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Meetings can be daunting, particularly when participants don't know each other. Fortunately,  icebreakers for meetings can be an effective way to start on a positive note, ensuring participants feel comfortable. They can help break down barriers and encourage participation. 

Additionally, icebreaker activities contribute to having a flexible working environment where conversations turn into fun yet interactive sessions, helping participants improve their productivity. 

In this blog, we’ll glance through the top 28 best icebreaker questions for meetings. To have good clarity, let’s delve into the importance and challenges of implementing icebreakers in the next two sections. 

As you binge-read, you’ll find fun icebreakers for meetings that would tickle your funny bones. If you like to be formal, we have icebreaker questions for both virtual and team meetings.  

Top 28 best icebreaker questions for meetings 

1. What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

2 What is your favorite hobby outside of work?

3. What is your favorite movie or TV show?

4. What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited?

5. What’s one thing you can’t live without?

6. What is your favorite way to unwind after a busy day?

7. What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

8. If you could learn any skill, what would it be?

9. What’s your favorite season and why?

10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

11. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

12. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

13. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

14. What is your favorite type of music?

15. What is the most challenging project you’ve worked on?

16. What is your dream job?

17. What is your favorite quote or saying?

18. What have you always wanted to try?

19. What is your proudest accomplishment?

20. If you could travel back in time, what period would you go to?

21. What’s your favorite thing about your job?

22. What is something most people don’t know about you?

23. What is your favorite sport or physical activity?

24. What’s your favorite way to give back to the community?

25. What is the best concert or live performance you’ve ever been to?

26. What’s your favorite family tradition?

27. Who has been the most influential person in your life?

28. What is something you’re looking forward to in the next month?

Importance of icebreakers for meetings

Icebreakers are essential to any types of meeting or group activity. They serve as a means of introduction, allowing participants to become familiar with each other in a non-threatening, fun way. 

Here are some reasons why icebreakers are important:

1. Facilitates introduction 

2. Encourages participants 

3. Break down barriers

4. Energizing the group 

5. Fosters team building

6. Eases anxiety 

7. Sparks creativity 

8. Offers insight into individuals’ strengths and weaknesses 

1. Facilitates introduction 

In a meeting involving participants unfamiliar with each other, introductions can be awkward. Icebreakers serve as a structured yet informal way for individuals to introduce themselves and share something about their personality or background. This helps establish a basic understanding among the group members and sets a friendly tone for the meeting.

2. Encourages participation

Icebreakers are designed to involve everyone in the group. Encouraging everyone to participate in an icebreaker activity makes individuals more likely to speak up during the meeting. This is particularly beneficial in a meeting where active participation from all members is crucial for success.

3. Break down barriers

Every group or team has some social barriers, whether due to hierarchy, unfamiliarity, or differences in personality. Icebreakers can help to break down these barriers by encouraging open communication and interaction among all participants. This can lead to improved collaboration and understanding throughout the meeting.

4. Energizing the group 

Icebreakers can contribute to a more effective learning environment. By creating a relaxed and open atmosphere, icebreakers can help to stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving skills. This can be particularly beneficial in meetings that involve brainstorming or strategic planning.

5. Fosters team building 

Icebreakers can help foster team building. By working together on a fun and low-stakes activity, team members can build relationships and develop a sense of camaraderie. This can lead to improved teamwork and collaboration during the meeting and beyond.

6. Eases anxiety 

Speaking up in a meeting can be nerve-wracking for some, especially if they are new to the team or shy. Icebreakers can help ease this anxiety by providing a relaxed environment for individuals to express themselves.

7. Sparks creativity

Many icebreakers involve creative thinking, which can help to spark creativity among the participants. This can be particularly beneficial in meetings that require innovative ideas or solutions.

8. Offers insight into individuals' strengths and weaknesses

Icebreakers often reveal more about an individual’s communication style, problem-solving skills, and ability to work in a team. This insight can be valuable in understanding how to work together in a meeting effectively.

Challenges of implementing icebreakers in meetings

Let’s discuss some challenges that can arise when implementing icebreakers in meetings:

1. Time constraints 

2. Inappropriate icebreakers

3. Lack of participation 

4. Cultural differences 

5. Virtual meetings

6. Overuse of icebreakers 

1. Time constraints

Meetings often have much to cover in a limited amount of time. Allocating time for an icebreaker can sometimes be seen as taking away from the main agenda. Managing time effectively ensures the icebreaker doesn’t overrun the meeting.

2. Inappropriate icebreakers 

Choosing the wrong type of icebreaker can lead to discomfort among participants. It’s crucial to select an icebreaker appropriate for the group’s size, the individuals’ backgrounds, and the nature of the meeting.

3. Lack of participation

Not everyone feels comfortable participating in icebreakers, especially those who are more outgoing or require sharing personal information. This can lead to awkwardness and may not achieve the desired outcome of bringing the group closer together.

4. Cultural differences

Cultural differences can pose a challenge in a diverse group. What might be a fun icebreaker in one culture could potentially be offensive or uncomfortable in another. It’s important to be aware of cultural sensitivities when planning icebreakers.

5. Virtual meetings

In today’s digital age, many meetings occur virtually. Implementing icebreakers in a virtual setting can be challenging due to technical issues, lack of physical presence, and other factors.

6. Overuse of icebreakers 

While icebreakers can be beneficial, overusing them can lead to them losing their effectiveness. If every meeting starts with an icebreaker, participants may find it repetitive and boring.

Fun icebreakers for meetings

Introducing a fun icebreaker at the beginning of a meeting can help break the ice and create a positive and engaging environment. 

Here are a few examples of fun icebreakers for meetings

1. Two truths and a lie

2. The human knot 

3. Picture sharing 

  • Two truths and a lie

Each person shares two true statements and one false statement about themselves, and the rest of the team tries to guess the lie. This game is a fun way to learn interesting facts about each other.

  • The human knot

This physical activity involves team members standing in a circle, reaching across to hold hands with two people, and then trying to untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands. It’s a great exercise in teamwork and problem-solving.

  • Picture sharing

Ask team members to share a picture of something important or meaningful to them (like a pet, a favorite book, or a vacation photo) and explain why they chose it. This can lead to interesting discussions and help team members connect personally.

Icebreaker questions for team meetings

Icebreaker questions can be a great way to start a team meeting. They can help team members get to know each other better and create a relaxed atmosphere. 

Here are a few examples

  • “If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?” 

This question can reveal a lot about a person’s interests and values.

  • “What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited?” 

This can lead to fascinating stories and discussions about travel.

  • “What’s one thing about you that would surprise most people?” 

This question encourages team members to share something unique about themselves.

Remember, the goal is to ask open-ended questions that are light-hearted, and enjoyable questions.

Icebreaker for virtual meetings 

A good icebreaker for online meetings helps to promote healthy conversations. Let’s look at some examples of icebreakers during virtual meetings. 

1. Virtual background challenge

2. Online quiz or trivia 

3. Show and tell 

4. Virtual scavenger hunt

5. One-word activity 

6. Virtual coffee break 

7. Virtual tours 

8. Personal achievements 

9. Guess who 

10. Bucket list sharing 

1. Virtual background challenge

The Virtual Background Challenge is a fun and engaging way to kick off a virtual meeting. Participants are asked to change their virtual background to something representing a personal interest, hobby, or favorite place. 

Each person then takes a turn explaining their background and why they chose it. This adds a visual element to the icebreaker and allows team members to share a bit about their personal lives, fostering a sense of connection and camaraderie.

2. Online quiz or trivia 

Online quizzes or trivia games can be a great way to engage the team. You can use online platforms to create a custom quiz related to your industry, the meeting’s topic, or just general knowledge.

This can help to stimulate the team’s thinking and create a competitive yet friendly atmosphere. It also allows for active participation from all members, regardless of their location.

3. Show and tell 

Show and tell is a classic activity that can easily be adapted for virtual meetings. Each participant is asked to share a personal item and explain its significance. 

This could be a favorite book, a family heirloom, or a pet! This activity provides insight into each team member’s life. It helps foster a sense of empathy and understanding within the team.

4. Virtual scavenger hunt 

A virtual scavenger hunt can add a bit of excitement and fun to your virtual meeting. Create a list of items participants must find in their home or workspace. The first one to show each item on their camera wins. 

This activity breaks the ice and adds a bit of physical movement to the meeting, which can be a welcome break from sitting.

5. One-word activity

The one word activity is a quick and easy icebreaker for virtual meetings. Ask each participant to share one word describing their feelings, goals for the meeting, or current work project. 

This can help to gauge the group’s mood and create open communication from the start.

6. Virtual coffee break 

A virtual coffee break is an informal gathering that occurs online at the beginning or end of a meeting. It’s a dedicated time for team members to chat about non-work-related topics, similar to how they would during a coffee break in an office setting. 

This can help foster personal connections and build rapport among team members, leading to improved collaboration and communication during the meeting.

7. Virtual tours 

Virtual tours can be a fun and engaging way to start a virtual meeting. In this activity, each participant is asked to give a quick tour of their workspace or a part of their home. 

This can provide a unique insight into each team member’s working environment and personal style, helping to foster a sense of connection and understanding within the team.

8. Personal achievements 

Sharing Personal Achievements is a great way to celebrate successes and foster a positive team culture. In this activity, each participant is asked to share a recent personal achievement, whether work-related or personal. 

This can help to create a positive atmosphere, boost morale, and foster a sense of community within the team.

9. Guess who 

It is a fun game that can serve as an icebreaker for virtual meetings. Before the meeting, collect interesting facts about each participant. 

During the meeting, read out these facts individually and have the team guess who each fact belongs to. This can be a fun and engaging way to learn more about each other and foster a sense of camaraderie within the team.

10. Bucket list sharing 

It is an activity where each participant shares something that’s on their bucket list. This could be a place they want to visit, a skill they want to learn, or an experience they want to have. 

This can lead to interesting discussions, help team members find common interests or experiences, and foster a sense of connection.


Icebreakers are a powerful tool that can transform meetings from mundane to engaging. They help to create a positive group atmosphere, break down social barriers, stimulate open communication, and encourage active participation. By asking the right questions, we can reveal common interests, stimulate discussion, and create a conducive environment for collaboration and creativity. 

So, the next time you’re leading a meeting, consider starting with an icebreaker. You might be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your team’s dynamics and productivity.

Remember, the key to a successful icebreaker is to keep it fun, inclusive, and non-intimidating.

Happy meeting!

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