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A resignation letter may seem like a lot of work in a world widely accepting informal forms of communication. Even for an employee, drafting a letter of resignation after thinking through everything he/she wants to pen down–is a task.

But every employee is asked to write a resignation letter at some point in time. Well, you don’t need to feel burdened after listening to this. We’ve got you covered—sample resignation letters for every personality and standard occasion.

But before we spill the simple ways to write a resignation letter, let’s understand its importance.

What Is a Resignation Letter and Why Should You Use It?

A resignation letter is an official intimation document that employees and employers use when an employee exits the company. The exiting employee notifies the employer of their intention to leave and records the date of resignation.

A letter of resignation is a formal communication recorded by the HR team. The letter serves the purpose of notification and at the same time leaves conflicts and confusion out of the window.

How Do You Write a Perfect Resignation Letter?

Let us reiterate ourselves, there’s no single way of drafting a letter of resignation. Having said that, every formal communication demands a certain level of information.

We’ll share the standard protocol for you to pick and choose what best suits your situation and employer.

1. Basics of a resignation letter

Start the resignation letter by capturing the basic information that the employer needs.

  • Employee name
  • Current position (especially in a large organization)
  • Enquire or state the date of resignation(last day at work)
  • A clear subject line including your name and the keyword “resignation”
  • Contact information
  • Employer’s or supervisor’s name
  • Expected duties during the notice period
Dear [Employer Name],

Please accept my letter of resignation from [the company] as [current role].

This decision to resign has risen from some unexpected personal reasons which needed my attention.

I will be offering my services until [last date].

I’d be happy to offer my assistance in any way possible and ensure a smooth handover process while wrapping up my pending duties here.

I appreciate the support and truly thank you for the opportunity to work with you and the teammates for [# of years] years.


[Your Name]
[Phone Number]
[Personal Email ID]

2. The reason for leaving

A letter that briefly explains the reason for leaving makes the letter candid. Some employers appreciate the gesture and keep a record of any employee-related issue that needs improvement.

3. Gratitude and thank you

Another candid resignation letter will ensure a mention of gratitude to the organization –more applicable for an employee serving the organization for a period of 5 or more years.

Leaving a thank you note is always recommended if you want to leave the company in good faith and are willing to return.

4. Transition and handover

Lastly, the letter must mention, concisely, employees' willingness to cooperate and deliver a smooth transition without having to go out of their way. A few lines, presenting your readiness, is good enough to show your sincerity until the last day of employment.

7 Samples of Professional Resignation Letters for Every Occasion

The core idea behind every sample is the same–professionalism and politeness can’t be compromised, yet there are a few ways of addressing your superior in different situations.

1. Time-bound notice resignation letter sample

When you wish to notify the employer that you’ll leave the company in 2-weeks, a letter of resignation needs to be worded to inform them about your time crunch. But don’t forget to add a smooth transition process during the available 14 days.

Dear [Employer Name],

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be resigning from [the Company], effective 2 weeks from today. Therefore, my last working day is [End Date].

I extend my gratitude for the [great experience/fulfilling experience] working with [the Company] and exploring new opportunities as [current role]. Now, it’s time to move on to my next journey and I have decided to [reason for leaving/ job change/sabbatical].

Rest assured, I’ll perform the expected duties in the last 2 weeks and ensure a smooth handover process to train others.

Please let me know the next steps and any assistance to make the transition easier.

[Your Name]

2. Retirement resignation letter sample

It’s only logical to leave a place the right way after spending years at the same company. Sending a courteous resignation letter is the least and the best you can do on your last day. The letter can be a simple combination of gratitude, notification, and help offered after retirement (be discreet).

Dear [Employer Name],

Since you already know, I would be officially retiring from the role of [current role] from [the company], effective [Retirement Date], I would sincerely like to thank you and the company for the memorable experience.

I have truly enjoyed coming to this place every single day and working for [the company]. I acknowledge the respect and support bestowed upon me during my [# of years] years with the company.

While I can’t deny I’m looking forward to enjoying spending time with my family, I’ll miss being part of our family here, the team, and the positivity.

I’d like to extend my help in any way within my capacity before my departure and afterward. And certainly, I’ll be happy to assist my successor with a smooth transition process.

Thanking you’ll again!

[Your Name]

3. Short & simple resignation letter template

Considering some employees want to leave a company on good terms but wish to share minimum information, writing a succinct resignation letter is advisable. Many dislike the idea of expressing themselves through email, and rather invest in an in-person conversation with their superior. Hence, there’s no harm in writing a subtle, short, and simple letter of resignation.

Dear [Employer Name],

I’d like to inform you that I am leaving [the company] as [current role] on [end date].

Please let me know if I can be of assistance during the transition phase.

Thank you for the opportunity.

[Your Name]

4. Personal reasons resignation letter sample

Sometimes, a job change is not the only reason you leave. At times, the reason can be a serious health condition, a career change, a family situation, or a much-needed break. You are not obliged to get into details, but telling the truth is best to keep good terms with your soon-to-be former employer.

Dear [Employer Name],

Please accept my letter of resignation from [the company] as [current role]. Even though working with the company has been a satisfying experience, due to unexpected personal reasons I have decided to resign from my current role.

I will be offering my services until [last date].

I’d be happy to offer my assistance in any way possible and ensure a smooth handover process while wrapping up my pending duties here.

I appreciate the support and truly thank you for allowing me to work with you and the teammates for [# of years] years. I have enjoyed working with the team and will miss our interactions.

I’d like to stay in touch and be of any help within my capacity even after my departure from the company. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information after I leave.

[Your Name]

You can check some more sample resignation letters due to health issues from our blog.

5. Formal resignation letter sample

These letters are generally lengthy and include detailed information–a goodbye note, show gratitude, and a few other facts that seem necessary.

Dear [Employer Name],

Please accept this letter as a formal notification that I am resigning from my position [Your role] with [The company] on [Date].

I’ve taken the decision of leaving the company after carefully considering a more challenging role offered by another firm. I’m excited to explore the new opportunity and create a fantastic career.

I’m incredibly grateful for the support and opportunities provided working in the company. It’s been a positive and satisfying experience to work for such an incredible company.

I’ll be happy to be of any assistance during this transition phase. Thank you for all your support.

I wish the team and you all the best and look forward to staying in touch.

[Your Name]

6. Contractor resignation letter sample

Even freelancers and contractors are needed to draft resignation letters. These letters serve more than one purpose. The letter is an official statement declaring their departure and informing the organization to make necessary arrangements for a replacement. Although, we are adding a sample resignation letter but these would differ for different cases.

Dear [Client Name],

I’d like to extend my gratitude for the opportunities in the last [# of days/months/years] with the [Company].

Thank you for the valuable freelance work that you have provided me. I appreciate and enjoyed working on the projects, however, I am resigning from work to pursue [reason for leaving/end of contractual terms].

I’m here for the next [notice period] if you have pending tasks and assignments that need my immediate attention.

Also, if you have any follow-up questions on the projects I have completed or need my services in the future, don't hesitate to contact me at [Phone Number] or [ Email address].

[Your Name]
[Job Title]

7. Executive resignation letter sample

If you are an employee with an executive-level position, your letter of resignation needs to be sharp, graceful, and unemotional. In some cases, executives are also expected to write a detailed letter focusing on valuable business objectives on departure; highlighting prospects and predicting growth areas. A formal and professional executive resignation letter would sound something in this order;

Dear [HR Head/ Senior Executive],

I am writing to formally inform you of my resignation from my position at [The Company] as the[Role].

After carefully considering the challenges offered by a like-minded company, I have decided to move forward and join them as the[ New role]. My last day of employment with [The Company] will be [Date].

My stint with [The Company] in the last [# of years] years has been an exciting expedition. I have nothing but splendid memories of associating myself with the growth story of [The company].

I am positive that the company and its aspirational employees won’t leave any stone unturned to reach our [Company’s business goal] target/goal.

My gratitude goes out to those who have shown trust in my services. I will always cherish the respect and support received from the organization.

I’ll always be happy to help and support the company’s growth story in any way possible. I hope to keep in touch and in good memories of you’ll.

Signing off with a heavy heart!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Job Title]

What Not to Include in a Resignation Letter?

Often, in the heat of the moment, employees fail to realize what intensity and level of information are right in a formal email. Moreover, employees need the former company for a lot of reasons–background verification, documentation, final pay settlement, etc.

Hence, a resignation letter should avoid the following:

1. Unrespectful language

Inevitably, all experiences in the company aren’t pleasant and cherishable. But that shouldn’t encourage you to use distasteful language in the letter. There are plenty of right ways to express your disappointment, but abusive words can change the relationship and hamper your exit formalities.

2. Regrets and remorse

It’s best to avoid expressing regrets and sorrow in resignation letters. Adding any such information sends a wrong impression to the employer and bitter relationships with higher-ups. Use the exit interview to share your despondency.

3. Sentimental goodbyes

Spending a year or more can add sentimental memories to your career. Yet, a resignation letter doesn’t need to sound sentimental. You can always roll out another goodbye email to express your emotions to your immediate team and supervisors.

4. Rifts with coworkers

A resignation letter is a wrong place to set scores with colleagues and supervisors. Inserting criticism in the letter can invite unwarranted conflicts and enemies when you wish to leave the company peacefully.

5. Alarming revelations

There’s no harm in being a whistleblower when unethical practices are bothering you. Sometimes it's an act of courage and wisdom to open your mouth in front of authorities. Yet, it's best to leave the letter of resignation out of this commotion–choose a different channel and method.

Ready to Write Your Resignation Letter?

Even though your stint with the company has been nothing less than a rollercoaster ride, it’s advisable to not leave the company on a sour note. Relationships with ex-employers can surface again in the future or you may cross paths with colleagues in another company.

Keep your resignation process and especially the letter simple and polite. Go through the process smoothly and step into your next journey.

Hence, we designed sample letters of resignation for every occasion to help you glide through the last few days–at least one less hassle to think about.


Here are answers to some frequently asked question for your help.

Q: How do I tell my boss I want to leave the company?

Employees in different industries may have different perspectives on this answer. But the standard practice is to break the news in person and send a written resignation letter to your immediate manager/supervisor, keeping the HR team in the loop.

Q: Who should I send my resignation letter to?

As a best practice, the immediate reporting manager and the HR team must receive the letter of resignation.

Q: How do I choose the write resignation letter sample for me?

Think about your present position within the company and evaluate carefully which of the above 7 situations resonates closely with your case.

Q: How do I write a simple and short resignation letter?

A simple and short letter includes basic information and a short statement promising a smooth handover. Refer to the 3rd sample resignation letter- Short & Simple Resignation Letter Template.

Q: How do I write a polite resignation letter?

All resignation letters must sound polite and professional. Use of courteous language, being humble, and expressing gratitude can add the right charm to the letter.

Q. What to expect after writing a resignation letter?

The immediate supervisor must respond with an acceptance letter, showing support and confirmation on all parts of the letter of resignation. If there’s a misunderstanding, clarification is also sought by email before sending an acceptance letter.

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