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In this blog post, we will explore everything there is to know about writing employee appreciation letters: what makes a good letter, why they’re important, and how to communicate your appreciation in the best possible way.

We will also provide you with a few examples of great, tried-and-tested methods of writing employee appreciation letters in the form of sample templates.

So don’t worry if you’re not sure how to write a professional, yet sincere, letter of appreciation. By the end of this post, you’ll become an expert!

What makes a good employee appreciation letter?

There are three things that really matter when it comes to writing a good employee appreciation letter: personalization, recognition🥇, and encouragement.

1. Personalization

Using the same template over and over again won’t go unnoticed by your employees. Rather, personalize your letter to the best of your ability.

Simply calling the person by name won’t cut it. Try to include specifics about the work you are thanking them for. If an entire team is responsible for a great outcome, take the time out to thank each person for their individual contribution.

Remember that your employee(s) have gone the extra mile for you, and putting extra effort into your appreciation letter is a great way to reciprocate!

2. Recognition

You want to recognize exactly what it is that your employee has done right. Recognizing how and why this has had a great outcome in the workplace will make your employees feel both validated and motivated.

Try to include what you appreciate the most to let the employee know that you have been noticing their hard work and contributions.

3. Encouragement

Encouragement is a huge factor when it comes to making sure that an appreciation letter has the desirable effect. If you word your appreciation letter right, you can cover all your bases!

Include something as simple as “Keep up the good work!” and “We look forward to seeing what more you have to offer.” This shows your employees that you believe they are capable of doing amazing things, and motivates them to prove themselves further.

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How to best communicate your appreciation?

The best way to communicate your appreciation is to be as engaging as possible. You don’t want to come across as detached.

Rather, take this as a chance to improve your employer-employee relationship and really make them feel special and valued as a member of your team.

Keep the three aspects (personalization, recognition, and encouragement) in mind when writing your letter. You should also be aware of the tone of your letter.

Remember that a workplace environment is a direct result of how you treat your employees and how you make them feel. A well-worded appreciation letter can enhance the employee experience.

Employee appreciation letter templates & examples

For inspiration, we have drafted some employee appreciation letter samples that you could refer to. Personalization is key, so you can use these as a guide and edit them as you see fit.

1. Sample appreciation letter to employee for hard work

Dear <employee name>I would like to express my gratitude for your continuous hard work in the <department name>.Your work ethic and determination in the < department name> have not gone unnoticed, and as a result of your amazing work I have seen a great deal of improvement in <field that has improved>. Your work on <specifics of contribution> has led to <effects of contribution>, and for this, I must express my utmost thanks and appreciation.Keep up the fantastic work, and thank you once again!Best regards<Senior’s name>

2. Sample appreciation letter to employee for outstanding performance and a job well done

Dear < employee name>I have received fantastic feedback regarding your <specifics of contribution or effort>. I would like to express my sincerest thanks for the contribution you have made to our company and the team in general.As a result of your hard work, I have noticed the <effects of contribution>. <Company name> is extremely grateful for this result, and an employee such as you reflects wonderfully on us.I commend you for your efforts, and I’m excited to see what more you have to offer! Thank you again.Best regards<Senior’s name>

3. Sample employee appreciation letter recognizing leadership skills

Dear <employee name>I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for the leadership you have shown in the <project name>. The <project specifics> would not have run as smoothly and seamlessly without you spearheading it.As a result of your hard work, we have seen improvements in <specific area of project>and the overall outcome of the <project name> has shown <details of outcome>I know that this is in large part due to your fantastic leadership skills and determination to bring the team together. I can’t wait to work with you again in the future.Thank you again for your wonderful work ethic.Best regards<Senior’s name>

4. Quick employee appreciation letter from the manager

Dear <employee name>Thank you and well done for your fantastic leadership in <project name>!Because of your determination, leadership skills, and willingness to take responsibility, I have noticed that <details of outcome>.I must thank you again for your wonderful contribution to this project.Best regards<Manager name>
Dear <employee name>I would like to recognize and commend you for your <specifics of contribution or effort>. This reflects fantastically on all of us!Best regards<Manager’s name>

5. Employee appreciation letter for a successful project completion

Dear <employee name>I would just like to thank you for your continued efforts and hard work on/in the <project/department name>. Your work ethic has been admirable and has led to <effects of contribution> - a great win for us at <company name>.Keep doing what you do, and I look forward to seeing what more you have to offer!Best regards<Manager’s name>

Final thoughts

There is no one perfect way to style and draft an employee appreciation letter. This is because each employee and employer relationship differs, and every company chooses different ways to show thanks.

Keep our tips, tricks, and employee appreciation letter samples in mind next time you feel that an employee needs some appreciation and recognition. We can assure you that a simple thank you will go a long way!

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Naz Parveen

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Naz Parveen is an HR Business Partner and Employee Engagement Chief at Xoxoday. Naz is a seasoned storyteller, people's person with fine experience in the area of Human Resources.