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Employee retention is a key concern for any organization. High turnover rates not only disrupt productivity but can also be costly. While many employers focus on attracting new talent, retaining existing employees can be just as important.

One way to do this is by conducting stay interviews, which are conversations between managers and employees aimed at identifying factors that contribute to job satisfaction and engagement.

Stay interviews can help managers understand what motivates their team members and identify potential issues before they become major problems.

By asking the right questions, managers can gain insight into what employees value most about their jobs, what they find challenging, and what they would like to see improved.

We have provided 20 stay interview questions that managers can use to engage in meaningful conversations with their employees. These questions are designed to encourage honest feedback and open dialogue, with the ultimate goal of improving retention rates and creating a positive work environment.

21 Effective stay interview questions you must ask

We've listed 21 of them, along with a short explanation of why they're important to question.

1.What do you most look forward to when you come to work every day?

The answers can vary widely. For some, their favorite activity may be working with colleagues, while for others, the projects they are working on. Over time, as you collect more data, you may notice some trends here.

For example, if you notice that your company culture is most appealing to most employees, you can use that in your employer branding efforts.

2. What do you fear every day at work?

The same holds true for this issue, but in opposite. If you detect a pattern here, it's definitely time to act.

3. When was the last time you considered quitting your job?

A top performer who considered quitting the business yesterday may require more urgent attention than someone who considered leaving a year ago.

4. What situation made you think about leaving?

This question gives you specific information about an employee. Some people may be thinking of leaving because their job is no longer difficult. Others do it because they don't feel they deserve enough or because they don't feel appreciated.

Knowing what makes someone consider quitting can help you create a more satisfying work experience for them.

5. Would you suggest our company to future employees? why not?

This is a critical issue for your company's image. Employees are regarded as a reliable source by job seekers because they have direct knowledge of what it’s like to work for your business.

6. What would make you want to quit the company?

Although this question may seem similar to question number 4, there is a clear

difference between the two. The situation that makes someone think about leaving often comes from within the company; its culture, work, major disagreement on business direction, etc.

The departure often comes from outside the company; a job you can't refuse, a partner who gets a job in another country, an opportunity to start your own business, etc.

7. What is the best thing about your job?

People naturally like different aspects of their work. Here again, you will see certain responses over time. You can use this information to give employees more of what they like when possible to improve satisfaction and engagement and highlight the great aspects of the job to job seekers.

8. Which part of your job would you quit as soon as possible?

As you gather more information, you will notice new trends. This will help you minimize the non-essential parts of your current employees' jobs.

9. What skills are you not using in your current role?

This question provides you with an indication of where the employee's job might go next.

10. What would make your work more enjoyable?

There are always areas we can improve on. This query can help you figure out where to begin, particularly if you see a lot of similar responses.

11. Do you feel that you have clear goals?

That says something about managing people. If employees consistently answer yes to this, you can praise your superiors. If not, then it must be addressed because clear goals and objectives help employees see their part in achieving the company's goals.

12. What can I do more or less as a leader?

Managers have a significant impact on people's work experience. Therefore, information from this question can be very valuable to optimize the employee experience.

But to get an honest answer, employees must really trust their manager and managers must be humble enough to accept all the feedback they get.

13. What do you think about your potential?

If you want people to stay with you for a long time, it is important to offer them opportunities for professional and career development. Asking this question is important so you can provide them with what they need.

14. Do you feel appreciated and recognized in the company?

Simply stated, if your business can make people feel appreciated and recognise them, it will have a beneficial effect on employee engagement and productivity.

A dearth of appreciation, on the other hand, can cause individuals to relocate - all the more reason to include this topic on your list of housing interview questions.

15. How do you want your effort to be recognized?

Even if you have an excellent employee appreciation program, there are methods to improve it or make it more personal.

16. What do you believe we should be doing as a company that we aren't doing?

Repeated answers to this question are very useful if you want to make your company an even better place to work - both for your current and future employees.

17. What do you think we should definitely change or add to our offices?

As we slowly emerge from the pandemic, traditional beliefs about the role of the office in our work environment are changing dramatically. Ask your staff what they think about it.

18. Are you satisfied with our current task practice? If not, what do you think we should change?

Similarly, ask people what they think about your work at home in a post-pandemic world.

19. Do you have enough tools and resources to do your job right? If not, what is missing?

Whether people feel fully prepared to do their job directly affects their experience - and how well they do their job. Therefore, your answers to this question will be constructive to optimize the technology used by employees.

20. How satisfied are you with the tools you use to communicate with colleagues when you work remotely?

(video calls, chat systems, shared documents, etc.) Especially since remote work is part of the

"new normal", employees must be able to communicate seamlessly with each other (and with your customers).

21. Which software/tool ​​should be discontinued immediately?

We all have that system or tool that we absolutely do not want to use (often admin-related). If employees only use it once or twice a year, you can tell that nobody is perfect.

However, if it is a system that people have to use every day, it will definitely have a negative impact on the experience of those employees.


conducting stay interviews with employees can be an effective way to improve retention rates and boost employee satisfaction. By asking the right questions, managers can gain insight into what motivates their team members, identify areas for improvement within the organization, and address any potential issues before they become major problems.

The 20 stay interview questions provided in this article are just a starting point. It's important for managers to tailor their questions to the specific needs and concerns of their team.

By showing employees that their opinions are valued and their feedback is being acted upon, managers can create a positive work environment where employees feel engaged and supported.


Here are some frequently asked questions about stay interviews.

What are stay interviews?

Stay interviews are meetings between managers and employees that are designed to gather feedback on why employees stay with the company, what motivates them to continue working there, and what areas of improvement could help them stay longer.

Why are stay interviews important?

Stay interviews are important because they can help managers identify factors that contribute to employee retention and job satisfaction, as well as potential areas of improvement that can be addressed before an employee decides to leave.

When should stay interviews be conducted?

Stay interviews can be conducted at any time, but it is recommended that they be conducted on a regular basis, such as annually or semi-annually, to ensure that feedback is gathered regularly and consistently.

What are some example stay interview questions?

Some example stay interview questions include: What do you like about your job? What motivates you to continue working here? What would make you consider leaving the company? What areas of improvement do you think the company could focus on? What can I do as your manager to support you better?

How should managers approach stay interviews?

Managers should approach stay interviews with an open and non-judgmental attitude, and should be prepared to listen actively and respond empathetically to feedback. They should also be prepared to follow up on any issues or concerns raised during the interview.

What should be done with the feedback gathered from stay interviews?

Feedback gathered from stay interviews should be used to identify areas of improvement and to develop action plans to address any issues or concerns raised. It should also be used to recognize and reinforce positive aspects of the work environment and to identify opportunities to enhance employee engagement and job satisfaction.

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