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APA’s 2023 Work in America Survey has confirmed that almost 92% of workers said it is 57% important to work for an organization that maintains their emotional and psychological well-being, calling for a need to implement work-life balance in this rather quick-paced world. With demanding careers, family obligations, and social duties, looking for the time and energy to work on private and official priorities is challenging.
However, balancing life and work is essential for your well-being and satisfaction. It helps you gain peace and happiness in your life making it simple to wipe out the stress you may face with overwork.
The same study has also found that 55% of workers strongly agree that their employers think their workplace environment is much healthier than it is. However, 43% of the employees have reported worrying that if their mental health condition is told to, it would have a negative impact on their workplace.
With 77% of employees reporting experiencing workplace stress, it has become imperative for employees to take some time from work to get the me-time, which is highly recommended to eliminate stress and add contentment. From marking boundaries to adding some me-time, choosing flexibility, and adding meaning to work and life, these tips help you accomplish balance and enjoy a more satisfactory life.
What is work-life balance?
Work-life balance is the idea of balancing your private and professional life so that both can co-exist easily. It is about looking for a balance between work needs and personal life requirements.
The balance may be unique for everyone and may change with time depending on personal and official situations and life events. The objective of work-life balance is to eliminate stress, enhance well-being and improve satisfaction in your private and official lives.
57% of employees in a survey stated that poor work-life balance works as a deal-breaker when choosing a job.
What does a work-life balance appear to be?
While looking for an excellent work-life balance, you can rank your priorities, whether linked to your personal life or work. It is constantly negotiating how and where you wish to spend your time.
Some examples are:
- A work-at-home parent deals with their assignment while their baby is sleeping.
- A worker who marks boundaries doesn't respond to office calls and emails after 5 pm.
- A worker who develops a schedule to work on particular days and the other days they can look after their old parents.
Why is work-life balance essential?
Enhancing your work-life balance and possibly boosting your overall well-being, involving your body, mind, and emotional health. Studies reveal that working long hours can lead to severe health issues like diabetes, depression, heart problem, and impaired sleep. Furthermore, it could lead to burnout and other dire repercussions.
While managers and workers link long working hours with enhanced productivity, the result proves otherwise. According to the CEO of Amplio Recruiting, an effective work-life balance has several positive results, including low stress, zero issues of burnout, and better well-being.
Benefits of work-life balance - how can it positively affect your overall health and well-being
The advantages of a healthy work-life balance cannot be ignored. Here are some of them mentioned below:
1. Fall in employee health issues
According to UCL, employees working for three or more hours more than their pre-determined schedule have a 60% risk of experiencing heart-related issues.
Encouraging work-life balance is crucial for employee well-being and productivity. Overworking can lead to physical and mental health problems and increase the risk of chronic illnesses. It may create dissatisfaction and separate you from your personal life and things. It works as a major trigger for burnout.
Employers should support their employees by promoting healthy habits, encouraging them to take breaks, and prioritizing self-care. This will help employees manage stress and maintain a healthy balance, improving their well-being and work performance.
2. Improved employee mindfulness
Balancing work and life is essential for employee well-being and productivity. Workplace stress and anxiety can negatively impact an employee's focus and motivation, decreasing productivity.
On the other hand, a healthy balance between work and life can improve employee focus, motivation, and control over their work, resulting in better performance and productivity. It increases the engagement rate and also boosts retention.
Employers benefit from a more productive workforce when their employees are motivated and focused, helping the organization achieve its goals.
3. Enhanced employee engagement
Motivated employees are a crucial asset to any organization and drive its success. However, poor work-life balance can hinder employee engagement and lead to absenteeism, fatigue, and increased sick leaves. It can cause dissatisfaction and lead to frustration at work and in private life.
To improve the company culture and employee engagement, it's crucial to promote a healthy balance between work and life. By doing so, organizations can attract top talent and ensure their employees are fully engaged and motivated.
4. Fall in employee burnout rate
The workload is a common reason for employee burnout and job turnover. Overworking and pressure to meet deadlines can lead to physical and mental exhaustion. Employers can alleviate the stress on their employees by promoting stress management and work-life balance. This will decrease the burnout rate and prevent them from leaving their jobs.
Doing so can reduce workload, increase job satisfaction, and prevent burnout among their employees. An excellent way to achieve work-life balance is by identifying and dealing with stressors.
Identifying stressors - how to identify what areas of your life need the most attention
Stressors are situations that are experienced as a supposed threat to a person's well-being in life, majorly if the challenge of dealing with it surpasses a person's apparent available resources.
When someone experiences stressors, the stress response of the body is triggered, causing psychological changes to let a person strive or run.
What situations become stressors?
The stressors differ from person to person. While things like job, relationship issues, and bust schedules often stress people, they may not stress everyone.
Every person has a unique stressor because of their specialized set of resources and ways of perceiving elements. What one may treat like a threat, others may consider a challenge.
For instance, going daily to the office may be a stressor to an employee, but for a regular extrovert office may be stress-relieving.
Dealing with stressors in your life
Of course, you cannot remove all stresses from your life; it is essential to reduce stressors and learn to deal with them. An essential step is to start thinking of stress that can be managed, just like any problem you face.
Reason for stress
Asking the below questions can help you identify the reasons for your stress.
- What stresses you the most? Find out the major things which trigger your stress and take action accordingly.
- Is it your job factor? Is there anything related to the job that’s stressing you? What prevents you the most from being at work?
- Are you unable to meet your obligations at work and home? Do you find yourself overloaded with work? Do you feel you have too much on your plate to handle?
- How does your job measure? Are you satisfied at your work? Does your manager incentivize and compliments you for your efforts?
- Do you have a conflict in your relationship? Is your personal relationship working on a good note? Are you satisfied on a personal level?
- Are you able to dedicate less time to your family? Do you feel you should have devoted more time to your family?
Start identifying all your stressors and find ways to manage them individually. Find out the areas of life which need more attention. Do you need flexibility in your work? Do you need to pay attention to your body?
Troubleshoot all you can and develop a work-life balance to create resilience and do things as you prefer. Eventually, the stress will be minimized.
Re-structuring your day - how to prioritize tasks, make time for yourself, and create a work/life balance
There are of course strategies to cope with an unbalanced life. And one of them is planning.Yes, planning today makes things workable tomorrow. It offers a robust foundation to structure your daily life and activities.
It will help you re-structure and re-organize your day at work and home and strike a perfect balance to prevent burnout, dissatisfaction and frustration.
Here's how you should restructure your day to increase productivity, focus, and flow.
1. Prioritize your tasks
If you're struggling to balance work and life, it is essential to set your priorities. Without clear priorities, you may get overwhelmed with a long list of things to do. To prevent that, choose your top priorities and spend much of your time on those, denying everything else. Here are five priorities according to their importance:
- Maintaining your health and happiness
- Nurturing your family
- Coaching and learning
- Giving back to the community
- Working efficiently to do something productive
You spend the rest of your time answering emails and performing administrative responsibilities which didn't rank in your priorities.
2. Use time-blockers and task-schedulers
Planning out everything may seem tedious, but it offers structure and keeps you focused. It also offers you the additional me-time, which you never can get when working unplanned.
It will give you time to attend meetings, deal with projects, and even get some time for yourself. Research states that just planning to deal with an unfinished job causes a significant difference in your focusing ability.
3. Develop a work-life balance
Well, it is not all about what should be done; it is about how and when you decide to do it. It is about striking the right balance, so you don't overwhelm yourself. Of course, your unconscious mind may be nagging you about your undone jobs, but it is better to plan for them and decide how and when you want to do them.
To help you develop a work-life balance, here are some practical strategies mentioned for you. Take a look.
13 best ways to achieve work-life balance
1. Time priority
A crucial aspect of attaining work-life balance is effective time management. This entails identifying and eliminating time-wasters, streamlining your daily routine, and delegating tasks where feasible. By organizing your schedule and being efficient with your time, you can free up more time for the activities and people that matter most to you. Additionally, it's essential to set realistic expectations for yourself, both in the workplace and at home, and to avoid overextending yourself. You can find a harmonious balance between your professional and personal life by prioritizing and managing your time.
2. Set boundaries
To maintain a healthy work-life balance, it is crucial to establish clear boundaries between your professional and personal life. This includes limiting technology use, prioritizing personal time, and being mindful of work-related obligations. Setting boundaries helps you preserve time for yourself.
By taking these steps, you can ensure that your time and energy are invested in the things that matter most to you, resulting in increased satisfaction, well-being, and productivity.
3. Delegate responsibilities
Delegating tasks can also help to develop the skills and responsibilities of others, promoting growth and collaboration within your team. It is important to delegate tasks to those who are capable and willing to take them on and to be open to receiving delegation as well. By practicing effective delegation, you can achieve a more balanced workload and create a positive work environment.
4. Practice self-care
Self-care can involve small lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and managing stress through relaxation techniques. It is essential to listen to your body and respond to its needs, as this can have a positive impact on both your physical and mental health.
Self-care should be considered a priority in achieving a work-life balance. Taking care of yourself can prevent burnout, increase energy levels, and maintain a positive outlook, allowing you to be more productive and effective in your personal and professional life.
5. Set realistic objectives
Setting achievable goals is an excellent way to accomplish work-life balance. It is about being true to your abilities and setting realistic objectives for yourself.
By setting achievable goals, you feel less overwhelmed and develop a sense of control in your private and official life.
6. Involve the right tools
Using tools works exceptionally well for gaining work-life balance. Using a tool like Empuls can help you track your tasks, appointments, and goals. You can prioritize and allocate time efficiently. It helps you recognize areas that need overwork and the areas where you have excelled. It is an excellent way to maintain a healthy balance.
7. Take break
Taking breaks can boost creativity and improve cognitive function, leading to more effective problem-solving and decision-making. It is essential to set aside time for breaks throughout the day and not feel guilty about taking them, as they ultimately benefit your work and personal life.
Taking regular breaks such as short walks, stretching, or just stepping out from work for some time is a simple but effective way to improve work-life balance. You can recharge your batteries, improve focus, and increase overall well-being by stepping away from work. So make sure to take breaks throughout the day and prioritize time for rest and rejuvenation.
8. Get sufficient sleep
Getting proper sleep is essential to work-life balance. Get a full night's sleep and ensure you have a comfortable sleep environment.
Sufficient sleep eliminates conditions like lack of focus, burnout, and poor productivity. You can lead a fulfilling life with an efficient work-life balance by prioritizing sleep.
9. Exercise
A regular exercise is a valuable tool for achieving work-life balance. Taking care of your physical and mental health can reduce stress, improve focus, and increase overall well-being. It revitalizes your mind and body and prepares you for everything at work and home.
So make time for physical activity regularly and prioritize your health, as it will benefit both your personal and professional life. Find what works best for you and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine
10. Use technology properly
Using technology can be a blessing and curse for work-life balance. While technology makes it simpler to do tasks and remains organized, it can disconnect you from the real world. Hence, it is essential to limit your screen time and turn off work notifications during the private time to avoid distractions.
Additionally, finding healthy ways to use technology, such as using fitness or mindfulness apps, can help to improve your work-life balance and support your overall well-being
11. Give some time to your hobbies
Hobbies and things of your interest are essential factors to work-life balance. Be it reading, gardening, or playing your favorite musical instrument, take some time out for these activities to live a more balanced life.
12. Practice saying no
Learn to say no to achieve work-life balance. Be mindful of your commitments and also honest about achieving them realistically.
If you feel overwhelmed at any point, make sure you say no and keep your well-being your top priority.
13. Choose flexibility
Embracing flexibility helps you acquire a work-life balance. It means taking advantage of flexible work setting such as flexible working hours, working from home, etc.
Alas, the notion that success in one's career equates to a fulfilling life is a fallacy. Work demands can often encroach upon a personal time, leading to a precarious work-life balance. However, attaining a harmonious balance between work and personal life is achievable through careful prioritization and planning.
One practical approach is to strive for work-life integration rather than simply balancing the two. This approach considers work and personal life as complementary, rather than conflicting, aspects of one's overall well-being. By incorporating this perspective, you can establish a healthy equilibrium in your professional life.