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Collecting honest feedback and getting the best insights is essential most of the time to notice various perspectives. One of the critical situations in which you may need the best insights is resignations.

Muchos empleados abandonan sus empresas por muchas razones, como la cultura de la empresa, los salarios insuficientes, el entorno laboral, las horas de trabajo y la carga de trabajo. Los empresarios deben investigar estas razones y hacer los cambios necesarios en función de las reacciones si la empresa lo necesita.  

There are various ways to collect constructive feedback from employees who resign. The most common way to do it is to conduct exit surveys.

Exit surveys are preferred because they can be created online and filled out quickly via mobile applications. In this article, you will learn methods, questions, and reasons to obtain the best insights in your surveys in a detailed way.

What is an employee exit survey?

An employee exit survey is a structured questionnaire given to departing employees to understand their reasons for leaving, gather feedback on their work experience, and identify areas for improvement within the organization.

Unlike exit interviews, which can sometimes lead to guarded responses, exit surveys provide employees with a confidential platform to share honest insights about management, workplace culture, compensation, career growth, and job satisfaction.

Leaders can create a better company culture when employees express their opinions about why they are leaving the organization.

The responses to the exit surveys show more clearly where the company has shortcomings. For this reason, the reactions should be noted and analyzed to improve employee engagement and retention. So companies can make the necessary moves to correct their shortcomings.

4 Reasons you should use employee exit surveys

Quizá se pregunte qué otros beneficios pueden aportar las encuestas de salida a la cultura laboral y a las empresas. En muchos sentidos, estas encuestas dan a su empresa una nueva perspectiva, y usted se convierte en una empresa en la que los empleados compiten por trabajar con usted.

1. Obtener información útil

With the feedback and various ideas you get, you can bring new perspectives to the HR department and make existing employees more satisfied. This feedback is usually about situations that employees are uncomfortable with.

Engaged employees will be more committed to their workplace. In addition, they will embrace workplace projects as their own.

2. Construir relaciones más sólidas

Aunque los empleados dimitan, eso no significa que no vayan a volver a trabajar en el mismo sitio. Puede que no les gusten sus compañeros o, lo que es más importante, su puesto en su nuevo lugar de trabajo, y que quieran volver a trabajar con usted.

Por este motivo, las encuestas de salida de los empleados pueden ayudarle a mantener el contacto con ellos e incluso a crear un vínculo más fuerte.

3. Descubrir los puntos débiles y fuertes

Criticism is one of the best ways to detect your weak points to improve yourself. Companies and their management groups need to be open to both positive and negative criticism because only in this way can they discover their strengths and weaknesses.

Si realiza más actividades para mejorar sus puntos débiles, satisfará automáticamente a sus nuevos empleados.

4. Evitar nuevas bajas

While many people can work for you, hiring a new employee for a company is an important and lengthy process. Both employees and employers need to trust each other mutually. Every employee who leaves is a waste of time and effort for the company, and proper communication with employees can help you avoid these losses.

Supercharge employee engagement to minimize turnover. Invest in your workforce and build a thriving, long-lasting team. Take action now with our holistic employee engagement software.

Cómo crear una encuesta de salida

La creación de una encuesta de salida puede ser valiosa para recoger las opiniones de las personas que abandonan su organización o programa. La encuesta puede ayudarle a identificar áreas de mejora y a comprender por qué se han marchado.

Aquí tienes una guía paso a paso que te ayudará a crear una encuesta de salida eficaz:

1. Defina sus objetivos

Determine the specific goals you want to achieve with the exit survey. For example, you should understand the reasons for employee turnover, identify areas of dissatisfaction, or gather suggestions for improvement.

2. Seleccione el método de encuesta

Decida el formato y el método de entrega de su encuesta. Puede elegir entre herramientas de encuesta en línea o encuestas en papel.

3. Elija las preguntas de la encuesta

Develop a set of questions that align with your objectives. Consider a mix of closed ended (multiple-choice or rating scale) and open-ended (free text) questions. Here are some common types of questions to include:

  • Información demográfica: Recopile datos básicos como el cargo, el departamento, la antigüedad en el puesto o los motivos del abandono.
  • Preguntas con escala de Likert: Utilice escalas de valoración para medir los niveles de satisfacción, por ejemplo, pidiéndoles que valoren aspectos de su trabajo o de la organización.
  • Multiple-choice questions: Offer predefined options for respondents, such as asking about the primary reason for their departure.
  • Preguntas abiertas: Deje espacio para que los encuestados proporcionen información detallada, sugerencias o comentarios adicionales.

4. Garantizar la confidencialidad y el anonimato

Asegure a los encuestados que sus respuestas serán confidenciales y anónimas. Esto ayuda a fomentar respuestas honestas e imparciales.

5. La encuesta debe ser concisa

Respete el tiempo de los encuestados haciendo que la encuesta sea breve y concreta. Evita las preguntas innecesarias o repetitivas.

6. Prueba piloto de la encuesta

Antes de distribuir ampliamente la encuesta, realice una prueba piloto con un pequeño grupo de personas que se marchen o se hayan marchado recientemente. Esto le ayudará a identificar cualquier problema o ambigüedad en la encuesta y a realizar los ajustes necesarios.

7. Distribuir la encuesta

Once confident in the survey's design, distribute it to the intended audience. Send it via email, link to your organization's website, or distribute paper copies if necessary.

8. Establezca un plazo y envíe recordatorios

Communicate the deadline for survey completion and consider sending reminder emails to encourage participation.

9. Analizar los datos

Una vez recopiladas las respuestas, analice los datos para identificar patrones, tendencias y perspectivas clave. Busque temas comunes, problemas recurrentes y áreas de mejora.

10. Actuar

Use the insights from the exit survey to inform your decision-making and improve your organization or program. Implement changes based on feedback to address any identified issues or concerns.

Gain Actionable Insights with Empuls Employee Exit Surveys

Understand why employees leave and improve retention with Empuls’ employee exit surveys. Get honest feedback, identify workplace challenges, and make data-driven decisions to enhance employee experience. Ensure every departure leads to meaningful organizational growth.

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How to conduct an employee exit survey: 5 Best methods

Si la información que ha leído le ha hecho darse cuenta de lo útiles que pueden ser estas encuestas para su empresa y sus empleados, probablemente esté pensando en cómo crearlas.

We have compiled three frequently used methods for you so that you will have an average knowledge of each one and can choose the best one for yourself.

1. Cara a cara

Una de las formas más utilizadas de realizar una encuesta de salida es cara a cara. Los cuestionarios en papel, más antiguos y tradicionales, los preparan los departamentos de RRHH y se espera que los contesten los empleados que han declarado su intención de dimitir.

You can ensure employees read the survey questions completely and answer them themselves. The downside is that the answers to these questions must be recorded and analyzed individually, which is a very long process.

2. Encuestas impresas

Printed surveys are another way to collect honest feedback from your employees. You can quickly print the surveys you create on the computer and then give them to those who resign from their jobs. This method is more costly and laborious than others.

Employees must also be physically present in the office to complete the printed questionnaires, which many people do not want to deal with.

3. 3. Llamada telefónica

Surveying by phone call is also one of the methods used, although it is not very popular. The first reason for its unpopularity is the low response rate to these surveys.

According to Pew Research, the response rate to telephone surveys continues to decline. During phone calls, the person in charge reads the previously prepared text to the resigned employees and records their answers.

However, this method is a very tiring process for both parties. Misunderstandings and poor connections can also hurt the results of the survey.

4. Crear una encuesta escribiendo código

Another well-known method is to write code to build an online exit survey. With this method, you can create a survey with your desired look. You need to know how to code or hire a program to do this.

The downsides of coding are that it is expensive and takes too long to create a survey. For this reason, although it is a well-known method, it is also a method that is no longer preferred.

5. Utilización de las herramientas de elaboración de encuestas

Another frequently preferred and popular method is online employee feedback and survey tools. One of the most preferred reasons is that online survey tools do not require coding knowledge, and surveys can be created online.

Además, muchas herramientas de creación de encuestas incluyen plantillas de encuestas de salida, lo que facilita aún más su trabajo. Las plantillas y los temas listos para usar te ayudarán a crear encuestas en un minuto.

How to summarize the findings of exit interviews to improve performance

You'll have a tone of helpful information in your possession after conducting an employee departure interview. One issue remains for you to consider after the departing employee has been subjected to all of those exit interview questions: What will I do with this information?

Too frequently, businesses file it away without acting on the new information. In reality, 37% of HR managers claim to utilize departure interview data seldom. #Stop allowing it to happen to you.

He aquí algunos pasos para resumir las conclusiones de las entrevistas de salida:

1. Realizar entrevistas de salida a los empleados que se van

When your employees inform the human resources department that they want to resign, you should send them the exit survey you prepared earlier. You can do this in the way you think will be most useful for you. For example, these can be online surveys or paper surveys.

Your exit survey should include engaging questions with a purpose similar to other HR survey questions. Employees should answer questions without wasting too much time after leaving their work. Otherwise, it can be challenging to get the most honest feedback.

2. Analizar los datos para ver si existe un patrón compartido.

El siguiente paso, y uno de los más importantes, es analizar las respuestas. Lo primero que hay que buscar al analizar las respuestas es si hay respuestas comunes. Estos patrones compartidos facilitan la identificación de los puntos fuertes y débiles de su empresa.

You should especially note your weak points so that you don't face the same problems in the future. You should also record your employees' favorite features in your company so that you don't have to put effort into developing them further.

3. Comparar los resultados de las entrevistas de salida con los de otras encuestas.

Another way to analyze the survey results is to compare them with other employee surveys and forms. The general purpose of these surveys is to measure employee satisfaction with their work and to improve their performance. In all surveys, you can check whether employees answer the questions consistently.

If employees are dissatisfied with the same aspects across all surveys, the human resources department should prioritize improving them. This way, you can enhance your company culture and obtain more engaged employees.

4. Identificar los puntos débiles y trabajar para mejorarlos

Otro paso consiste en identificar y categorizar los puntos débiles. Una vez que los haya categorizado, será más fácil mejorarlos. Por ejemplo, las preocupaciones de los empleados pueden estar relacionadas con el trabajo, el entorno laboral, la cultura de la empresa, motivos económicos o mobbing.

Si una persona directa es responsable de estos problemas, debes comunicárselo. Si estos problemas son cosas que la empresa puede mejorar y cambiar, hay que darles importancia y esforzarse por aplicar estas innovaciones.

5. Comparta sus conclusiones con los ejecutivos para desarrollar nuevas políticas

El último paso consiste en anotar todos los análisis en detalle y hacer una evaluación general. Debes compartir todos los resultados con los responsables de tu organización y pensar en nuevas estrategias para mejorar estas deficiencias.

Si consigue convertir todos estos defectos en puntos fuertes, podrá hacer que su empresa sea aún más deseable desde la perspectiva de sus empleados.

Ready-to-Use Employee Survey Templates for Instant Insights

Save time and get the right feedback with Empuls’ employee survey templates. Choose from a variety of pre-designed surveys to measure engagement, satisfaction, and workplace culture—customizable for your organization’s needs.

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Exit interview questions HRs should ask employees

If you want to create an exit survey from scratch and are unsure what questions to include, you should use the questions below.

Even if you don’t use the same questions below, you can take inspiration from them and develop more relevant questions for your own company.

General exit interview questions HRs should ask employees

The questions listed below are more generic exit interview questions. These inquiries may be asked during an exit interview regardless of the reasons for a candidate's departure from the organization. We will offer more detailed questions based on the kind of departure.

1. Why did you decide to leave [company]?

2. ¿Qué le llevó a buscar trabajo en otro sitio?

3. Was a specific event that made you leave your position? Then what?

4. ¿Qué te ofrece tu nuevo trabajo que no te ofrecía el anterior?

5. Could anything has been done to keep you working for the company? Then what?

6. ¿Consultó con alguien antes de decidir dimitir?

7. ¿Volvería a la empresa? Si o no

8. Would others consider working for the company? Why not, then?

9. ¿Ha sufrido alguna vez algún tipo de intimidación o acoso? En caso afirmativo, ¿se puso en contacto con RRHH?

10. A lo largo de su trabajo, ¿ha experimentado un liderazgo atractivo o alentador?

11. Did you have the right equipment, materials, and/or training to fulfill your role's requirements? What was lacking if not?

12. ¿Tiene alguna sugerencia para mejorar el atractivo de la organización?

13. ¿Tiene algún otro comentario que hacer?

14. Is it acceptable if a representative of our human resources division contacts you to inquire about anything further?

Preguntas de la entrevista de salida a un empleado cuando se jubila

La jubilación es un momento agridulce. Dejan el trabajo que han conocido y amado, pero también puede significar que tendrán más tiempo libre y oportunidades de vivir nuevas experiencias. Puede obtener más información sobre la trayectoria profesional y los objetivos futuros de un empleado que se jubila haciéndole las siguientes preguntas durante una entrevista de salida.

15. ¿Cómo te sientes con respecto a tu desarrollo profesional y tus logros en la empresa?

16. ¿Qué piensa hacer después de jubilarse?

17. ¿Crees que tienes suficiente dinero para mantenerte en la jubilación?

18. A lo largo de su carrera, ¿le dio la empresa suficiente formación y apoyo?

19. ¿Qué se podría haber hecho para mejorar su experiencia o hacerla más satisfactoria?

20. ¿Tiene alguna recomendación para los empleados actuales o futuros de la empresa?

21. ¿Tienes alguna sugerencia para mejorar las ventajas o el plan de jubilación de la empresa?

22. ¿Tiene intención de seguir colaborando con la empresa de alguna manera, por ejemplo, como consultor o voluntario?

Exit interview questions for terminated employees

Even though termination is never a simple topic, exit interviews are crucial. There are situations when a separation can be amicable. It might not be at other times. The following questions can be used to learn how a fired employee feels about the company and, ideally, address any rules or practices that may have contributed to their termination.

23. ¿Puede describir las circunstancias que provocaron su despido?

24. ¿Hubo señales de alarma antes de ser despedido?

25. Did you receive the assistance and instruction you need for your role before your employment was terminated?

26. Did you feel that the management valued your work?

Exit interview questions to ask employees when they resigns voluntarily

There are many different causes for voluntary resignations, from personal to professional. The following questions can be used in an exit interview with a departing employee to learn more about their time there and, ideally, to change any rules or practices that may have contributed to their choice to leave.

27. Why did you decide to leave your position?

28. ¿Había alguna forma de que la empresa impidiera su dimisión?

29. ¿Cree que recibió la instrucción y la asistencia adecuadas para su puesto?

30. ¿La mala comunicación con la dirección o con sus compañeros influyó en su decisión de dimitir?

31. ¿Tiene alguna recomendación para mejorar la cultura corporativa o el lugar de trabajo?

32. ¿Sugeriría la empresa como un buen lugar para trabajar?

33. ¿Desea añadir algo más sobre su tiempo de trabajo en la empresa o sobre su dimisión?

Preguntas de la entrevista de salida cuando un becario deja la empresa

The success of the intern program and the degree to which interns were assimilated into the company may be learned through exit interviews with interns. The following questions can be asked of a departing intern during an exit interview to learn more about their time with the company and, perhaps, to enhance any rules or procedures for future intern recruits.

34. What would you say about your time as an intern at the company?

35. Did you believe that you were given the proper instruction and assistance for your position?

36. Did poor communication with management or coworkers contribute to your decision to leave the internship program?

37. Do you have any recommendations about how to make the intern program or the workplace for interns better?

38. Would you suggest the company to prospective interns looking for experience?

39. Do you have any further comments on your time as an intern at the company and/or your decision to leave the program?

40. Would you think your experience working for the organization as an intern was beneficial to your career and personal development?

41. Would you ever think about submitting an application for full-time employment with the company? If not, why not?

How can exit interviews affect the retention of employees

Employee retention is greatly influenced by employee engagement. However, departure interviews will only affect employee retention if the lessons learned are acted upon and applied to benefit the rest of your staff.

Se cree que aproximadamente el 85% de los empleados están desvinculados del trabajo. 1 Aunque esta cifra resulte difícil de comprender, hay medidas que pueden adoptarse para cambiar el curso de los acontecimientos.

Los tres elementos siguientes influyen significativamente en el compromiso de los empleados:

  • La relación entre un supervisor y un empleado
  • La confianza de los trabajadores en la dirección de la empresa
  • El sentido del trabajo en equipo

Keep these in mind as you prepare for the departure interview and ask questions to discover how you may enhance relationships, trust, and pride in your company.

Cómo beneficiarse de las encuestas de salida de los empleados

You may learn a lot from exit interviews. Don't waste the opportunity to learn by failing to use employee departure surveys. Employee surveys may be used at any time, not only when someone is leaving, but they are especially crucial when someone is about to leave. It's important to receive comments from others since, according to 71% of workers, it makes them more productive.

One of the last opportunities you have to hear from an employee before they leave your firm is when they are about to leave. Don't pass up the chance to learn from them; utilize constructive criticism to improve your team's workplace.

Remember that the main objective of departure interviews is to use the knowledge you gain to improve workplace culture for your current and future teams. Take advantage of every employee leaving to enhance your business.

Improve employee retention with the Empuls exit survey software

Losing employees is inevitable, but understanding why they leave can help organizations build a better workplace. Empuls’ employee exit survey software provides structured feedback to uncover key reasons for attrition, helping HR teams make informed decisions that improve retention.

Employee life cycle survey

🔹 Automated & customizable surveys: Make exit surveys effortlessly with pre-designed templates or create your own.

🔹 Confidential & honest feedback: Ensure departing employees feel safe sharing their experiences.

🔹 AI-driven analytics: Identify trends and recurring issues to address workplace concerns.

🔹 Easy integration: Conduct surveys seamlessly via Slack, Microsoft Teams, or email.

🔹 Actionable insights: Use real-time data to refine policies, improve engagement, and boost retention.

Don’t let valuable feedback walk out the door. With Empuls’ employee exit interview survey, turn departures into opportunities for workplace growth and improvement.

Puntos clave

Recoger opiniones sinceras y pedir a los empleados su opinión le ayudará a mejorar su empresa. Puedes transformar la cultura de tu empresa y las condiciones de trabajo para que empresarios y empleados obtengan la máxima eficiencia.

Exit surveys are one of the best ways to get the most honest feedback because a resigning employee can freely offer his or her opinions about coworkers and the work environment without hesitation.  

To get the best results, face-to-face and online surveys built by survey-maker tools are the most practical and effective.

Moreover, with the ready-made templates offered by survey maker tools, you can create professional surveys in no time and ensure that employees can access these surveys from anywhere, thanks to the phone application. Start creating exit surveys to collect feedback without wasting time!

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