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A dreadful yet horrifying incident shook the world with the bombing of Nagasaki on 9th August 1945, named Nagasaki Day/Hiroshima Day, killing nearly 74,000 to 80,000 people.

This saddened day is recalled every year to promote peace and strengthen humanity. Moreover, this day highlights the use of nuclear energy.

In this blog, we focus on lessons employees can learn from the Nagasaki Day/Hiroshima Day War.

Nagasaki Day - History

Being one of the largest cities in Japan, Nagasaki is a crucial seaport between Portugal and Japan. Let’s list down a few important events that took place on Nagasaki Day.

1. “Little Boy”, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the United States on 6th August 1945.

2. After the US planted an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on 9th August 1945 called “Fat Man”.

3. Following the aftermath, Japan surrendered on 14th August.

Nagasaki Day - 3 important lessons from Japan and US war

Here are 3 important lessons from Japan and US war:

1. Unwillingness to surrender

Japan’s perseverance of not willing to surrender can be connected with employees’ unwillingness to give up on their respective careers or responsibilities.

There was consistent pressure from the US in influencing Japan to surrender. On the other hand, Japan wasn’t willing to surrender.

Similarly, in corporate, you’ll find pressure from higher authorities to perform. Majority of the time, employees stumble under pressure and give up.

Here, employees can take inspiration from the Nagasaki Day War and have a focused-driven mindset to never give up.

2. Lack of quality relationships

The Nagasaki Day War between Japan and the US could have been avoided; the reason being the lack of quality relationships.

This war clearly shows that Japan and the US weren’t on the same page which led to the gruesome killing.

Similarly, in the workplace; if we do not build quality professional relationships with our colleagues, managers, and higher authorities; differences and conflicts are bound to happen.

3. Reconstruction post the aftermath

Aftermath scenes during Nagasaki Day looked as scary as the atomic bombs. Restoration was on the cards; bringing back the lost charm among its citizens.

Connecting the same scenario, you have the layoffs - a recent process happening across the world. During this time, jobs were scarce and people were confused as to what’s the future.

Now, things have slowly regained their composure; people are back to finding and joining their dream companies.

The lesson to learn here is that bad times do not stay for a long time. All you have to do is to believe in your skills and leave the rest to the Almighty.


The Nagasaki Day war isn’t just a feather that should be forgotten; it portrays unity standing tall during unforeseen circumstances.

The citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have good willpower to withstand this teary day every year on the 6th of August. Their challenges and struggles are unmatched and can’t be expressed in words.

We like to express our condolences to the ones who have lost their lives in this dreadful Nagasaki Day war; may their families and loved ones be strong.

A message that needs to be conveyed is that things happen according to the right time; arguments aren’t required to win over a person. This holds good for our personal and professional lives.

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