work. It helps you to direct them to reach their potential and deliver better outcomes for your organization.

In that case, you can say: “The targets you've accomplished this month have me genuinely proud. You displayed your unique skills with perseverance and never lost motivation. I appreciate all the time and effort you put forth to accomplish your targets.”

13. An employee with no prior experience turned out to be a fast learner

One must never underestimate a beginner. Who knows, they might be fast learners and work dedicatedly without losing track of their team goals. If you have such staff in your team, give them positive feedback to boost their morale.

In that case, you can say: “Even though you had no experience before joining us, you turned out to be quite a fast learner and managed your allocated work dedicatedly. Given the constant influx of new information, it could be challenging to accomplish this in the early days. That's why we're all pleased to have you on board.”

14. An employee helped you overcome a roadblock

It is not always possible for things to flow perfectly at work, and you might have to deal with complex challenges. If a teammate helps you devise a solution by implementing creative problem-solving strategies, it calls for the positive feedback.

To help, you can reassure them by saying:  “You did an excellent job figuring out how to keep us moving forward with your creative thinking. The resolution you offered saved this project in time; therefore, I’m grateful to have you as part of our team. Thank you for maintaining a positive attitude throughout the process.”

15. An employee demonstrated leadership qualities

It is possible for you to get swamped with loads of work and miss an important meeting. However, if a responsible team member stepped up to fill in for you, give them a pat on the back for taking such an initiative promptly.

In that case, you can say: “I appreciate you volunteering to lead our meeting today. You proved that you could handle leadership responsibilities and foster productive collaboration among our employees. I learned that your effective communication skills made everyone feel heard, which is quite remarkable.”

16. An employee chose compassion over competitiveness

Corporate life makes you competitive. Sometimes, in lieu of getting ahead and achieving that promotion, we do anything to outshine our colleagues. If you’ve encountered a situation where one of your employees proves worthy of promotion but instead chooses to help their other team members achieve their shared team goals, they deserve appreciation.

In that case, you can say: “One thing I like about you is that you try to find ways to help people. For instance, I observed last week how you spent some of your time helping one of your team members finalize their presentation fast. For the rest of the team, you are a true inspiration.”

17. An employee learned a new skill to meet the changing requirements

For instance, one of your employees diligently strives to upskill to keep up with the changing market demands. It is important to support employees who are trying to improve themselves.

In that case, you can say: “This new skill you've learned is not something everyone can or will be interested in learning. However, your dedication and effort to seek new ways to improve are admirable. I'm eager to see how, over the next few months, this new skill will benefit both you and the company.”

18. An employee earned multiple positive customer reviews

Let’s assume your employee received positive customer reviews back to back due to their good behavior, dedication, and problem-solving attitude.

Here, you can say: “I read every review your clients left this month for you. You went above and beyond to ensure customers had a positive experience. We're proud of you. Keep up the excellent work.”

19. An employee is toiling hard to keep up with ongoing organizational changes

Suppose there's a change in management or work processes, and adapting to such changes quickly isn't easy for many. During this transition, the best course of action would be to help your employees by giving positive feedback on their behavior.

In that case, you can say: “I am aware of how stressful these last few weeks have been for everyone. However, you handled the new situation with maturity and composure. Your behavior had a positive effect on your team members as well. Thank you for your consistent support.”

20. An employee received a promotion to a bigger role

For instance, you promoted a team member recently to a bigger role. They have taken up new assignments and must be told whether they’re justifying their new position by doing a good job. If they have, you must give them positive feedback without delay.

In that case, you can say: We believe that appointing you to this new position was the best decision. You've done an excellent job resolving our sales-related issues and earning our trust in your capabilities. Keep up the good work!

Now that we know of some situations where you can deliver positive feedback to your employees and what exactly to say let’s learn some of the direct benefits of it.

5 Benefits of providing positive feedback to your employees

While some people get motivated to do better after criticism, stressing solely on negative feedback can dampen spirits and lower work efficiency. Employees could feel unappreciated or uncertain about their contribution to the company.

On the other hand, giving your employees positive feedback can improve and strengthen the workplace culture and offer various benefits. The following are a handful of reasons why your organization must adopt a feedback culture:

1. Positive feedback boosts employees' work efficiency

Employee productivity also relies heavily on constructive and positive feedback. Feedback can help employees perform better and increase their work efficiency when delivered effectively. Teams with managers that prioritize providing feedback outperform teams with managers who do not.

2. It improves the self-image of your employees

Constructive and positive feedback allows employees to look at themselves from a fresh perspective and understand how their actions affect the business and how others perceive them.

3. Feedback strengthens relationships with employees

Another reason why providing feedback is critical is because it facilitates peer communication and boosts employee happiness. It is simpler for employees to settle disputes and reduce stress in the workplace when there's a feedback channel.

4. Providing feedback improves employee engagement

Millennials make up a significant percentage of the workforce today and demand consistent constructive and positive feedback. Therefore, to retain your top talent while keeping them motivated and engaged, you must first improve at providing feedback.

5. It is necessary for a happy workplace environment

Everyone wants their efforts to get noticed by their superiors and feel appreciated. This is why when you give feedback to your employees; you tell them that their efforts are not in vain and that you hear them too.

What is the right time to offer your employees positive feedback?

Regularly providing feedback can assist in an employee's continued development. However, deciding when to give positive feedback rather than other kinds can occasionally be challenging. Listed below are some situations in which you can:

  • After someone makes an encouraging statement or speaks up at a meeting
  • In an annual performance evaluation
  • After a coworker assists another employee
  • When an employee is promoted or given new responsibility
  • When teams work successfully together to achieve a shared goal
  • After undertaking or executing a significant project
  • When staff members express feeling overworked, fatigued, or stressed

Tips for giving constructive feedback to your employees

Below are some important tips for delivering constructive and positive feedback to your employees:

1. Don’t wait too long before giving positive feedback.

2. Ensure your feedback is always genuine.

3. Give feedback based on productivity and efforts.

4. Give personalized feedback to improve relationships.

5. Be specific in your feedback and avoid beating around the bush.

6. Let them know how they have a hand in motivating others to become better.

7. Deliver meaningful feedback.

8. Take care of your tone and body language while delivering the feedback.

9. Do not overdo with praises.

Frameworks to give effective feedback

You'll observe improved employee productivity when you highlight your teammates' good efforts and achievements.

One of the top companies' most widely used frameworks for providing feedback at work is the Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) model. This model enables you to give direct and specific feedback, avoiding assumptions and prejudice.

The person on the receiving end of this feedback model won’t take it personally but constructively. This feedback model details the precise actions taken, the situation in which they occurred, and their effects on the concerned individual, team, or performance.

The McKinsey feedback model is yet another excellent option to consider. This is especially helpful when the feedback must be fact-based, unquestionable, and less subjective.

This feedback model details the actions, how they made the other party feel, and what should be done differently to avoid that conflict (if any).

Let’s discuss a little more about these two models for better understanding.

1. SBI model for giving effective feedback

The SBI feedback model proposes that feedback messages are divided into three sections:

  • Situation
  • Behavior
  • Impact

This feedback model effectively delivers both positive and negative feedback, but you must employ it to provide one feedback at a time.


When providing feedback, specify the when and where of the event you are speaking about. This contextualizes the feedback and provides the other person with a specific situation to use as a point of reference.

This acts as a reminder of the event and aids in helping the receiver of the feedback to visualize it. While being as explicit as you can when delivering the feedback, stick to the facts and avoid using hearsay or phrases with emotional overtones.


The next step is to specify the particular behaviors you want to discuss. The hardest part of this feedback model is when you have to report the behaviors you have directly observed without making any judgments about them.

For instance, if you see that a teammate made some errors, you should just point out that they did so and, preferably, list the errors they made.

Relying on hearsay or rumors can weaken your feedback and damage your relationship with your colleague because they may contain other people's opinions.


The SBI feedback model's final step is to describe how the previously stated behavior has an impact concisely. If you're delivering positive feedback, describe how your employee's actions or behavior had a positive effect.

If you're giving constructive or negative feedback, state the negative impact they created with their actions and how it impacted both you and other concerned parties.

Here is an instance of positive feedback in the SBI model:

"On Monday, when you pitched the revised proposal to the client (S), you did an impressive job of addressing all of their queries with confidence and clarity (B). They are much more assured now about raising their annual spending with us (I). Well done!"

When you frame feedback in this method, your employees will understand exactly what you are focusing on and why. Additionally, detailing how their behaviors affect others allows them to evaluate their conduct and determine what they should do in the future: the same or something better.

2. McKinsey model for giving effective feedback

One of the best perks of using the McKinsey model is that it diffuses conflicts by emphasizing majorly on facts. This makes it less likely for the person you're speaking to (the receiver of the feedback) to take your opinions or remarks personally.

This popular feedback model is also sometimes called the "X, Y, Z Feedback model." The following format is widely used for delivering this feedback:

  • When and what you did [X]
  • How it made me feel [Y]
  • Going forward, I would advise you to do this instead [Z]

Here is an instance of feedback in the McKinsey model:

"Last Friday, when you didn't arrive at our weekly team meeting on time, it left everyone agitated and some exasperated since the meeting couldn't be started on time (X).

This led everyone to rush to cover our agenda and, ultimately, missing to discuss several important things (Y).

Please give me a call and let me know beforehand if you're running late again in the future or won't be able to attend the meeting at all (Z)."

The point of delivering feedback using the McKinsey model is that the feedback receiver can improve and do better next time.

However, if someone receives too vague feedback, they won't be able to comprehend the central point of the issue, resulting in no change or future improvement.

Feedback should be delivered to the receiver will accept and implement your suggestions. And once they do, it will rectify the issue highlighted in [X] and stop [Y] from repeating.

Consider using these new feedback systems. Most likely, your team is excellent already. But you want to improve your team's performance while also bringing joy to the daily grind.

However, by employing such frameworks for routine feedback, you can assist your team reaches its full potential through personalized support.

Time to build a positive feedback culture in your organization!

Apart from employing the above-mentioned feedback models, another way to build a positive feedback culture in your organization is to leverage the benefits of Empuls. It is an all-in-one employee engagement platform.

Empuls enables you to build trust and improve your connection with your staff, resulting in increased employee engagement. It also aids you in improving your organization’s work culture and employee performance by gathering relevant insights via feedback and surveys.

With Empuls, you can also foster a reward and recognition culture and make the entire process fun. So what are you waiting for? Get started with revolutionizing your organization with Empuls’ free trial today!

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