30+ Employee Pulse Survey Questions You Must Ask to Get Actionable Insights
Employee pulse surveys are complex to get right. To run successful pulse surveys, you should ask questions that will give you responses you can do something with.
Las respuestas mensurables pueden ayudarle a comprender qué funciona, qué no funciona y cómo mejorarlo.
Uno de los trucos más fáciles para obtener respuestas satisfactorias en las encuestas es formular correctamente las preguntas adecuadas.
💡A few of those traits, as shared by Glassdoor, include:
↠ Employees are engaged and empowered to do their best work.
↠ Honest feedback is valued and encouraged.
↠ Employees have a sense of purpose and understand the impact they make.
Employee engagement is a key driver of business success. Research shows that highly engaged teams increase productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction while reducing turnover. One of the most effective ways to measure engagement and gather employee feedback is through employee pulse survey questions.
Pulse surveys allow HR teams to collect real-time employee satisfaction, loyalty, and workplace experience insights. However, the effectiveness of these surveys depends on asking the right questions. Well-crafted employee engagement employee pulse survey questions help organizations identify improvement areas, track engagement trends, and take meaningful action.
This guide shares the 37-sample employee pulse survey questions to help businesses assess workplace culture and address key engagement challenges. Inspired by Gallup’s Q12 survey, these research-backed questions can be structured as multiple-choice, Likert scale, or open-ended to provide valuable and measurable feedback.
Descargue plantillas de encuestas gratuitas para conocer la opinión de los empleados
Utilice plantillas diseñadas por expertos para realizar un seguimiento del compromiso de los empleados, la satisfacción laboral y la cultura del lugar de trabajo. Obtenga acceso instantáneo a las plantillas que se adaptan a sus necesidades.
Employee pulse survey questions based on leadership and management
Leaders and managers are key in impacting successful teams and driving organizational change. They help motivate employees and provide them with the resources they need to perform at their best.
Las encuestas sobre el pulso de los empleados pueden ayudar a líderes y directivos a comprender el impacto que tienen en sus empleados.
1. ¿Conoce la misión y los objetivos de nuestra empresa?
According to Gallup, the mission or purpose of an organization makes employees feel their job is important.
Further, IBM’s Employee Experience Index states that 80% of employees reported a positive experience when their work was consistent with their organization’s core values and mission.
Cuando los empleados están plenamente comprometidos y pueden ver cómo su trabajo conecta con su misión y sus objetivos, estarán motivados para hacer su mejor trabajo y permanecer en su empresa.
Esta pregunta de la encuesta muestra el nivel de compromiso de los empleados con su empresa.
2. ¿Considera que nuestros líderes y directivos son visibles y accesibles?
According to a recent Forbes article, great leaders are present, visible, and accessible. During uncertainty, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, employees look to leaders for clarity and guidance.
When employees can see and access their leaders, they feel safer, building trust and improving their work performance. Often, and as expected, business leaders are busy and inundated with many responsibilities.
Sin embargo, es bueno para su organización que los líderes se hagan más visibles y accesibles. Esta pregunta de la encuesta de compromiso de los empleados le indica si los empleados confían en los líderes y se sienten seguros en su organización.
3. ¿Sientes que tu jefe se preocupa por ti como persona?
Think about a time when you knew that someone cared for you at work. How did that impact you and your attitude to work? Employees are not machines. They have feelings that can affect their performance, whether positive or negative.
Los empleados necesitan saber que alguien se preocupa por su éxito.
Employee pulse survey questions based on employee experience
Employee experience determines if an organization is where employees WANT, not NEED to show up to work.
A great employee experience predicts twice the innovation and 25 percent greater profitability in organizations. Since experiences help us connect with and build relationships with others, measuring the employee experience is essential.
4. ¿Qué probabilidades hay de que recomiende nuestra empresa a sus amigos?
Companies looking to gain a competitive advantage in their labor market have to pay attention to their employer brand because exceptionally skilled candidates tend to evaluate potential employers before moving ahead with the recruitment process.
La investigación ha demostrado que "el boca a boca parece ser una fuente influyente de información positiva sobre el empleo en varias fases del proceso de contratación".
Por lo tanto, si sus empleados se sienten cómodos y orgullosos de trabajar en su empresa, es más probable que den a conocer su empresa como un gran lugar para trabajar. Esta pregunta le indica si sus empleados creen en lo que hace su organización y si se sienten orgullosos de trabajar en ella.
5. ¿Encuentra sentido a su trabajo?
A study in the Harvard Business Review has shown that “more than 9 out of 10 employees are willing to trade a percentage of their lifetime earnings for greater meaning at work.”
Other empirical research has “linked meaningful work to important work outcomes such as job satisfaction, work motivation, engagement, performance, citizenship behaviors, and attachment to occupations and organizations.”
Los empleados necesitan un lugar de trabajo donde puedan aplicar sus habilidades, conectar con un propósito mayor y experimentar una cultura laboral sólida y solidaria.
Es importante que consultes a tus empleados para averiguar qué les motiva a trabajar cada día y descubrir formas de ayudarles a mantener la motivación.
Employee pulse survey questions based on work-life balance
Los empleados que carecen de equilibrio entre su vida laboral y personal son susceptibles de sufrir estrés laboral grave, como el agotamiento profesional.
Consequently, companies suffer from poor employee engagement, low productivity, and high turnover. Employers need to ensure that workers enjoy a healthy balance between their work and personal needs.
6. ¿Siente que nuestra empresa se preocupa por su bienestar mental y físico?
Ignoring employees’ mental or physical health has financial implications for companies. According to the World Health Organization, work stress can lead to physical and mental health problems, resulting in lost productivity.
The cost of illness covers the amount spent on medications, hospitalizations, emergency care, and days off from work. A pulse survey can help you know employees' physical or mental stress sources and identify how your company can support them.
7. ¿Encuentras tiempo suficiente para descansar y centrarte en tus necesidades personales?
The regular 9-to-5 work schedule is gradually becoming extinct because technology has blurred the lines between work life and personal life. We once considered evenings, weekends, and holidays as personal time.
Sin embargo, el trabajo parece haberse apoderado del tiempo personal, ya que las empresas esperan que los empleados estén disponibles y accesibles en cualquier momento.
Este solapamiento del trabajo afecta a muchos trabajadores y provoca un deterioro de su salud y bienestar. ¿Promueve su entorno laboral el equilibrio entre trabajo y vida privada? ¿Están contentos los empleados con responder al trabajo, incluso durante su horario?
Employee pulse survey questions based on diversity and inclusion
Research from Catalyst has found diversity and inclusion beneficial to individuals, organizations, teams, and society.
Entre las muchas ventajas de maximizar el talento, aumentar la productividad y mantener una marca de empleador positiva, las empresas con mayor diversidad son más innovadoras y obtienen más ingresos de nuevos productos y servicios.
Hemos identificado dos preguntas que debería plantear a sus empleados en esta categoría:
8. ¿Te sientes aceptado y respetado en el lugar de trabajo?
Treating all employees with respect plays a significant role in creating a culture of inclusiveness. A diverse workplace typically consists of people with different demographic identities.
Aunque algunas de esas identidades son visibles, otras no lo son. Independientemente de las identidades que lleven consigo los empleados, como el sexo, la raza, el origen nacional, el estatus socioeconómico, la orientación sexual, la edad o la discapacidad, necesitan sentirse aceptados y respetados.
According to Glassdoor, candidates evaluate companies and job offers for diversity. This question tells you if employees consider your workplace truly diverse and inclusive.
9. ¿Te sientes cómodo aportando tus opiniones a nuestra organización?
Do you focus on the same faces or voices during every meeting? It could be that only the opinions of senior managers seem to matter over the rest of your team.
Globally, only one in four employees agree that their opinions matter at work, according to Gallup. Companies need to be intentional about creating opportunities for employees to share their ideas and opinions.
You’ll notice that many of the companies with ground-breaking innovations are companies that value diversity and inclusion. For example, Apple recognizes that an inclusive and diverse workforce drives innovation and makes them stronger. This pulse survey question will help you identify and support diverse voices.
10. ¿Considera que nuestra empresa se compromete a fomentar un lugar de trabajo diverso e integrador?
Many companies make bold promises about diversity and inclusion, but the data and recent events show slow progress. Is your company a truly diverse and inclusive workplace?
Does everyone on your executive team look or think the same? With this pulse survey question, you’ll find out what your employees feel about your company’s diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.
Descargue plantillas de encuestas gratuitas para conocer la opinión de los empleados
Utilice plantillas diseñadas por expertos para realizar un seguimiento del compromiso de los empleados, la satisfacción laboral y la cultura del lugar de trabajo. Obtenga acceso instantáneo a las plantillas que se adaptan a sus necesidades.
Employee pulse survey questions based on support
Ofrecer apoyo a los empleados puede ayudarles a rendir al máximo, a sentirse apreciados y a comprometerse en el trabajo.
11. Do you understand the duties and expectations of your role?
Ideally, managers should address job duties and expectations during onboarding; however, not many companies give onboarding the priority it needs.
As a result, employees struggle to perform well in their roles. According to Gallup Q1, “clear expectations are the most basic employee need,” contributing to better employee engagement.
Employees must see how their roles connect to the entire organization or existing team projects. This pulse survey question will uncover why employees struggle or whether you need to revamp your onboarding process.
Employee pulse survey questions based on job satisfaction & work environment
A positive work environment plays a major role in employee satisfaction and engagement. When employees feel valued, supported, and equipped with the right tools, they are more likely to stay productive and motivated. These employee pulse survey questions help organizations assess how employees perceive their roles and overall workplace experience.
12. How satisfied are you with your current role and responsibilities?
Employees who find their work fulfilling are more likely to stay engaged. This question helps identify whether employees feel challenged, aligned with their job roles, or in need of better role clarity.
13. Do you feel your work contributes meaningfully to the company’s goals?
Employees want to know that their efforts have an impact. If they feel disconnected from the company’s vision, engagement levels may drop. This question helps assess whether employees see a clear link between their work and company success.
14. Are you provided with the necessary tools and resources to do your job effectively?
A lack of proper tools or outdated systems can frustrate employees and reduce productivity. This question identifies whether there are gaps in technology, training, or workplace support that need to be addressed.
15. Do you feel comfortable discussing work-related concerns with your manager?
Employees need to feel safe voicing their concerns without fear of judgment or backlash. If employees hesitate to share feedback, issues may remain unresolved, leading to disengagement.
16. How would you rate your overall work-life balance?
An imbalance between work and personal life can lead to burnout and decreased motivation. This question helps determine if employees are overworked or if they feel supported in maintaining a healthy balance.
17. Do you feel recognized and appreciated for your contributions?
Recognition plays a key role in keeping employees motivated. If employees don’t feel appreciated, they may disengage or look for opportunities elsewhere. This question helps gauge the effectiveness of an organization’s recognition efforts.
Employee pulse survey questions based on workplace culture & inclusion
An inclusive workplace fosters collaboration, trust, and a sense of belonging. Employees who feel respected and included are more likely to contribute meaningfully and remain committed to the organization. These questions help evaluate whether employees feel valued and supported within the workplace culture.
18. Do you feel valued and respected by your colleagues?
Employees thrive in environments where mutual respect is a priority. This question measures how well teams collaborate and whether there are any concerns regarding interpersonal relationships.
19. How inclusive do you find the company’s culture?
A truly inclusive workplace makes employees feel accepted regardless of their background, gender, or beliefs. This question helps organizations assess whether their diversity and inclusion efforts are effective.
20. Have you experienced or witnessed any workplace bias or discrimination?
Bias and discrimination can erode trust and morale. Organizations must identify any underlying issues and address them proactively to create a fair and equitable work environment.
21. Do you feel comfortable expressing your opinions and ideas at work?
Employees should feel safe sharing feedback and contributing ideas without fear of criticism. If employees hesitate to speak up, it may indicate a lack of psychological safety in the workplace.
22. Does the company promote a positive and inclusive work environment?
An inclusive workplace is more than just policies—it’s about day-to-day experiences. This question helps measure how well employees perceive the company’s commitment to fostering an inclusive culture.
23. How well does leadership support diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives?
Leadership plays a crucial role in driving an inclusive culture. This question helps assess whether employees feel that DEI initiatives are more than just symbolic efforts and whether leadership is actively involved in creating a diverse and fair workplace.
Mida el sentimiento de los empleados en tiempo real con las encuestas Pulse
Realice un seguimiento de los niveles de compromiso con la encuesta del pulso de los empleados de Empuls. Obtenga información instantánea, identifique preocupaciones y tome medidas para crear una plantilla más comprometida.
Employee pulse survey questions based on growth & career development
Employees want to grow within their organizations. If they don’t see clear opportunities for development, they may look elsewhere. These questions help assess whether employees feel supported in their professional growth and whether the company offers meaningful career advancement opportunities.
13. Do you feel you have enough opportunities to grow within the company?
Employees who see a future within their organization are more likely to stay engaged. This question helps assess whether employees feel they have room to advance or if they see career growth as limited.
24. Does your role challenge you and help you develop new skills?
Employees want work that challenges them and helps them grow. If their role feels repetitive or stagnant, engagement may decline. This question measures whether employees feel intellectually stimulated in their roles.
25. How satisfied are you with the training and development opportunities available?
Continuous learning is essential for employee growth. If employees feel that training programs are lacking, they may struggle to keep up with industry trends or feel undervalued.
26. Do you receive mentorship or guidance for career progression?
Employees benefit from mentorship programs that help them navigate their careers. This question helps determine if employees feel supported in their professional development.
27. Do you feel supported in achieving your professional goals?
Employees should feel that their managers and the organization are invested in their long-term career success. This question helps assess whether employees feel encouraged to pursue their aspirations.
28. How often do you discuss career growth with your manager?
Regular career discussions help employees stay on track and set realistic goals. If career growth conversations are rare, employees may feel uncertain about their future within the organization.
Employee pulse survey questions based on change management
Change is inevitable in any organization, but how it is managed determines whether employees embrace it or resist it. Effective change management ensures employees feel informed, supported, and engaged during transitions. These pulse survey questions help assess how employees perceive organizational changes and whether they feel equipped to navigate them.
29. Do you feel well-informed about recent changes in the organization?
Clear and timely communication is essential for managing change effectively. If employees feel left in the dark, uncertainty and resistance can grow. This question helps gauge whether leadership is providing enough information about changes.
30. Do you understand how these changes will impact your role?
Employees need clarity on how changes affect their daily responsibilities. Without a clear understanding, they may feel anxious or disengaged. This question helps identify whether additional guidance is needed.
31. Do you feel leadership is managing this change effectively?
Employees look to leadership for direction during transitions. If leadership appears unprepared or disconnected, employees may struggle to trust the process. This question helps measure confidence in leadership’s ability to navigate change.
32. Do you feel supported in adapting to recent changes?
Support from managers and peers is crucial in helping employees adjust to change. If employees feel unsupported, morale and productivity may decline. This question identifies whether employees have the necessary resources and encouragement.
33. Do you have the tools and training needed to succeed in this new environment?
Organizational changes often require employees to learn new skills or use new tools. If proper training isn’t provided, employees may feel overwhelmed or underprepared. This question helps assess whether additional training or resources are needed.
Employee pulse survey questions based on total rewards
Total rewards encompass an employee’s base pay, bonuses and incentives, benefits, recognition, advancement opportunities, and other perks in human resources management.
At Empuls, we believe in bringing your organizational values to life by aligning rewards with your mission and goals. It’s necessary to help your employees understand how their actions contribute to organizational growth.
Hemos identificado cuatro preguntas que le ayudarán a explorar la opinión de los empleados sobre el programa de recompensa total de su empresa.
34. Do you feel appreciated for your work contributions?
35. How satisfied are you with our current employee benefits?
36. Do you have opportunities to learn and develop new skills?
37. Do you feel that our company supports your career goals?
Total rewards are helpful because they help to attract, retain, and motivate talent.
Empuls: The smart way to design employee pulse survey questions
Crafting the right employee pulse survey questions is crucial for gathering meaningful feedback and improving workplace engagement. Empuls' pulse survey tool simplifies this process, helping organizations create targeted, research-backed questions that uncover real employee sentiment.
How Empuls enhances your pulse surveys
- Expert-designed question templates: Access pre-built, research-backed employee pulse survey questions that measure engagement, motivation, and workplace satisfaction.
- AI-driven analytics: Identify patterns and trends in employee responses, making it easier to address concerns and improve engagement strategies.
- Real-time feedback loop: Automate surveys to run regularly, ensuring continuous employee feedback without overwhelming your workforce.
- Confidential & anonymous surveys: Foster trust and encourage honest responses with built-in privacy settings.
- Seamless integration: Easily launch surveys within Slack, Microsoft Teams, or email, allowing employees to respond without disrupting their workflow.
With Empuls' employee pulse survey tool, organizations can create well-structured, effective survey questions that lead to actionable insights and real improvements in workplace engagement.
A well-designed employee pulse survey is a powerful tool for understanding employee sentiment, identifying challenges, and driving positive workplace changes. However, the effectiveness of these surveys depends on asking the right questions—ones that are targeted, clear, and aligned with your organization’s engagement goals.
Organizations can gain actionable insights and address concerns before they escalate by including questions related to job satisfaction, leadership, workplace culture, and growth opportunities. It’s equally important to analyze responses, communicate the results transparently, and take meaningful action to show employees that their feedback truly matters.
When used effectively, employee pulse survey questions improve employee engagement and retention and foster trust, collaboration, and organizational growth. Create a survey process that empowers your workforce, promotes open dialogue, and leads to long-term improvements in employee satisfaction and productivity.
Preguntas frecuentes
1. How often should employee pulse surveys be conducted?
The frequency depends on your organization’s goals. Some companies conduct monthly pulse surveys to track engagement trends, while others prefer quarterly or biannual surveys to avoid survey fatigue while still capturing meaningful insights.
2.What types of questions should be included in an employee pulse survey?
A well-rounded pulse survey should include job satisfaction, leadership effectiveness, workplace culture, career growth, and work-life balance questions. These help organizations identify key areas of improvement and understand employee sentiment.
3.How can we ensure employees provide honest feedback in pulse surveys?
Anonymity and transparency are key. Let employees know that their responses will remain confidential and that feedback will be used for positive workplace improvements. Regularly acting on survey insights also encourages honest participation.
4. What should we do after collecting employee pulse survey responses?
After analyzing survey results, share key findings with employees, acknowledge areas of concern, and outline the steps the company will take to address them. Following up with visible improvements builds trust and encourages future participation.
5. How do pulse surveys differ from annual employee engagement surveys?
Annual engagement surveys provide a broad, in-depth analysis of workplace satisfaction, while pulse surveys offer frequent, real-time feedback on specific issues. Pulse surveys help track ongoing engagement trends and allow for quicker interventions.