Why Your High Potential Employees Leave & Tips to Retain Them

While 16% of Gen Z and Millennial employees left a job because of inadequate technology, many left the workplace due to inhabitable culture. Losing employees to turnover is never good - but it’s excruciating when one of your top performers decides to leave. Retaining top talent is vital for your team's and your business's success. But it’s increasingly difficult to do so these days.

Menurut sebuah terhadap 2.500 pekerja di Amerika Serikathampir setengahnya berencana untuk mencari pekerjaan pada tahun 2023-termasuk 60% pekerja Gen Z dan 56% milenial.

According to SAP and Oxford Economics, less than half of high performers are satisfied with their jobs - and more than one in five is likely to leave within six months. 

Why do high potential employees leave? Why are so many top performers so unhappy in their current roles? If you don’t know why they’re leaving, you’re already behind in the battle to get them to stay.

5 Signs a top performer is leaving

Losing a high-performing employee can disrupt workflows, impact team morale, and create costly hiring challenges. While some resignations come as a surprise, there are often warning signs before a top performer decides to leave. Recognizing these signals early allows businesses to retain their best talent proactively.

1. Decreased engagement and enthusiasm

Top performers are usually passionate about their work, taking initiative and driving results. A sudden drop in enthusiasm—less participation in meetings, avoiding extra responsibilities, or showing disinterest in company goals—can indicate disengagement. Employees who stop contributing ideas or seem indifferent to feedback may already be mentally checked out.

When enthusiasm fades, motivation needs a boost. Empuls helps rekindle engagement with real-time recognition, meaningful rewards, and employee-first benefits. Keep your best talent inspired, connected, and committed to driving results.

Reignite motivation with Empuls. Get started today!

2. Lower productivity and missed deadlines

High achievers are known for exceeding expectations. If their output drops, they procrastinate more than usual, or they start missing deadlines, it could signal a shift in priorities. This often happens when employees begin to detach emotionally from their role or focus their energy on job hunting.

3. Increased absences or frequent breaks

A noticeable change in attendance—more sick days, extended lunch breaks, or sudden requests for time off—can be a red flag. While occasional absences are normal, a consistent pattern may indicate that they’re attending interviews, networking, or simply disengaging from their current role.

4. Lack of interest in long-term projects

When an employee avoids committing to future initiatives or leadership roles they would typically embrace, it’s a sign they don’t see themselves staying. If they seem uninterested in career development conversations or dismiss discussions about future goals, they may already have one foot out the door.

5. Changes in attitude and communication

A top performer who once engaged in open discussions may become distant, less responsive, or even frustrated with leadership and colleagues. If they stop contributing to team conversations, withdraw from social interactions, or voice dissatisfaction with company policies, they might be considering an exit.

Give Your Best Employees a Reason to Stay

Salary alone isn’t enough. Empuls creates an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and supported—ensuring your high-potential talent stays and grows with you.

Create a Thriving Workplace 

Alasan mengapa karyawan Anda yang berpotensi tinggi keluar

Mari kita lihat enam alasan sederhana mengapa karyawan terbaik Anda berhenti.

1. Anda tidak memenuhi harapan mereka untuk mendapatkan manfaat.

Karyawan terbaik Anda menghargai penghargaan berdasarkan prestasi dan kompensasi yang baik - hal ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan kebanyakan karyawan. Namun mereka juga tahu bahwa mereka memiliki keterampilan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut di tempat lain jika perusahaan Anda tidak menyediakannya dengan cukup.

Studi SAP-Oxford menemukan bahwa karyawan yang berkinerja tinggi sangat menghargai manfaat tertentu:

  • Jadwal yang fleksibel
  • Waktu liburan
  • Rencana pensiun
  • Pelatihan

If you’re not providing a wide range of benefits that reward your highest-performing employees, they’re likely to look elsewhere for them. And they’re likely to find a good enough offer to tempt them to leave. This is the number one reason that good employees quit.

Dan jika Anda berharap dapat memeras beberapa tahun lagi dari karyawan yang berkinerja tinggi dengan imbalan yang sangat kreatif karena Anda tidak memiliki anggaran untuk membayar mereka sesuai dengan yang seharusnya?

According to research from SHRM, that’s not going to work - your top performers want cold, hard cash, or extra vacation time.

For example, American Express offers flexible working arrangements to some employees, like top performers, to work on their schedule. And Salesforce offers extensive continued training and leadership development opportunities to build their internal talent teams and keep top employees.

2. Mereka tidak merasa pekerjaannya cukup menarik.

Anda mungkin membuat kesalahan dengan berpikir bahwa karyawan terbaik Anda terlibat karena mereka sangat produktif dan pekerja keras - bagaimana mungkin mereka bisa melakukan semua yang mereka lakukan jika mereka tidak sangat terlibat?

Namun kenyataannya, mereka mungkin kurang terlibat daripada yang Anda asumsikan. Dan jika Anda tidak melakukan upaya nyata untuk melibatkan mereka, mungkin itulah masalahnya.

Mengapa penting untuk melibatkan karyawan yang berkinerja tinggi? Karena musuh terbesar mereka adalah kebosanan.

  • Jika mereka unggul dalam pekerjaannya jauh melebihi apa yang dilakukan orang lain dalam tim, mereka mungkin akan bosan melakukan tugas yang sama.
  • Atau, jika mereka dikelilingi oleh lingkungan kerja yang stagnan (atau lebih buruk lagi, tim yang penuh dengan orang yang berkinerja buruk), mereka bisa mulai merasa terjebak dan mencari peran lain di tim yang lebih sesuai dengan level mereka.

Don’t forget to look at their managers to see if that’s a negative engagement factor. Behavioral statistician Joseph Folkman noted that employees who work for uninspiring and flawed leaders are only in the 9th percentile for satisfaction and happiness.

Jika karyawan terbaik Anda terjebak dengan manajer yang buruk dan organisasi Anda tidak melakukan apa pun untuk mengatasinya, mereka akan melepaskan diri dan mulai mencari pekerjaan lain.

You can engage high performers by giving them more challenging and creative tasks and focusing on the “why.” That helps keep things fresh and exciting and prevents them from jumping ship to a more exciting shop.

3. Pengembangan karier mereka terbatas.

Karyawan terbaik Anda tahu bahwa mereka memiliki banyak potensi menarik dalam karier mereka di masa depan jika mereka berada di perusahaan yang tepat.

Tidak ada yang lebih membuat frustrasi bagi seseorang yang berkinerja terbaik dan memberikan kontribusi besar bagi perusahaan daripada berulang kali tidak mendapatkan promosi atau mendekam dalam peran yang sama terlalu lama.

Alasan lain mengapa karyawan yang baik pergi adalah jika karyawan terbaik Anda tidak melihat bahwa mereka dapat memiliki karier yang panjang dan sukses di perusahaan Anda, mereka akan segera keluar dari perusahaan Anda - karena itu adalah perasaan yang sangat mengecewakan.

Are you noticing that there are few promotions for the top performers? This is what Forbes calls “the curse of competence.”

Ada beberapa alasan untuk hal ini - terkadang ini hanya masalah kurangnya tempat di posisi teratas, tetapi terkadang manajer enggan membiarkan orang dengan talenta terbaik pindah ke posisi baru.

Mereka takut kehilangan seseorang yang memberikan kontribusi besar bagi departemen mereka - tapi coba tebak? Jika Anda menahan mereka dan tidak mempromosikannya, mereka akan pergi, dan sekarang mereka akan meninggalkan perusahaan dan juga manajernya.

Harvard Business Review found that one in five high-performers believes their aspirations don’t match the career path their company has planned for them, and one in four plans to leave within a year.

Bagaimana Anda dapat membantu mereka berkembang dalam karier mereka di perusahaan Anda?

  • Sangat penting untuk melakukan diskusi pengembangan karier secara teratur dengan mereka di mana Anda membicarakan tujuan mereka dan bagaimana mereka dapat mencapainya di bisnis Anda.
  • Pelatihan yang berkelanjutan juga sangat dihargai oleh para karyawan yang berprestasi - apakah Anda memberi mereka kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan baru?
  • Jika Anda telah melihat pola karyawan berkinerja tinggi yang keluar karena frustrasi dalam jenjang karier, ini adalah kesempatan bagi tim senior Anda untuk mencari cara bagaimana Anda bisa memberi ruang untuk berkembang bagi orang-orang yang ingin Anda pertahankan.

4. Mereka terlalu banyak bekerja dan kelelahan.

Did you know that a top performer can be up to 400% more productive than the average employee? That’s incredible but too many companies take advantage of this productivity in the short term and hurt themselves in the long run. 

Jika imbalan bagi karyawan terbaik Anda yang sangat produktif adalah menumpuk lebih banyak pekerjaan di atas piring mereka, itu adalah resep untuk ketidakpuasan dan kelelahan.

Bagaimana Anda menghargai produktivitas yang lebih tinggi ini pada pekerja terbaik Anda?

  • Anda harus memiliki opsi untuk kompensasi yang mengakui kontribusi mereka yang melampaui batas.
  • You should also look into flexible work options for them, so when they do an excellent job, they can have the option to take time off to recharge and relax. Raytheon offers compressed workweeks, job sharing, flextime, telecommuting, and more to attract and retain top employees.

Memberi penghargaan kepada karyawan berprestasi secara memadai bisa jadi sulit dilakukan di masa keuangan yang sulit. Namun, SHRM menemukan bahwa hal ini masih penting, dan ada beberapa cara untuk membuatnya berhasil - mengukir bonus atau kenaikan gaji yang terpisah untuk karyawan yang berkinerja terbaik, memberikan kenaikan gaji tambahan dalam setahun, atau memberikan bonus sekaligus.

Tentu saja, dibutuhkan waktu dan uang untuk melakukan ini - tetapi berapa banyak dari keduanya yang akan hilang dari bisnis Anda jika ada karyawan yang berkinerja tinggi yang pergi?

5. Mereka tidak memiliki otonomi yang cukup.

Karyawan dengan kinerja terbaik tahu bahwa mereka hebat dalam pekerjaan mereka. Mereka tahu bahwa mereka sangat produktif, mereka tahu bahwa mereka memiliki keterampilan yang berharga, dan mereka tahu bahwa mereka dapat dipercaya untuk melakukan pekerjaan mereka tepat waktu dan melakukannya dengan baik. Itulah mengapa mereka tidak suka merasa diatur secara mikro.

Dari yang terbaik hingga yang tidak terlalu hebat, semua karyawan ingin merasakan otonomi dan tujuan di tempat kerja. Dan jika ada yang berhak mendapatkannya, karyawan Anda yang berkinerja tinggi pasti berhak mendapatkannya.

Mereka tidak membutuhkan seseorang yang mengatur dan menghalangi - mereka ingin dipercaya untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik dan merasa memiliki, tidak ada kewajiban.

Jadi, bagaimana seharusnya Anda memperlakukan para pemain top yang berharga ini?

  • Beritahu mereka apa yang perlu dilakukan dan percayakan kepada mereka untuk melakukannya.
  • Hal ini bisa berarti memberi mereka pilihan jadwal fleksibel yang tidak tersedia bagi karyawan lain - karena, dengan karyawan terbaik Anda, Anda sudah tahu bahwa mereka akan menyelesaikan tugas mereka tepat waktu dan dengan sangat baik.

Give them your trust, and you’ll get their loyalty. For example, Ritz-Carlton offers each employee the option to delight guests at the cost of up to $2,000 per day, with complete autonomy.

Hal ini meningkatkan kepuasan karyawan, serta loyalitas pelanggan. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk jadwal kerja mereka - karyawan yang berprestasi sangat menghargai fleksibilitas dalam hal waktu dan cara mereka bekerja.

The Boston College Center for Work & Family says that workers who have more access to flexible work arrangements report greater job satisfaction, significantly better mental health than other employees, and are more likely to be committed to their employers.

6. Mereka tidak merasa dihargai.

Semua orang ingin merasa dihargai dan dihormati di tempat kerja - ini adalah kebutuhan dasar manusia, dan itulah mengapa pengakuan sangat penting di tempat kerja. Dan sangat mudah untuk menganggap remeh apa yang dilakukan oleh karyawan terbaik Anda jika mereka telah melakukannya untuk waktu yang lama - dan membuat tugas-tugas yang sulit sekalipun terlihat mudah.

Ini adalah salah satu alasan utama mengapa karyawan yang baik berhenti. Jika satu-satunya imbalan yang didapatkan karyawan terbaik Anda karena telah bekerja lebih dari yang seharusnya adalah semakin banyak pekerjaan yang menumpuk di atas meja mereka - itu bukanlah imbalan. Mereka tidak merasa dihargai - mereka merasa dimanfaatkan dan tidak termotivasi.

Jadi, bagaimana Anda mengenali karyawan terbaik Anda? Bonus tahunan tidak akan cukup - penghargaan harus sering dan spesifik (dan terkadang kecil) untuk memberikan dampak.

If you only reward employees based on their tenure at your company or have a pay structure based on role, not the outcome, top performers will feel overlooked and undervalued. And then they’re going to leave.

5 Tips to retain high-potential employees

High-potential employees bring innovation, leadership, and long-term value to an organization. Losing them not only disrupts workflows but also creates recruitment and training costs that could have been avoided. Retaining top talent requires a proactive approach that keeps them motivated, challenged, and invested in the company's future. Here’s how businesses can create an environment that encourages high-potential employees to stay and grow.

1. Offer clear career growth paths

High-potential employees are driven by ambition and want to see a future within the company. Without clear career progression, they may look for opportunities elsewhere. Providing structured career paths, mentorship programs, and leadership training helps them visualize long-term growth.

Regular career discussions, skill development programs, and internal promotions ensure employees see a roadmap for success. Knowing their hard work leads to new opportunities makes them more likely to stay engaged and committed.

2. Recognize and reward performance

Recognition plays a significant role in retention. When employees feel their efforts go unnoticed, motivation fades. Implementing structured rewards and recognition programs like Empuls helps businesses appreciate and celebrate top performers in meaningful ways.

Recognition doesn’t always have to be monetary. Public appreciation, peer-to-peer recognition, and career advancement opportunities reinforce a culture of acknowledgment. Whether through bonuses, promotions, or even small but thoughtful rewards, employees who feel valued remain loyal to the organization.

3. Provide challenging and meaningful work

High-potential employees seek challenges that allow them to use their skills, think critically, and make an impact. Repetitive, uninspiring tasks lead to disengagement, while meaningful projects keep them motivated.

Encourage them to take ownership of projects, participate in decision-making, and contribute ideas that shape business strategy. Giving them autonomy over their work while ensuring it aligns with their career goals boosts both engagement and productivity. Employees who feel their contributions matter are more likely to stay invested in the company’s success.

4. Foster a positive workplace culture

A workplace where employees feel supported, connected, and included fosters long-term commitment. Positive work environments encourage collaboration, open communication, and a sense of belonging.

Encourage social interactions and team bonding through platforms like Empuls’ social intranet software, where employees can engage, celebrate milestones, and stay connected—even in hybrid or remote settings. When employees feel emotionally connected to their workplace, they are less likely to seek external opportunities.

5. Support work-life balance

Burnout is a major cause of turnover, especially among high-potential employees who take on more responsibilities. A work culture that prioritizes well-being keeps employees refreshed, motivated, and productive in the long run.

Encourage flexible work arrangements, mental health initiatives, and reasonable workloads to prevent burnout. Offering benefits such as wellness stipends, paid time off, and remote work options shows employees that their well-being is valued. A company that respects work-life balance retains employees who feel energized and committed.

Retaining high-potential employees requires more than just a paycheck. Career growth, meaningful recognition, challenging work, a strong workplace culture, and work-life balance create an environment where top talent thrives. Platforms like Empuls help businesses implement structured engagement strategies, ensuring employees stay motivated, committed, and eager to contribute to long-term success.

Retaining your best talent with Empuls

High-potential employees leave when they feel undervalued, unchallenged, or disconnected. A competitive salary alone won’t keep them—the culture, recognition, and growth opportunities matter. This is where Empuls steps in.

  • Make recognition a habit: Top performers thrive on appreciation. Empuls ensures consistent and meaningful recognition, reinforcing their value and contributions.
  • Offer meaningful rewards: A generic bonus won’t cut it. Empuls provides personalized rewards that align with employees’ preferences, making them feel truly appreciated.
  • Give them a voice: Employees who feel unheard start looking elsewhere. Empuls’ survey tool captures real feedback, helping leaders address concerns before they turn into resignations.
  • Build a connected culture: Disengagement is often rooted in isolation. Empuls’ social intranet fosters collaboration, keeping employees engaged with their teams and company vision.
  • Enhance their well-being: Burnout drives top talent away. Empuls provides tax-free fringe benefits and wellness perks that help employees feel supported in every aspect of their lives.

Losing high-potential employees is costly but retaining them is simple with the right tools. Empuls helps create an environment where your best talent feels valued, heard, and motivated to stay. 


High potential employees leave when they feel undervalued, stagnant, or overworked. Lack of career growth, poor recognition, and a weak workplace culture drive them toward better opportunities. Addressing these issues early—through meaningful recognition, career development, and work-life balance—helps businesses retain top talent.

Investing in engagement strategies with Empuls can create a workplace where high-potential employees feel valued, motivated, and committed for the long run.