30 Most Important Employee Survey Questions About Management

One of the most famous saying is “Employees leave managelers, not companies”. While many variables contribute to reducing employee attrition and increasing employee involvement, management is undoubtedly the most important.

The relationship between employees and management is a critical component of a successful and productive workplace. When employees feel supported and valued by their managers, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive.

On the other hand, when there is a lack of trust or communication between employees and management, it can lead to low morale, high turnover rates, and decreased productivity.

To build strong relationships between employees and management, organizations must be willing to gather feedback and listen to the perspectives of their workforce.

Here are 30 essential employee survey questions about management, which can help organizations understand the strengths and weaknesses of their management practices and take steps to improve employee satisfaction and engagement.

Employee survey questions about management (communication)

A good supervisor-employee connection is built on clear and consistent communication. Frustration, uncertainty, and demotivation can result from poor dialogue at the top. Of course, identifying where dialogue may fail is not always simple.

These questions will help you identify areas where communication may be lacking or insufficient.

1.Has management clearly communicated performance expectations?

2. Does your manager effectively communicate the information you need to understand?

3. Does the management explain the reasons for the decisions made?

4. Do managers resolve differences professionally?

5. Does your supervisor explain how the organization's future plans affect you?

6. Does your boss clearly communicate changes to company practices or benefits?

7. How often do you get recognition from your supervisor?

8. Were you recognized last time you finished a project?

Employee survey question about management (trust & respect)

Trust is the foundation of all good relationships, including between employees and their superiors. If your employees don't feel safe and valued at work, they're less likely to ask questions, bring problems to management's attention, and feel motivated or empowered to do their best.

That's why it's so important for leaders to build trust and mutual respect in their teams. Here are some questions you can use to gauge how comfortable your employees are with their manager:

9. Does your manager create a trusting and open environment?

10. Does your supervisor treat all team members fairly?

11. Is your manager responsive to ideas, requests and suggestions?

12. When you approach your supervisor with a problem, do you trust him to listen?

13. Does your manager make you feel like a valuable part of the team?

Employee survey question about management (effectiveness)

14. How effective are your leaders at leading the organization?

15. Do they have the skills, training and resources to succeed?

16. Do you have confidence in the performance of your immediate manager?

17. Does your manager have the knowledge and ability to support you and your team to succeed?

18. Does your boss maintain high standards of behavior?

19. Has your manager tried to improve things in the past year?

20. Does your manager consistently make effective decisions?

These are excellent questions to ask when the boss is doing everything right on paper but the team is still sloppy. The responses can help spot possible gaps in a manager's skills or tools or resources that they may require to be successful.

Employee survey question about management (career development)

Career development is a key factor in employee engagement. Employees who see a future and growth path in their company are more likely to be engaged and motivated to

succeed. Managers play a key role in developing employees and providing opportunities for growth.

These questions will help you see how well your managers are training and developing their teams and identify opportunities to address communication or training gaps.

21. Do you and your supervisor discuss your career in this organization? 22. Do you find yourself

growing and developing your career in this company?

23. Do you know what steps you need to take to move up in the organization next year?

24. Do you believe you can reach your full potential here?

25. Do you have enough learning opportunities at work?

Employee survey question about management (work life balance)

Work-life balance isn't just a nice thing to do, it's important to the well-being of your employees and therefore your bottom line. A poor balance between work and family life increases stress and employee burnout and isolation. These questions will help you identify how well you manage work-life balance in your teams.

26. Does your supervisor understand the importance of your personal and family life?

27. Does your manager care about your well-being?

28. Do you think your workload is generally reasonable for your role?

29. Does your supervisor set fair deadlines?

30. Do you feel supported by your manager?


Employee survey questions about management provide a valuable tool for organizations to gather feedback from their workforce and identify areas for improvement.

By asking the right questions, organizations can gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their management practices, identify opportunities for improvement, and take action to build stronger relationships between employees and management.

It's important to ensure that survey questions are clear, relevant, and reflective of the organization's values and goals.

By demonstrating a commitment to listening to and acting on employee feedback, organizations can build a more positive workplace culture, increase employee satisfaction and engagement, and ultimately achieve greater success.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions for your help.

Why is it important to ask employees survey questions about management?

Employee survey questions about management are important because they allow organizations to get feedback directly from their employees about how their managers are doing in terms of leadership, communication, support, and more.

This feedback can be used to identify areas where managers can improve, and to implement changes that can lead to a more engaged and productive workforce.

How can organizations use employee survey data about management to improve their workplaces?

Organizations can use employee survey data about management to identify areas where managers can improve their leadership and management skills. This feedback can inform the development of training programs for managers, or the implementation of policies or procedures that support better management practices.

Additionally, organizations can use this feedback to recognize and reward managers who are doing well, which can help to improve morale and motivation among employees.

How should organizations approach gathering feedback from employees about their managers?

Organizations should approach gathering feedback from employees about their managers with transparency and openness. Employees should feel comfortable providing honest feedback, without fear of retribution or negative consequences.

Organizations should also ensure that the feedback is collected anonymously to encourage employees to be more candid. Finally, organizations should communicate the results of the survey to employees, and explain how the feedback will be used to improve management practices.

How often should organizations conduct employee surveys about management?

The frequency of employee surveys about management will depend on the organization's needs and resources. Some organizations conduct these surveys annually, while others may do so more frequently, such as every six months or quarterly.

However, it's important to ensure that surveys are not conducted too frequently, as this can lead to survey fatigue and decreased participation.

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