10 Sample Resignation Letter for New Job

Resigning for a job is an embarrassing situation for the employee who wants to put up his papers, but it is something that we have all been through. There is so much anxiety regarding how one must go about it.

The hardship and conflict are twofold if this is a job that you just started. Several reasons can prompt you to quit the new job that you have just joined. Know that this is ok, and sometimes quitting, as hard as it may seem, may be necessary.

In this blog, we present 10 email templates for resignation letters from a job you just joined that you can use based on the scenario you might be facing. Ensure to tweak the template based on your requirement before sending them out.

Templates that you can use to write a resignation letter for a job you just started

If you have just recently started at a new job but have been faced with unforeseen circumstances that force you to quit within a short period, then this blog is for you! We have 10 scenarios you can use for your resignation letter email, which you can edit and change based on your preferences.

1. General resignation letter for a new job

This is a standard email template for resignation in a scenario where you need to quit in a short period of time.

Dear Mr Neil H,

I write this email with a heavy heart as I would like to resign from my post as Senior Sales Executive and from this organization as I feel like this is a job not suited to my interest.

I apologize for the inconvenience but I feel it would be unjust to waste the company’s time and resources in training and accommodating when I feel the position is not apt for me.

I thank you deeply for the opportunity and hope that my position is duly filled by the right candidate for the job. I am willing to stay for the notice period if any, so please let me know of any requirements from my end.

Kind Regards,
Samantha M

2. Resignation letter for new job due to unforeseen circumstances

Any unforeseen circumstance may challenge your new job and schedule and make it difficult for you to continue at your new company. Without revealing or discussing these details, you can choose to have the following email template for resigning from a new job.

Dear Mr Mark D,

I thank you kindly for the opportunity that you have provided but unfortunately, I have found myself in a position to no longer continue with this job. It is with difficulty that I have to inform you of my resignation from this firm's post of junior editor.

Situational circumstances at my end have made it very hard from my end to pursue this job and even with such a short duration, I feel saddened to inform you of my resignation.

Please do let me know of any resignation formalities that I am to meet.

Hannah S

3. Resignation due to mismatched expectations

Sometimes the job you take does not seem to cope up to all the expectations that you had with it. Unmatched expectations can cause frustration and stress which is counterproductive for everyone.

Here is a template to go about a resignation in such a circumstance:

Dear Ms Andy Smith,

Please accept this email as my formal resignation from the position of Customer Associate. I am extremely sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused but I also feel that this role does not meet my expectations and vice versa.

So that we may not waste each other's time, I feel it would be best for me to resign before I begin my official training and placement. I appreciate your understanding of this.

Please let me know of the formalities for the same.

Thank you in advance,
Amanda R

4. Resignation due to personal reasons

Family and other personal reasons can sometimes make it hard to continue a job, even if it was one that you have taken on recently. In such a situation, you can use the following email template to announce your resignation.

Dear Jamie S,

It is with sadness that I have to inform you of my resignation from the post of Data Analytics of this firm. I have come across some very difficult change in circumstances that has made it very hard for me to continue with this job.

I wish to not burden the organization by continuing in a job that I would not be able to add value to due to my own personal reasons. I am more than willing to comply by all resignation formalities, if you could please let me know of the same.

Thank you for understanding.

Megan J

5. Resignation due to better opportunity

In a rare instance, you may get a better opportunity as soon as you start with a new job - this may have been a job that you had applied for at the same time, but may have not heard from until you started with the new one. Nevertheless, you can use this email template to apply for resignation in this scenario:

Dear Renee Z,

I am writing this email to inform you of my decision to resign from the role of Project Lead from this organization. I regret any inconvenience I may have caused but offer all my assistance during the transition and to comply with any resignation formalities.

I have been offered a different role with an organization which better aligns with my passion and career path. It would be unfair to myself and to this company knowing that our interests do not align and therefore I would prefer pursuing the former.

I thank you for all the support you and the team has offered me so far.

Antony M

6. Resignation due to hostile work environment

Hostility at work is not uncommon and staying in a workplace that does not fully provide you with a peaceful and positive environment to work is a deal breaker. Here is a template that you can use to resign from an organization that you just joined in these situations:

Dear Brenda N,

Please accept this as my formal resignation from the post of DevOps Manager. I would be glad if you could relieve me as soon as possible and to help me with the formalities for the same.

The work environment in the company is not to my fullest content and I feel that the team is not fully cooperative. My productivity may not be the best which affects myself and the wellbeing of this firm. And hence my decision.

I thank you for the opportunity that was provided to me and wish you all the best.

Kind Regards,
Cathy Jones

7. Resignation due to health reasons

Health can sometimes pose a major challenge and cause you to take a break from work, whether it is a job you just started. Here is a template that you can use to resign from a firm under such a scenario:

Dear Abraham S,

I write to you with sorrow and announce my resignation from the post of Tax Analyst at this firm due to health related issues which has caused me to take an indefinite break.

I am unable to give my job the best attention or devotion that I otherwise could have. Since it is to do with my health, I have to prioritize the same and therefore, would like to quit.

Please let me know of any resigning formalities that are needed from my end and I offer my assistance during the transition period as well. I thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Warm Regards,
Daryl K

You can check some more sample resignation letters due to health issues from our blog.

8. Resignation due to career change

If you happen to start a job but realize you have an exciting opportunity to start a new career, this email template is for you. If you are on the verge of switching up your career path but have recently joined a company, you can use the below email template to resign:

Dear Matt Keeley,

I am writing this to formally resign from my recently appointed position of Sales Head in this organization. I have recently had a chance to conduct some introspection and feel that my goals no longer align to the needs of this career path. I wish to experiment with other career choices and therefore feel like I would not be able to do justice to this role.

I would be happy to oblige to any resignation formalities you may have. I thank you and the team for the opportunity and support that you have provided me.

Kind Regards,
Natalie B

9. Resignation due to family commitments

Sometimes, family commitment can come in the way of a newly appointed job as the sudden move to a new job can cause disruption to the family goals. If you are in a similar situation, then you may be able to use this email template in the future:

Dear Ross G,

I am writing this email to formally resign from my post as CSR Team member. My family commitments at this point do not allow for me to continue at this job. Given that I have only started here recently, it would be unjust to prioritize my new job over my family’s goals.

Please let me know of any formalities with regards to the resignation that I may have to complete. I thank you for the opportunity and the support you have provided to me.


10. Resignation due to job misfit (Job is not a good fit and want to explore other opportunities)

If you feel that the job is not a fit for your profile and that it does not seem to be something where you can truly learn and grow, then quitting the job before wasting time might be a good idea. Here is a template that you can use:

Hi Christy H,

I write this email with a heavy heart to inform you of my resignation from the role of Senior Advisor. I have perhaps taken upon this job without fully understanding the complete requirement and how this may add value to my profile. I feel that this role may be a misfit for me and I must explore other options.

I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused and hope to fulfill any resignation formalities that may be required from me.

Thank you for understanding.

Mathew M.


These are some of the best email templates that you can use to resign from the job that you may have recently started.

Although it is a challenging and slightly embarrassing thing to do, it may be a necessity either for yourself or for the situation you might be in. Make sure you tweak these templates to suit your specific scenario so as to stay relevant.