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Company Info

Table 1
Features  Empuls Peakon
Founded in  2012  2015
Employee size  51-200  51-200
Geographical presence  USA, Europe, South-east Asia, Middle East, Australia  Europe, USA
Go-live time  0-7 days  7-30 days
Target Company size  Small, Mid and Enterprise  Mid and Enterprise

Communication Features

Table 2
Features Empuls Peakon
Communities & Groups  - Create groups based on teams, departments, interests, projects etc for effective communication, celebrations, task management and collaboration.
- Share and manage work, information, social interactions, likes, comments etc like any workplace social media application.
 Feature not available.
Feeds & Announcements  - Feeds visible at group level. Feeds have access controls rights to enable or disable various options.
- Send & share recognition with awards/value cards/greetings/hashtags.
- Profanity filters & report abuse features.
- Post,likes, comments, edit, share, delete options.
- Share announcements to specific person or teams or company.
- Rich file management with access controls.
- Attach documents/files, GIFs, images, video, audio, links, hashtags, e-cards, value-badges and more.
 Feature not available.
Chat/voice bot  - Chat one to one or in a group.
- Chatbot to answer any questions related to the product, any features or workflows.
- AI enabled bot for intelligent actions on the platform.
 - CS Chat bot support with article search.
- No chats for internal communication.
Notifications & to-do  - Receive notifications on email/mobile app/web browser for all actions like comments, celebrations, mentions, tags, surveys, feedbacks recognition, announcements, events & rewards.
- A filtered to-do action list to remind on pending actions.
 Receive survey notifications on email, iOS app.
Greetings, celebrations & value cards  - Greet instantly with configurable greeting e-card options.
- Celebrate life events like marriage, new joinee, retirement, baby shower, work anniversary and more.
- Custom celebrations, events, and festivals can be configured and automated DIY.
- Recognize values and behaviours exhibited.
 Feature not available.
Search  Easy global search for content, groups, users, messages, documents, files, audio/video, employees, mentions and tags etc.  Survey, comments search only.

Empowerment Features

Table 3
Features Empuls Peakon
Reward Funds Management  - Manage reward budgets and funds.
- Share funds with different teams.
- Manage funds with reports and access controls.
 Feature not available.
Engagement Pulse Surveys  - Pulse surveys to measure employee engagement.
- Fill rate, nudges and reminders.
- Actionable insights through tables and graphs.
- Benchmarking with respective industry data.
- Build with top behavioural scientists and experts.
- Configure frequency, cadence, audience, and intervals.
- Actionables for key insights from the surveys through rewards, recognition, communication and other features.
- Access to top independent consultants and consulting firms for execution.
 - Pulse surveys to measure employee engagement.
- Nudges and reminders.
- Actionable insights through tables and graphs.
- Benchmarking with your industry data.
- Configure options.
- Actionables for key insights from the surveys.
Anonymous Feedback  - Collect or give anonymous feedback on different dimensions.
- Measure sentiments and feedback cohorts.
 - Collect anonymous feedback.
- Measure sentiments and feedback cohorts.
Custom Survey Templates  - Ready templates on employee onboarding, L&D, Hiring, Exit, Diversity & Inclusion, and other similar employee lifecycle events.
- Draw insights from reports.
- Templates build with top consulting firms in each area of expertise.
- Build or use own templates if required.
 - Ready templates on onboarding, exit and drivers.
- Draw insights from reports.
- Editable templates.

Motivation Features

Table 4
Features Empuls Peakon
Value & Behaviour Recognition  - Configure values and behaviours as per the organization.
- Appreciate/Recognize/Award/Reward people for showing good values and behaviours.
- Intelligence and reports with different dimensions.
 - Behaviour analysis by survey/feedback and action plans.
- Configure values and behaviours as per your organization.
Nomination Workflows  - Different rule engines for award nominations can be configured as per your organizational needs.
- Configurations are self serve and DIY.
- Any permutation or combination is possible to build these nomination rules like inter-department, inter-location, inter-teams, reporting structures, approval structures etc.
 Feature not available.
Complex rewarding types  - Simple to any kind of complexity can be handled in rewards.
- Commonly used reward templates like Peer to Peer, Team, Spot, Jury, Value based, Milestones, Service, Monetary, Non-monetary awards are available.
- Any new template can be custom made as per company requirements directly from the platform.
- Approval workflows can be configured directly from the platform.
- Option to reward in bulk or individually.
 Feature not available.
Occasion & Festival gifts  - Run un-limited campaigns for various occasions and festivals with elegant e-cards, templates & funds.
- Common examples are Birthdays, Anniversary, Mother's Day, New Year, Diwali, Christmas and many more.
- Scheduler for deffered gifting.
 Feature not available.
Gamification  - Gamify using leaderboards, milestones, awards and badges.
- Advanced rule engines can be built for gamification based on company requirements.
- Campaigns based on fitness, health, performance, targets can be easily managed with game elements and reports.
 Feature not available.
Award certificate  - Attach certificates for any reward.
- Certificates can be customized as per company brand guidelines DIY.
 Feature not available.


Table 5
Features Empuls Peakon
Export & Import data  Export or import CSV or xls files for users, rewards, gifts etc directly or through third party systems like HRMS, SFTP etc.  Export data to speadsheets.
Reporting and Analytics  - Reports on feeds, groups, engagement, gifts, rewards, influencers, funds, surveys, conversations etc.
- Different views, graphs and filters.
- System generated nudges based on data intelligence.
 Reports with Heatmaps, Dashboards, Text analytics, Benchmarking.
Custom Configurations  - Email Templatization for custom branding.
- Configurable access controls.
- DIY Whitelabelling of colors, landing page, logo etc.
- Custom reward workflows.
 Customization only for email notifications.
- No configurable access controls.
Third-party Integrations  Integrate with HRMS, HRIS, SSO, SFTP, SAML. Can integrate with Slack, Facebook, Microsoft Teams, Yammer on demand.  Integrate with HRMS, SSO & Slack.
DIY & Self Serve enabled  Free trial, Fully DIY, Set up guides, Resources.  Free trial, not fully DIY.
Developer APIs & Marketplace Apps  Ready Developer APIs and relevant marketplace apps.  Developer APIs.
Mobile App & Web  Android, iOS & web access.  - iOS, web access for managers/leaders/HRs only.
- No android app.
Login  SAML,SSO, ADFS, Okta, One login and more integrations.  SSO, ADFS.
International Languages  Architecture to support any global language  Supports 50 languages.
Security  - Audit logs.
- GDPR, ISO 27001 compliant.
- Local deployment and Hybrid cloud facility.
 GDPR compliant.


Empuls Helps HR leaders, CHROs, and CXOs to effortlessly execute key activities such as award workflows, budget automation, industry endorsed surveys, and OKRs. With key features such as communication feeds, messaging, groups the software equips employees to engage meaningfully with their peers, and proactively participate in building a culture of collaboration, while staying motivated and aligned. Watch out this space for more such comparison blogs.

For more information about Empuls, Schedule a free demo to learn more about how you can start building a winning culture.

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