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Breaking up is hard, always. This sentiment isn’t limited to romantic relationships. It holds even in workplaces when your colleague is leaving a job. When they decide to go to the organization, it would be an emotional moment to bid adieu to the co-worker.

Writing farewell emails to colleagues you have worked closely with will inspire some sweaty palms. You would possibly be writing the farewell email with a lump of sadness that mysteriously appears in your throat.

While you will have many “I’ll miss you” conversations in person (which honestly is the best way to do it!), you would want to have a formal exchange with a friendly goodbye letter.

Sharing your good wishes with the soon-to-be-former co-worker politely and professionally is a good idea to stay in touch. Along with being a standard polite office behavior, it ensures that you end things on a positive note.

In theory, these notes seem easy to write. But in reality, these bittersweet farewell emails can be deceptively tricky. The right of words in between those emotions could be a challenge.

You want your message to be meaningful yet composed and professional. A farewell letter shows that you value them and their contribution. The best farewell messages to employees show that the organization held them in high respect.

Here are some of the best farewell emails to colleagues to make your job easier. They are messages your parting employees and colleagues will cherish forever. These 5 heart-warming templates for farewell emails to colleagues and coworkers will surely help you.

Farewell email templates for colleagues and coworkers in the office

These 5 sample farewell email templates will surely make your colleague remember you forever.

1. Sample farewell email for a colleague, you are close to

Although you get along with many co-workers, this set of people are slightly different. They are your close friends and confidantes at the workplace. You have counted on them for a quick lunch, and they have listened to your venting about tight deadlines

Hey (name),

I got to know you are leaving the job here at (company).

While I’m excited about your new journey, a big part of me is sad to be saying goodbye to an incredible co-worker like you. I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from you and enjoyed the opportunity to work with you. I deeply value the friendship you have shown us over the past (years you have worked together).

I’ll always remember how you made me look forward to coming to the office. (Insert an insider joke).

While this might be the end of your time with (company), I promise this is not the end of our friendship. You have my cell phone number. Don’t ever hesitate to grab your phone and reach out when you want to grab (coffee/snacks/drinks), and rest assured; I’ll do the same!

It’s been great working together. We’ll keep in touch (name)!

Good luck with your future endeavors,
(Your name)

2. Sample farewell email for colleagues you are not super close with

What about co-workers who you don’t know very well? Nonetheless, it is still a polite gesture to say one final professional goodbye email like the one below.

Hello (name),

I heard that you are leaving (company). I wanted to take a moment and let you know how much I have enjoyed working with you. We cannot believe you are leaving us.

Wishing you all the success with this new and exciting opportunity. You will surely rock in the new position.

While you would not be in the office anymore, please keep in touch. This is my personal email address. Don’t hesitate to get in touch whenever.

Farewell and all the best in your new job (name)!
(Your name)

3. Sample farewell email for your manager

Even though you shared a close relationship with your manager or you two were distant, send them a goodbye email or message of appreciation. Leave a positive impression because you never know when your paths will intersect again.

Hello (name),

Your constant support as my manager made work easy. I’ve learned so much from your experience, mentorship, guidance, and advice. You have been a valuable part of my career. Your support, both during good and challenging times, were inseparable.

We’ll remember your kindness, patience, and good memories. Although our time of working together is ending, I’ll always look back to the experience of working with you with fondness.

Thank you for your leadership and encouragement. Don’t ever hesitate to reach out to me at (personal email).

Here’s to wishing you more progress.

Biding adieu with a heavy heart,
(Your name)

4. Sample farewell email for your direct reportees

When one of your direct reports is leaving the organization, make sure that the farewell conversation also happens in person. To wrap things up, consider sending the following farewell message.

Hello (name),

I know we already talked in person. But I wanted to thank you for your great contribution to the organization. Your dedication will be an example for others. It was a pleasure to lead you here at (company) and watch you grow in the career.

We are grateful for helping us achieve milestones and making the organization better. Your contribution to the company’s growth has inspired people to make a difference.

This organization values how great an employee you were.

If you need any advice, recommendation, or even to meet for a coffee, feel free to get in touch.

Wishing you more success as you move forward.

All the best,
(Your name)

5. Sample farewell email for a senior, you worked with

When any of the C-level management you have worked with leaves the company, touch base with them before leaving. This is how you can get the best impression while keeping the farewell message formal.

Hello (name),

As you set off for the next chapter of your career, I wanted to express my gratitude for how great it has been to work with you. I’ve learned so much while collaborating with you on the (task/project name).

The way you manage (skill or think) has taught me how to deal with a situation. I have to thank a leader like you for making me a part of such an important career experience.

I’ll send it with “see you later” instead of “goodbye.”

May the coming days bring you more success, best,
(Your name)

Remember, when you are writing one last farewell message to your coworkers or colleagues in your organization, add personal details (personal email and/or phone number) before hitting the “send” button.

Best farewell quotes for colleagues and employees

Perhaps, you may not know the person leaving the organization too well, and you would prefer using an inspirational quote instead of a personal message.

Or you may want to add an impactful quote with an earnest message. Here are some quotes to help you, either way.

  • Whatever task we do, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, it becomes the stepping stone for us to do better things with sincerity if we do it well.
  • Deadlines don’t accompany dreams. Focus on doing your job better, have fun with it, and you will achieve success.
  • Life is about learning to dance even in a storm instead of waiting for it to pass.
  • The best firms believe in improvement and continuous change. Excellence is akin to persistence.
  • Great leaders don’t start to be leaders. They work towards making a difference. It is about the goal, not the role, that makes them phenomenal.
  • Any job done well, performed by a dedicated person, is a source of inspiration.
  • Leadership is the impact you create to make others better because of our presence. This impact lasts longer, even in your absence.
  • You win by commitment, hard work, perseverance, and teamwork.

What to include in the farewell emails to colleagues or employees?

1. Personalize your message

Address the person by name and include an anecdote or a message about the time you worked together. Express your gratitude for the help or mentorship provided to make the message meaningful. Don’t forget to mention how much you have enjoyed working with them.

2. Include your personal content information

Include your personal email address and/or your cell phone number. You could also include your LinkedIn profile.

3. Keep the message positive

Again, ensure that the farewell message to colleagues in the office is written in a positive tone.

4. Keep it short

Write a precise farewell message, no more than a few paragraphs. Beyond personal contact information and a thank you, keep it to the point.

5. Send it before they leave

Remember, the receiver will not be able to access emails from the official id after leaving. To ensure that your message reaches them on time, send it a day or two before they leave. Most possibly, they would be saying goodbye in person during the final day or hours.

Wrapping Up

Farewell emails or messages often create a lasting impact as they show the receiver how much their organization valued them. Be it to your team members or employees, write a personalized message sharing how their contribution made a difference and that they would be remembered.

Lastly, it positively impacts the company culture, so don’t miss out on thanking the employees who are leaving with a farewell message. Pick from the 5 templates shared above.

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