Fragen zur Mitarbeiterbefragung für bessere Vergünstigungen am Arbeitsplatz

Eine gut durchdachte Umfrage zu den Sozialleistungen hilft Unternehmen zu verstehen, welche Vergünstigungen die Mitarbeiter am meisten schätzen und wo Verbesserungen erforderlich sind. Von Krankenversicherung und Altersvorsorge bis hin zu PTO und Wellness-Programmen deckt dieser Leitfaden alles ab.

Written by Kirti Kautalaya, 18 Mar 2025

Great Place to Work (GPTW),, known for helping businesses build top workplaces, set out to improve its own employee experience. An Employee Benefits Survey revealed declining satisfaction with rewards, communication, and involvement, prompting leadership to act. They appointed a Chief People Officer with a 93% response rate and conducted a "What do you want and need?" audit.

The insights led to "The Place," an employee experience platform featuring:

  • Remote work: Two work-from-home days per week
  • Summer hours: Early Friday dismissals (May-August)
  • Parental leave: 16 weeks full pay for maternity, 6 weeks full pay for paternity
  • "My Time" day: One day off for volunteering or personal growth
  • "Live a Dream Lottery": A chance to win a unique experience

GPTW’s efforts reinforced its commitment to employee well-being. Similarly, EY uses targeted Employee Benefits Surveys to understand workforce needs, tailoring programs to ensure employees feel valued.

A well-designed employee benefits survey helps companies assess their offerings, identify gaps, and make informed improvements, leading to better engagement, productivity, and retention.

What are employee benefits surveys?

An employee benefits survey is a tool companies use to gather employee feedback on their current benefits package. It helps assess whether benefits align with employee expectations and identifies areas for improvement. These surveys cover health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, parental leave, wellness programs, and work-life balance initiatives.

By analyzing responses, companies can tailor benefits to different employee demographics, ensuring their offerings remain competitive and relevant. A well-structured employee benefits survey leads to higher job satisfaction, improved retention, and a more engaged workforce.

Warum eine Umfrage zu den Sozialleistungen durchführen? 

Hier sind einige zwingende Gründe für die Durchführung einer Umfrage zu den Leistungen für Arbeitnehmer: 

  • Identify gaps: Are there any crucial benefits missing from your current package? The survey can reveal areas where your offerings fall short compared to industry standards or employee expectations. 
  • Prioritize needs: Not all benefits hold equal value. The survey helps determine which benefits employees prioritize, allowing you to focus resources on the most impactful areas. 
  • Improve communication: Sometimes, employees might be unaware of all the benefits offered. The survey process clarifies communication gaps and ensures employees understand their options. 
  • Boost engagement: When employees feel heard and valued, engagement soars. The survey demonstrates a proactive approach to fulfilling employee needs, fostering a sense of trust and belonging. 
  • Data-driven decisions: Benefits can be a significant cost factor. The survey provides concrete data to optimize your offerings, potentially leading to cost savings by eliminating underutilized benefits. 

Profi-Tipps für die Durchführung einer erfolgreichen Umfrage zu Sozialleistungen 

Conducting an employee benefits survey isn’t just about gathering data—it’s about understanding what truly matters to your team. A well-structured survey helps identify gaps, refine offerings, and boost overall satisfaction. Here’s how to make yours effective.

  • Anonymity & confidentiality: Ensure complete anonymity to encourage honest feedback. 
  • Keep it concise: Shorter surveys with well-defined questions are more likely to be completed. 
  • Clear communication: Explain the purpose of the survey and how the feedback will be used. 
  • Promote participation: Generate interest through internal communication channels. 
  • Analyze & act: Don't just collect data. Analyze results and develop a clear action plan based on employee feedback. 

Turn Employee Feedback into Workplace Growth

Measure, analyze, and improve engagement with Empuls’ automated surveys. Get clear insights to create a happier and more productive workforce.

Beginnen Sie noch heute mit der Vermessung

Incentivize participation: The power of rewards in employee benefits surveys 

Umfragen zu Sozialleistungen sind wichtig, um die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu verstehen, aber es kann schwierig sein, eine hohe Antwortquote zu erreichen. Hier können Belohnungen eine wichtige Rolle spielen, um die Teilnahme zu fördern und den Wert Ihrer Umfrage zu maximieren. 

1. Boosting response rates  

Menschen sind von Natur aus eher zur Teilnahme bereit, wenn es einen Anreiz gibt. Das Angebot einer kleinen Belohnung, z. B. die Teilnahme an einer Verlosung eines begehrten Preises oder eine Spende an eine ausgewählte Wohltätigkeitsorganisation im Namen jedes Befragten, kann die Teilnahmequote deutlich erhöhen. Damit zeigen Sie Ihre Wertschätzung für die Zeit, die sie sich genommen haben, und unterstreichen die Bedeutung ihres Feedbacks.   

2. Encouraging honesty 

Anonymität ist für ein ehrliches Feedback bei Umfragen zu den Sozialleistungen der Arbeitnehmer unerlässlich. Dennoch zögern manche Mitarbeiter, ihre kritische Meinung zu äußern. Das Angebot einer kleinen, garantierten Belohnung nach Abschluss der Umfrage, unabhängig von den konkreten Antworten, kann diese Bedenken zerstreuen. Die Gewissheit, dass sie unabhängig von ihren Antworten ein Zeichen der Wertschätzung erhalten, fördert ein ehrliches und wertvolles Feedback. 

3. Uncovering deeper insights 

Belohnungen können über die bloße Förderung der Teilnahme hinausgehen. Ziehen Sie in Erwägung, gestaffelte Belohnungen anzubieten, die auf der Qualität und Ausführlichkeit des Mitarbeiterfeedbacks basieren. Eine etwas höhere Belohnung für Antworten, die durchdachte Kommentare oder Verbesserungsvorschläge enthalten, bietet den Mitarbeitern einen Anreiz, über die einfachen Antworten hinauszugehen und tiefere Einblicke zu geben. 

4. Building a culture of feedback 

Die regelmäßige Durchführung von Mitarbeiterbefragungen mit attraktiven Belohnungen schafft eine positive Assoziation mit der Abgabe von Feedback. Die Mitarbeiter beginnen, sich als geschätzte Teilnehmer an der Gestaltung ihres Leistungsprogramms zu sehen, was eine Kultur der offenen Kommunikation und der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung fördert. 

Formulierung effektiver Fragen für Umfragen zu Sozialleistungen 

Der Schlüssel zu einer erfolgreichen Umfrage liegt in der Formulierung aufschlussreicher Fragen. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Aufschlüsselung der verschiedenen Fragetypen, die Sie berücksichtigen sollten: 

  • Multiple choice: Use these for clear-cut options like "How satisfied are you with the health insurance plan?" (Very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Neutral, Somewhat Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied) 
  • Likert scale: Measure agreement levels with statements like "The current benefits package meets my needs" (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) 
  • Ranking: Prioritize preferences with a question like "Rank the following benefits in order of importance to you" (Health Insurance, Paid Time Off, Retirement Savings, etc.) 
  • Open-ended: Uncover valuable insights with questions like "What additional benefits would be most helpful to you?" or "How can we improve communication around our benefits program?" 

Get Ready-to-Use Employee Benefits Survey Templates

Understand what matters most to your employees with Empuls’ employee benefits survey templates. Collect feedback on perks, compensation, and wellness programs to design benefits that truly enhance workplace satisfaction.

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Sample employee benefits survey questions to ask

Understanding what employees truly value in their benefits package helps organizations design programs that enhance satisfaction, retention, and overall well-being.

A well-structured employee benefits survey uncovers gaps, identifies the most appreciated perks, and provides insights into how benefits can be improved to better support employees. Below are key categories and survey questions to gather meaningful feedback.

Health insurance is one of the most valued employee benefits. Understanding how employees perceive their healthcare coverage helps organizations ensure their plans meet employee needs and expectations. These questions assess satisfaction with current health insurance offerings and identify areas for improvement.

  • How satisfied are you with the current health insurance plan provided by the company?
  • Does the health insurance coverage meet your personal and family needs?
  • Are the premium costs reasonable compared to the benefits offered?
  • How easy is it to access healthcare providers within the plan’s network?
  • Have you faced any challenges in using your health insurance benefits?
  • What additional health benefits or coverage options would you like to see included?

Retirement benefits play a key role in long-term financial security. These questions help gauge employee satisfaction with retirement plans and determine whether additional support or improvements are needed.

  • Are you satisfied with the retirement plan options provided by the company?
  • Do you feel you have enough information to make informed decisions about your retirement savings?
  • Does the company contribute enough to your retirement plan to support long-term financial goals?
  • Would you be interested in additional financial planning resources or workshops?
  • Are the investment options within the retirement plan diverse and suitable for your needs?
  • What improvements or additional retirement benefits would you find valuable?

Paid time off, vacation policies, and leave benefits impact work-life balance and overall job satisfaction. These questions help assess whether employees feel they have adequate time off and flexibility.

  • Are you satisfied with the company’s paid time off (PTO) policy?
  • Do you feel you have enough leave days to maintain a healthy work-life balance?
  • How easy is it to request and receive time off when needed?
  • Would you like to see changes in the company’s leave policies (e.g., more vacation days, flexible sick leave, parental leave)?
  • Have you ever hesitated to take leave due to workload or company culture?
  • What improvements, if any, would you suggest for the company’s leave policy?

Wellness and mental health benefits survey questions

Employee well-being is crucial for productivity and engagement. These questions assess the effectiveness of workplace wellness programs, mental health support, and overall employee well-being initiatives.

  • Are you aware of the company’s wellness and mental health programs?
  • How satisfied are you with the mental health support provided by the company (e.g., counseling services, employee assistance programs)?
  • Do you feel comfortable seeking mental health resources through the company?
  • What additional wellness benefits would improve your overall well-being?
  • Do you think the company prioritizes employee well-being effectively?
  • What wellness initiatives or improvements would you like to see introduced?

Workplace flexibility and remote work benefits survey questions

With changing work environments, employees expect flexibility in work arrangements. These questions assess how well current flexibility policies support employee productivity and satisfaction.

  • How satisfied are you with the company’s remote work or hybrid work policy?
  • Do you feel you have enough flexibility in your work schedule to balance professional and personal responsibilities?
  • How well does the company support remote or hybrid employees in terms of resources and technology?
  • Would you like to see additional flexibility options, such as compressed workweeks or adjustable hours?
  • Do you feel equally included and engaged whether working remotely or in-office?
  • What improvements would make the company’s flexible work policy more effective?

Professional development and learning benefits survey questions

Career growth opportunities directly impact employee retention and job satisfaction. These questions assess whether employees feel supported in their learning and professional development.

  • How satisfied are you with the company’s learning and development programs?
  • Does the company provide enough opportunities for skill-building and career advancement?
  • Do you feel supported in pursuing professional certifications, training, or continuing education?
  • Are the company’s professional development resources easily accessible and relevant to your role?
  • Would you like to see more mentorship or coaching opportunities within the company?
  • What additional learning or development benefits would enhance your career growth?

Employee recognition and rewards survey questions

Recognition and rewards programs influence motivation and workplace culture. These questions assess whether employees feel valued for their contributions.

  • How satisfied are you with the company’s employee recognition and rewards program?
  • Do you feel your hard work and achievements are regularly acknowledged?
  • What type of rewards or recognition do you find most meaningful (e.g., bonuses, public recognition, career opportunities)?
  • Does the company provide enough opportunities for peer-to-peer recognition?
  • How could the company improve its approach to employee recognition?
  • What additional rewards or incentives would increase your job satisfaction?

Commuting and transportation benefits survey questions

Transportation benefits impact employee convenience and work-life balance. These questions help understand if employees need better commuting support.

  • Does the company provide any transportation benefits (e.g., parking, public transit reimbursements, shuttle services)?
  • How satisfied are you with your current commuting experience to and from work?
  • Would you be interested in additional commuting benefits such as stipends or carpool incentives?
  • Does the company offer sufficient flexibility for remote work to ease commuting burdens?
  • What improvements could be made to support employees with commuting needs?
  • How much does commuting impact your job satisfaction and work-life balance?

A well-designed employee benefits survey helps organizations identify gaps, optimize benefit offerings, and enhance employee satisfaction. By tailoring survey questions to key benefit areas, companies can ensure their offerings align with employee needs and improve overall workplace experience.

How to take action on employee benefits survey results

Collecting employee benefits survey results is only valuable if organizations use the data to drive real improvements. Here’s a structured approach to analyzing feedback, making informed decisions, and ensuring employees see tangible results.

1. Identify the most requested benefits and pain points

Go beyond overall satisfaction scores—dig into the specific benefits employees want more of and where they feel underserved. Look for patterns in:

  • Underutilized benefits: Are employees aware of all offerings? If not, a better communication strategy might be needed.
  • Gaps in offerings: Do employees want better health coverage, mental wellness programs, or more flexibility?
  • Demographic trends: Are different age groups, departments, or job levels requesting different benefits?

2. Prioritize benefits that align with business goals & budget

Not all feedback can lead to immediate changes. Categorize responses into:

  • Quick wins: Addressable with minimal cost (e.g., improved remote work flexibility, better PTO policies).
  • Strategic enhancements: Require investment but deliver long-term value (e.g., expanded health benefits, learning stipends).
  • High-cost initiatives: Major benefit changes that need executive approval (e.g., enhanced retirement plans, family care benefits).

Align proposed changes with business goals, employee retention strategies, and budget constraints before adjusting.

3. Communicate survey findings and next steps

If employees don’t hear back after participating in a survey, they assume their feedback was ignored. Build trust by sharing:

  • A summary of key findings: What employees value most and areas identified for improvement.
  • What will change: Outline immediate improvements and any long-term initiatives under review.
  • What won’t change (and why): If certain benefits can’t be adjusted, explain the reasoning transparently.

Use team meetings, internal newsletters, or town halls to ensure employees understand the impact of their feedback.

4. Implement changes in phases and track employee adoption

Rolling out all benefits at once can lead to low adoption rates or confusion. Instead:

  • Launch priority benefits first, ensuring proper awareness and accessibility.
  • Train managers and HR teams to guide employees in using new benefits.
  • Monitor utilization rates If employees aren’t using a benefit, refine communication strategies or assess if it’s truly valuable.

5. Measure long-term impact and iterate

Employee needs evolve, so continuously evaluate satisfaction with benefits. Use:

  • Follow-up pulse surveys to measure improvements in employee perception and retention.
  • Exit interview data will be used to assess whether a lack of competitive benefits has influenced employee departures.
  • Ongoing feedback loops (e.g., quarterly check-ins) to adapt benefits based on workforce changes.

By following this process, companies don’t just collect feedback—they turn insights into meaningful action, strengthening employee satisfaction and workplace loyalty.

Erfassen Sie die Meinung Ihrer Mitarbeiter und messen Sie deren Engagement mit Empuls

Unternehmen blühen auf, wenn sie ihren Mitarbeitern zuhören und auf deren Feedback reagieren. Die Erstellung und Verwaltung einer Mitarbeiterbefragung kann ein zeitaufwändiger Prozess sein. Glücklicherweise bietet Empuls eine umfassende Suite von Tools, um den Prozess zu rationalisieren, die Beteiligung zu maximieren und die Erkenntnisse in wirkungsvolle Maßnahmen umzusetzen.  

Empuls provides a user-friendly interface for creating and customizing employee benefits surveys. Choose from a library of pre-built, science-backed questions that address key aspects of your benefits program, or craft your questions to target specific areas of interest. Empuls ensures your survey adheres to best practices, promoting straightforward, concise questions that avoid response bias.

Utilize the platform's communication features to share survey results with employees transparently. Outline your action plan based on their feedback, demonstrating your commitment to their well-being.    

Durch die Nutzung der umfassenden Umfragefunktionen von Empuls können Sie wertvolle Erkenntnisse über Ihre Mitarbeiter gewinnen, Ihr Leistungsangebot optimieren und eine engagierte und zufriedene Belegschaft schaffen. Letztendlich können Sie mit Empuls das Feedback Ihrer Mitarbeiter in einen starken Motor für positive Veränderungen am Arbeitsplatz verwandeln. 


A well-designed employee benefits survey is an investment in your company's future. You can create a benefits program that fosters a thriving work environment by actively listening to employee needs and implementing data-driven changes. A happy and engaged workforce is the backbone of any successful organization. So, take the first step today and conduct an employee benefits survey – your employees, and ultimately your business, will thank you. 

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