30 ejemplos de comentarios de empleados para conversaciones positivas y constructivas

Dar feedback de la manera correcta ayuda a los empleados a crecer y a mantenerse comprometidos. En este blog encontrarás ejemplos de cómo dar feedback a los empleados, tanto positivo como constructivo, para que las conversaciones sean claras y tengan impacto.

Escrito por Kathleen O'Donnell, 17 Mar 2025

A vital question every manager should ask: Do your employees know what they’re doing right and where they need improvement on an ongoing basis? Regular feedback is essential for keeping employees on track, engaged, and aligned with company goals. It provides them with a deeper understanding of their role, a key factor in driving employee satisfaction and performance.

However, feedback is only effective when delivered the right way. Without structure, it’s like sending employees on a road trip with an outdated map and no signposts—it creates confusion, frustration, and inefficiency. The key is to strike the right balance between positive employee feedback that reinforces good behaviors and negative employee feedback examples that guide necessary improvements.

So, what does effective feedback look like? You might wonder what to say, how, and when to offer it. In this blog, we’ll explore examples of employee feedback, breaking down why they work and how you can use them to create constructive, impactful conversations with your team.

Frameworks for giving effective employee feedback

Feedback is essential for employee growth, but how you deliver it determines its effectiveness. A structured approach ensures that feedback is clear, constructive, and actionable. Two widely recognized models for giving feedback—the Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) model and the McKinsey feedback model—help managers communicate feedback to minimize defensiveness and maximize improvement.

Using these frameworks ensures feedback is fact-based, avoids assumptions, and focuses on behaviors rather than personal traits. Let’s explore both models in detail.

1. SBI Model: Situation-Behavior-Impact

The SBI model is one of the most widely used feedback frameworks in top organizations. It helps managers deliver both positive and constructive feedback by focusing on three key elements:

  • Situation: Specify when and where the behavior occurred. Providing context helps the recipient recall the event and understand the feedback in the right frame of reference. Instead of vague statements, pinpoint a specific moment, such as a recent project presentation or a team meeting.
  • Behavior: Clearly describe the observed behavior without making personal judgments. The goal is to focus on facts rather than assumptions or interpretations. For example, instead of saying, “You were careless,” say, “You missed a few key data points in your report.”
  • Impact: Explain how the behavior affected the team, project, or organization. This reinforces why the feedback is important and provides motivation for change or reinforcement.

Example of positive feedback using the SBI Model:

"In Monday’s client meeting (S), you presented the revised proposal with confidence and addressed all concerns clearly (B). As a result, the client is now more confident about increasing their investment with us (I). Great job!"

Example of constructive feedback using the SBI Model:

"During yesterday’s brainstorming session (S), you interrupted a colleague multiple times while they were sharing their ideas (B). This made it difficult for them to contribute fully to the discussion (I). Moving forward, let’s ensure that everyone has a chance to speak."

This approach ensures that feedback is specific, avoids personal attacks, and makes it easier for employees to understand and act upon.

2. McKinsey Feedback Model (X-Y-Z Model)

The McKinsey feedback model, also known as the X-Y-Z model, is another effective framework designed to make feedback fact-based and actionable. It follows this simple structure:

  • X (What Happened): Describe the specific action or event that took place.
  • Y (Impact of the Behavior): Explain how the behavior affected others or the outcome of a situation.
  • Z (Expected Change or Improvement): Provide clear guidance on what should be done differently moving forward.

Example of feedback using the mckinsey Model:

"Last Friday, when you arrived late to our weekly team meeting (X), it caused frustration as we had to rush through the agenda, leading to missed discussion points (Y). Going forward, please inform us in advance if you anticipate being late so we can adjust accordingly (Z)."

This model helps prevent misunderstandings by focusing on observable actions rather than personal opinions. It also provides a clear next step, making it easier for employees to implement the feedback.

Why use these feedback frameworks?

Both the SBI model and the McKinsey feedback model ensure that feedback is structured, non-judgmental, and fact-based. Here’s why they work:

  • Reduces defensiveness: Employees are less likely to take feedback personally when it is framed around specific behaviors and their impact.
  • Encourages constructive discussions: Feedback becomes a two-way conversation, allowing employees to reflect and respond without feeling attacked.
  • Provides clear expectations: Employees understand precisely what they must continue doing or improve upon.

By adopting these structured feedback frameworks, managers can create a workplace culture where feedback is not feared but embraced as a tool for growth. Whether reinforcing positive behaviors or guiding improvements, these models help make every feedback conversation more effective and impactful.

Now that you know how to give employees feedback, let’s look at some honest examples of employee feedback.!

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20 Ejemplos de opiniones positivas de empleados

The following are 20 positive employee feedback examples.

1. An employee carrying out a massive responsibility with utmost dedication

New employees generally require training to acclimate to their new corporate environment. The team members tasked to conduct those training programs must deal with many issues from different individuals. Therefore, they deserve positive feedback.

✅ To appreciate them, you can compliment them: "You took up a huge responsibility for the team and assisted with training our new teammates with utmost dedication and commitment. I sincerely appreciate your extra effort to help new employees settle in quickly."

2. Un empleado manejó una situación complicada y encontró soluciones a los conflictos

While collaborating on a project, teammates can often clash due to their varied approaches, leading to discrepancies. However, if employees take the initiative to get past all conflicts and find practical solutions to keep the work flowing, they deserve positive feedback.

✅ In that case, you can say: “I sincerely appreciate your efforts in addressing the disagreements and finding acceptable resolutions for all concerned members and stakeholders. We acknowledge that it wasn’t easy, yet you handled it well. Great work!

3. Un empleado sobrecargado de trabajo adicional

There can be times when there’s a shortage of resources, and because of that, many employees with availability have no choice but to take up extra work. Over time, this can lead some of them to become severely stressed and ultimately resort to quiet quitting.

✅In that case, you can say: “I’m aware of how hard you have been working for the past two weeks, and I genuinely appreciate your efforts. Your work will go back to its normal schedule soon, and you will be compensated justly for your overtime. Keep up the good work!”

4. Un empleado cuyo duro trabajo ha pasado desapercibido

Algunos empleados de su organización siempre trabajan incansablemente para producir los mejores resultados. Hacen siempre un trabajo de calidad, pase lo que pase, pero a veces pasan desapercibidos.

✅ In that case, you can say: “I appreciate that you never miss deadlines and consistently help keep things moving for us. You take delight in your job since it reflects in the quality of your deliverables each time. We genuinely appreciate having you as a part of our team.”

5. Un empleado que va más allá de su capacidad para cumplir los objetivos

Due to strict deadlines, employees often leave their plates loaded with work. It indeed calls for appreciation if employees go beyond their regular capacity to produce deliverables on or before time.

✅ In that case, you can say: “I am aware that you were recently assigned to work on some additional work. You managed to deliver them on time to meet our weekly targets, which I realize could be difficult given the strict deadlines. Sincere thanks for your unfazed dedication.

6. Un empleado que se siente menospreciado por sus honestos esfuerzos

A veces, los empleados que trabajan duro también pueden caer en situaciones difíciles en las que se sienten insignificantes o poco apreciados por sus esfuerzos. Hay que darles un feedback positivo para ayudarles a salir de esas trampas mentales.

✅ In that case, you can say: “Over the past few weeks, you have not only effectively carried out the tasks you were assigned but also significantly contributed to the success of our team's most recent project. We thank you for setting such a great example for your other teammates. Good job!”

7. Un empleado superó sus expectativas

Investigar cualquier estrategia específica relacionada con un proyecto y encontrar las adecuadas podría llevar un tiempo considerable. Si un compañero de equipo supera tus expectativas y propone múltiples estrategias interesantes para que puedas tomar mejores decisiones empresariales, no tengas reparos en aplaudirle con comentarios positivos.

✅ In that case, you can say: “Your sincerity and dedication towards this project are commendable. You did a great job researching and coming up with effective strategies in such a short period. Thank you for your commitment to our team's shared goals.”

8. Un empleado emprendió una iniciativa importante para todo el equipo

Hoy en día, la mitad del mundo empresarial desaprovecha las oportunidades de establecer relaciones sociales. Los empleados tienen dificultades para entenderse con sus compañeros de equipo debido a la falta de una comunicación adecuada. Este es el resultado de la incorporación de entornos de trabajo híbridos y remotos tras el auge de la pandemia de COVID-19.

Si un compañero de equipo toma la iniciativa de organizar sesiones virtuales de socialización en las que los empleados dispongan de una plataforma para entablar relaciones sólidas, se merece un comentario positivo a lo grande.

✅In that case, you can say: “Many employees were experiencing the fear of missing out since there weren't enough opportunities to interact and connect with coworkers. However, setting up virtual socializing sessions tremendously aided in fostering interpersonal relationships among team members. Thank you for creating such a significant impact and bringing our team closer than ever.”

9. Un empleado hizo sistemáticamente todo lo posible para alcanzar los objetivos de la organización

Si se ha dado cuenta de que su empleado cumple sistemáticamente todos sus objetivos a tiempo, se merece un reconocimiento. Un comentario positivo por su parte reforzará esa sensación de logro.

✅ To honor them, you can say: “I've noticed that over the past few weeks, you've achieved all of your targets on or before the deadlines. For all the other teammates, this serves as an excellent example. Your management skills and ability to recognize your limitations while also going the extra mile prove that you will be a valuable member of our team for a long time.”

10. Un empleado le ayudó a evitar que su empresa malgastara recursos adicionales

Supongamos que un empleado aporta soluciones prácticas para resolver un problema que podría haber perjudicado a su empresa. Las soluciones tuvieron éxito y ahorraron tiempo y dinero a la empresa.

✅ In that case, you can say: “We sincerely appreciate your prompt action in finding a solution to this issue. Your willingness to undertake risky situations and make quick judgments spared us from a big catastrophe. I'm delighted to have you on board!”

11. Un empleado toma la iniciativa de mantener la comunicación con los empleados

Every successful business needs employees who are skilled communicators. Fostering effective relationships among staff members can motivate them to perform even better. Effective employee communication is one skill that high-performance employees capitalize on.

✅ When you notice your employee taking the initiative, you can say: “I appreciate how you actively kept me informed about this week's task progress. It greatly reduced the amount of time I had to spend communicating and coordinating with the project stakeholders. Your productivity and communication skills are quite impressive.”

12. Un empleado le sorprendió con su perseverancia

A veces los empleados acaban sorprendiéndole al demostrar unas habilidades excepcionales en el trabajo. Le ayuda a dirigirlos para que alcancen su potencial y ofrezcan mejores resultados a su organización.

✅ In that case, you can say: “The targets you've accomplished this month have me genuinely proud. You displayed your unique skills with perseverance and never lost motivation. I appreciate all the time and effort you put forth to accomplish your targets.”

13. Un empleado sin experiencia previa resultó aprender rápido

Nunca hay que subestimar a un principiante. Quién sabe, puede que aprendan rápido y trabajen con dedicación sin perder de vista los objetivos de su equipo. Si tienes a alguien así en tu equipo, dale un feedback positivo para subirle la moral.

✅ In that case, you can say: “Even though you had no experience before joining us, you turned out to be quite a fast learner and managed your allocated work dedicatedly. Given the constant influx of new information, it could be challenging to accomplish this in the early days. That's why we're all pleased to have you on board.”

14. Un empleado le ayudó a superar un obstáculo

No siempre es posible que las cosas fluyan a la perfección en el trabajo, y puede que tengas que enfrentarte a retos complejos. Si un compañero de equipo te ayuda a idear una solución aplicando estrategias creativas de resolución de problemas, merece la pena recibir un feedback positivo.

✅ To help, you can reassure them by saying:  “You did an excellent job figuring out how to keep us moving forward with your creative thinking. The resolution you offered saved this project in time; therefore, I’m grateful to have you as part of our team. Thank you for maintaining a positive attitude throughout the process.”

15. Un empleado demostró cualidades de liderazgo

Es posible que te veas desbordado por un montón de trabajo y faltes a una reunión importante. Sin embargo, si un miembro responsable del equipo se ofrece a sustituirte, dale una palmadita en la espalda por haber tomado esa iniciativa con prontitud.

✅ In that case, you can say: “I appreciate you volunteering to lead our meeting today. You proved that you could handle leadership responsibilities and foster productive collaboration among our employees. I learned that your effective communication skills made everyone feel heard, which is quite remarkable.”

16. Un empleado prefirió la compasión a la competitividad

La vida empresarial te hace competitivo. A veces, en lugar de salir adelante y lograr ese ascenso, hacemos cualquier cosa para eclipsar a nuestros compañeros. Si te has encontrado con una situación en la que uno de tus empleados demuestra ser merecedor de un ascenso pero, en lugar de ello, opta por ayudar a los demás miembros de su equipo a alcanzar los objetivos comunes del equipo, merece que se lo agradezcas.

✅ In that case, you can say: “One thing I like about you is that you try to find ways to help people. For instance, I observed last week how you spent some of your time helping one of your team members finalize their presentation fast. For the rest of the team, you are a true inspiration.”

17. Un empleado aprendió una nueva habilidad para satisfacer los requisitos cambiantes

Por ejemplo, uno de sus empleados se esfuerza diligentemente por mejorar sus cualificaciones para mantenerse al día de las cambiantes demandas del mercado. Es importante apoyar a los empleados que intentan superarse.

✅ In that case, you can say: “This new skill you've learned is not something everyone can or will be interested in learning. However, your dedication and effort to seek new ways to improve are admirable. I'm eager to see how, over the next few months, this new skill will benefit both you and the company.”

18. Un empleado ganó múltiples críticas positivas de clientes

Let’s assume your employee received positive customer reviews back to back due to their good behavior, dedication, and problem-solving attitude.

✅ Here, you can say: “I read every review your clients left this month for you. You went above and beyond to ensure customers had a positive experience. We're proud of you. Keep up the excellent work.”

19. Un empleado se esfuerza por mantenerse al día de los continuos cambios organizativos

Supongamos que se produce un cambio en la dirección o en los procesos de trabajo, y adaptarse rápidamente a tales cambios no es fácil para muchos. Durante esta transición, lo mejor sería ayudar a los empleados con comentarios positivos sobre su comportamiento.

✅ In that case, you can say: “I am aware of how stressful these last few weeks have been for everyone. However, you handled the new situation with maturity and composure. Your behavior had a positive effect on your team members as well. Thank you for your consistent support.”

20. Un empleado fue ascendido a un puesto más importante

Por ejemplo, recientemente ha ascendido a un miembro del equipo a un puesto más importante. Ha asumido nuevas tareas y hay que decirle si está justificando su nuevo puesto haciendo un buen trabajo. Si es así, hay que darles un feedback positivo sin demora.

✅ In that case, you can say: We believe that appointing you to this new position was the best decision. You've done an excellent job resolving our sales-related issues and earning our trust in your capabilities. Keep up the good work!

Ahora que ya conocemos algunas situaciones en las que puede transmitir comentarios positivos a sus empleados y qué decir exactamente, conozcamos algunos de sus beneficios directos.

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¿Cómo dar una opinión negativa?

It’s natural to feel a little uneasy at the thought of delivering feedback about something unpleasant - you want your employees to feel happy and supported at work.

Pero, a la larga, no avisar a los empleados cuando hay que detener algo o ajustar su comportamiento es más amable que dejarles seguir por el mal camino.

Piense en ello como si el GPS le corrigiera automáticamente y sin juzgarle en su viaje por carretera cuando ha girado en el punto equivocado.

He aquí algunos puntos y consejos para que las conversaciones sobre las opiniones negativas de los empleados sean más eficaces:

  • ➡️Stick to I-statements. Instead of telling an employee, “You made me upset,” try leading with, “I felt upset when this behavior happened.” It’s a way of making employees feel less defensive, which helps them listen instead of jumping n to defend themselves.
  • ➡️Clarify your objectives. What are you looking to accomplish in this conversation? Knowing what you want to do going into the conversation will help you be more direct and clear.
  • ➡️Lead with empathy. You want your employee to know that you understand this is a difficult conversation - it’s hard to hear when you haven’t performed or behaved at your best. Noting that going in and reminding them you’re doing this because you care about their career and them as a person makes your candor feel kinder.
  • ➡️Avoid the “feedback sandwich.” This is where you give negative feedback in between two positive compliments. While that seems nice, it’s confusing. After all, the employee thinks they’re doing things well - two compliments together! And people tend to retain the last piece better, so the message for improvement gets lost. Honesty and directness are better ways to go.

Sample employee negative feedback examples

Delivering negative feedback in a constructive way is essential for employee growth and development. When framed properly, it helps employees understand expectations, identify areas for improvement, and take actionable steps toward success. Instead of discouraging, well-structured feedback fosters learning and enhances performance. Below are ten examples of constructive negative feedback with clear situations to ensure clarity and effectiveness.

1. Missed deadlines impacting team workflow

An employee frequently misses deadlines, delaying overall project progress. For instance, they have failed to submit two key deliverables on time in the past three weeks. This has caused disruptions in the internal review process and forced the team to work under tight conditions to compensate for the lost time. The employee has not communicated any challenges beforehand, which has made it difficult to provide necessary support.

"I’ve noticed that in the past three weeks, you have missed two critical deadlines, which delayed the team’s workflow. For example, when the client report was submitted late last Friday, it held up the internal review process and caused extra work for others. If you foresee any delays, please communicate in advance so we can adjust accordingly and keep the project on track."

2. Frequent late arrivals affecting team meetings

An employee regularly arrives late to scheduled meetings, causing disruptions and delaying discussions. This has become a recurring issue, with at least three late arrivals in the past month. As a result, the team has had to start meetings without them or repeat information, affecting efficiency and productivity.

✅  "I’ve noticed that you have arrived late to our 9 AM meetings at least three times this month. Last Monday, we had to start without you, and you missed important project updates. It is important that we respect each other’s time and ensure everyone is present for discussions. Please adjust your schedule to be on time moving forward."

3. Poor communication leading to misunderstandings

An employee does not provide clear or timely updates, leading to confusion among colleagues. In one instance, they failed to notify the team about a revised client request, causing the team to work with outdated information. This led to additional revisions and delayed project completion.

✅  "During last week’s project handoff, I noticed that some key details were missing in your update to the team. Because the revised client request was not shared, the team continued working with outdated instructions, which caused confusion and rework. Moving forward, please ensure you provide complete and timely updates in our communication channels so that everyone stays aligned."

4. Lack of attention to detail causing errors

An employee repeatedly submits work with errors, requiring extra time for corrections. In one recent instance, their financial report contained multiple miscalculations that had to be fixed before submission. This has caused unnecessary delays and has affected decision-making.

✅  "I’ve noticed recurring errors in your reports over the past month. For example, last Tuesday’s financial summary had multiple miscalculations, which required revision before it could be sent out. These mistakes slow down the process and impact key decisions. I encourage you to double-check your work before submission and use our internal checklist to ensure accuracy."

5. Negative attitude affecting team morale

An employee frequently expresses frustration or dismisses others’ ideas during discussions. In one recent team meeting, they openly criticized a colleague’s suggestion without offering constructive input. This has discouraged open collaboration and affected the overall work environment.

"I have observed that your tone in team discussions has been more negative than usual. For example, in last Thursday’s meeting, when a colleague proposed a new approach, you dismissed the idea without any constructive feedback. This kind of response can discourage collaboration. I encourage you to share concerns constructively and contribute solutions rather than criticisms."

6. Poor customer interaction impacting client satisfaction

An employee has received complaints from customers due to a dismissive or unhelpful tone. In one case, a client reported that when they inquired about a delay, they received a short response that did not address their concerns. This has led to dissatisfaction and impacted the company’s relationship with the client.

"I received feedback from a client who felt their concerns were not properly addressed during their last call with you. They mentioned that when they asked about a delay, they felt the response was short and dismissive. Customer communication is key to maintaining strong relationships, so let’s work on using a more positive and empathetic tone to ensure clients feel heard and supported."

7. Lack of initiative resulting in missed opportunities

An employee only completes assigned tasks and does not take proactive steps to improve workflows. In a recent project, when the team was struggling with a bottleneck, they did not offer assistance or suggestions, even though they had relevant experience that could have helped resolve the issue.

✅  "I’ve noticed that while you complete your assigned tasks well, you rarely take initiative beyond your responsibilities. Last week, when the team was facing a bottleneck, you had the expertise to help, but you did not step in. Being proactive in problem-solving would not only improve the team’s efficiency but also showcase your leadership potential. I encourage you to share ideas and take a more active role in team discussions."

8. Resistance to feedback and growth

An employee repeatedly dismisses constructive feedback and does not take action to improve. In a recent client pitch, they repeated the same issue that had been addressed in previous feedback sessions—rushing through key details without enough explanation.

"In our last two check-ins, we discussed areas where you could improve, particularly in presentation skills. However, during last Friday’s client pitch, you again rushed through key details without enough explanation, making it difficult for the client to follow. Feedback is meant to help you grow, and I’d like to see more effort in applying these suggestions. Let’s work together to ensure your next presentation is more effective."

9. Interrupting others in meetings

An employee frequently speaks over colleagues in discussions, making it difficult for others to contribute. In the last strategy session, they interrupted multiple times while team members were sharing their ideas, leading to frustration among the group.

"I’ve noticed that in several recent meetings, you have interrupted colleagues before they finished speaking. For example, during Monday’s strategy session, you spoke over others twice while they were presenting their ideas. It is important that everyone has an opportunity to contribute, so I’d like you to be more mindful of letting others complete their thoughts before adding your input."

10. Missed deadlines due to poor time management

An employee struggles with prioritization, leading to incomplete or rushed work. In the most recent project, they submitted their report just before the deadline, but it lacked key details that had to be corrected in a hurry, impacting the overall quality.

✅  "I’ve noticed that your tasks are often completed at the last minute, affecting quality and creating unnecessary stress. Last week, your report was submitted right before the deadline and lacked key details that had to be fixed in a rush. Effective time management is crucial, so I’d like you to plan your workload better and allocate time for revisions before submission."

Negative feedback, when given constructively, helps employees improve and perform at their best. Providing clear examples, focusing on behaviors rather than personal traits, and offering solutions make the feedback more effective. Managers should aim to create a feedback culture where employees feel supported in their growth rather than criticized for their mistakes.

Enmarque sus propios ejemplos de retroalimentación

Now that you’ve seen a few ways to deliver feedback think of an upcoming conversation you need to have with an employee.

Guionizar el principio y el final de la conversación puede ayudarle a sentirse aprensivo a la hora de ofrecer feedback o de ser un nuevo directivo.

A guide like this from SHRM is beneficial for negative feedback conversations.

Here is a sample conversation flow for your following feedback conversation - how to begin, end, and affect change.

  • Comience reconociendo el propósito de la conversación para que los empleados sepan a qué atenerse.
  • Move into the SBI framework, which you can map out beforehand.
  • Now it’s time to listen to what your employees say - do they have questions or concerns about what you’ve just said?
  • Finally, thank them for listening, acknowledge that this may have been difficult or uncomfortable, and tell them you’re here to support them.

Clarity and directness are genuinely the kindest ways to approach tricky topics when they’re tempered with empathy.

De lo contrario, los empleados podrían sentirse inquietos e inseguros de lo que está mal (o bien), aunque sepan que van a recibir algún comentario.

Es una sensación que todos hemos tenido: no estamos seguros de que nuestro último giro en el viaje por carretera haya sido el correcto, pero no podemos ver ninguna señal o punto de referencia que nos diga si estamos en la carretera correcta o nos ayude a averiguar cómo volver a la carretera por el camino correcto.

Nos sentimos perdidos e intranquilos, y queremos una dirección clara y compasiva para volver a encontrar nuestro camino.

¿Cuándo dar feedback?

Feedback should not be limited to annual performance reviews. Waiting a whole year to address employee performance can lead to surprises, frustration, and missed opportunities for improvement. If employees believe they are doing well but receive unexpected criticism during their review, it can damage morale and overwhelm them.

The best time to give feedback is regularly and in the moment. Employees should receive ongoing input throughout the year, whether praise for good work or constructive feedback to help them improve. Timely feedback allows employees to make adjustments before minor issues become major problems. It also ensures that positive contributions are recognized when they happen, reinforcing the right behaviors.

To create a culture of continuous feedback, managers should incorporate it into daily interactions, weekly check-ins, or project debriefs. This approach helps employees stay on track, eliminates surprises, and fosters a work environment where growth and communication are a priority.

Es hora de crear una cultura de retroalimentación positiva en su organización.

Compass-pulse survey

A strong feedback culture doesn’t happen by chance—it’s built with intention, trust, and the right tools. When feedback flows openly, employees feel valued, engagement rises, and performance improves. Whether real-time recognition, constructive insights, or leadership feedback, fostering a culture where input is encouraged leads to long-term success.

Steps to foster a positive feedback culture:

Encourage open conversations: Make feedback a two-way street between employees and leadership.

Provide continuous feedback: Move beyond annual reviews with regular, real-time feedback.

Leverage technology: Use tools like Empuls to collect, analyze, and act on feedback.

Recognize and act on input: Show employees their feedback drives real change.

Train teams on giving and receiving feedback: Ensure feedback is constructive and actionable.

Start making feedback a natural part of your workplace today!

Principales conclusiones

Ofrecer una retroalimentación frecuente, empática y eficaz no es fácil. Pero con práctica y unas sencillas directrices, puede aprender a hacerlo de forma que obtenga resultados y mantenga a los empleados comprometidos y en el buen camino.

Sus comentarios ofrecen a los empleados una guía y una corrección del rumbo en su trayectoria profesional, así que asegúrese de hacerlo correctamente y ambos tendrán éxito.

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