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To win in the marketplace, you must first win in the workplace,” said Doug Conant, CEO of Campbell’s Soup. 

Pandangan Doug Conant bukanlah kes terpencil bagi banyak pengurus dan CEO yang berjaya yang memahami nilai pelaburan dalam pekerja mereka. 

A company’s success isn’t just about products or profits—it starts with the people behind them. Engaged employees drive innovation, strengthen customer relationships, and fuel long-term growth. But how do you measure engagement beyond assumptions and gut feelings? This is where the Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) comes in.

Originally designed to track customer loyalty, Net Promoter Score for employee engagement has evolved into a crucial metric for understanding workplace satisfaction. Companies that actively monitor and improve their employee NPS see tangible benefits—higher retention, increased productivity, and a more committed workforce. Studies show that organizations with engaged employees experience 27% higher profits, 50% better customer loyalty, and a 15% drop in turnover.

By leveraging employee NPS, businesses gain valuable insights into what motivates their teams, allowing them to make informed decisions that foster a positive work environment. A strong eNPS isn’t just a number—it’s a reflection of a workplace where employees feel valued and empowered. In this guide, we’ll break down how to use Net Promoter Score for employee engagement to build a happier, more loyal workforce.

Understanding employee net promoter score (eNPS)

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is an adaptation of the traditional Net Promoter Score (NPS) used to measure employee loyalty and satisfaction. eNPS involves asking employees a simple question: 

"On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work to a friend or colleague?" 

Responses are categorized into three groups: 

  • Promoters (9-10), 
  • Passives (7-8), and 
  • Detractors (0-6).

Promoter ialah penyokong bersemangat yang berkemungkinan mengesyorkan syarikat. Pasif berpuas hati tetapi pekerja tidak bersemangat yang terdedah kepada tawaran daripada pesaing. Pengkritik adalah pekerja yang tidak berpuas hati yang boleh mempengaruhi orang lain secara negatif dan menjejaskan reputasi syarikat.

Kesederhanaan dan kejelasan eNPS menjadikannya alat yang berharga untuk mengukur penglibatan. Ia memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang sentimen pekerja, membolehkan syarikat mengenal pasti dengan cepat bidang yang memerlukan penambahbaikan. Dengan kerap mengukur eNPS, organisasi boleh menjejaki perubahan dalam penglibatan pekerja dari semasa ke semasa dan menilai kesan inisiatif mereka yang bertujuan untuk menambah baik persekitaran tempat kerja.

Benefits of employee net promoter score (eNPS)

Tracking employee sentiment isn’t just about keeping your workforce happy—it directly impacts business performance. Employee net promoter score (eNPS) helps organizations measure engagement, improve retention, and create a thriving work culture. Here’s how this simple yet powerful metric can benefit your business.

1. Clear measurement of employee engagement

Many companies struggle to gauge how engaged their workforce truly is. Employee NPS simplifies this by providing a straightforward metric that measures employee sentiment. A high eNPS indicates a motivated and satisfied workforce, while a low score highlights areas that need improvement.

2. Improved employee retention

A strong employee NPS signals a positive work environment where employees feel valued and heard. Organizations that track and act on eNPS insights experience lower turnover rates, reducing hiring costs and maintaining a stable, experienced workforce.

3. Higher productivity and performance

Engaged employees contribute more, work efficiently, and are more committed to business goals. Studies show that companies with higher net promoter score for employee engagement experience increased productivity, leading to better customer satisfaction and higher revenue.

4. Data-driven decision making

Instead of relying on assumptions, eNPS provides actionable insights that help HR teams and leadership make informed decisions. By analyzing eNPS trends, companies can implement strategies that enhance workplace culture, benefits, and management practices.

5. Stronger employer brand

A high eNPS means employees are more likely to recommend the company as a great place to work. This strengthens the company’s reputation, making it easier to attract top talent and position itself as an employer of choice in a competitive job market.

Using employee net promoter score as a continuous feedback loop helps businesses create an employee-first culture. When employees feel valued, they stay longer, perform better, and contribute to a workplace that thrives.

Mengapa organisasi perlu memberi perhatian kepada eNPS?

eNPS bukan sahaja kanak-kanak baru di blok apabila ia berkaitan dengan metrik. Ia telah menawarkan keputusan yang diuji masa dan terbukti. Atas sebab ini, beberapa perusahaan terkemuka di seluruh dunia telah menggunakan eNPS sebagai sebahagian daripada program interaksi pekerja-majikan mereka.

Ramai yang ragu-ragu mengabaikan faedah skor promoter bersih pekerja dan hakikat bahawa walaupun eNPS sahaja mungkin tidak dapat membantu meningkatkan tahap penglibatan pekerja, hanya hakikat bahawa organisasi menjalankan tinjauan eNPS biasa memasang sentimen positif bahawa pihak pengurusan mendengar dan bersedia bertindak atas maklum balas pekerja.

Persepsi ini sahaja boleh menyemai benih untuk memastikan tahap penglibatan pekerja di atas par sebahagian, seperti yang disaksikan dalam pelbagai kisah kejayaan.

1. Adobe

Adobe , sebuah syarikat perisian terkemuka, menyedari bahawa mengekalkan tahap penglibatan pekerja yang tinggi adalah penting untuk inovasi dan kejayaan berterusannya. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka menghadapi cabaran dengan tahap penglibatan yang berbeza-beza merentas pasukan dan jabatan yang berbeza.

Pelaksanaan eNPS : Adobe memperkenalkan eNPS sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi penglibatan pekerja mereka untuk mengumpulkan maklum balas tetap. Mereka menjalankan tinjauan eNPS suku tahunan untuk menjejaki sentimen pekerja dan mengenal pasti bidang untuk penambahbaikan.

Tindakan yang diambil : Maklum balas menunjukkan bahawa pekerja menginginkan lebih banyak peluang untuk pembangunan kerjaya dan komunikasi yang telus daripada kepimpinan. Sebagai tindak balas, Adobe melancarkan beberapa inisiatif, termasuk:

  • Program pembangunan kerjaya yang komprehensif dengan laluan pembelajaran yang diperibadikan dan peluang bimbingan.
  • Mesyuarat dewan bandaran yang kerap dan saluran komunikasi yang telus di mana pemimpin berkongsi maklumat terkini dan menangani kebimbangan pekerja.

Keputusan : Dari masa ke masa, Adobe melihat peningkatan yang ketara dalam skor eNPS mereka. Pekerja melaporkan rasa lebih dihargai dan disokong, membawa kepada tahap penglibatan yang lebih tinggi. Syarikat itu juga melihat kesan positif terhadap produktiviti dan inovasi, dengan pekerja lebih bermotivasi untuk menyumbang kepada kejayaan Adobe.

2. Bain & Company

Bain & Company , firma perunding pengurusan global, ingin memastikan bahawa perunding mereka, yang sering bekerja dalam persekitaran tekanan tinggi, merasa terlibat dan disokong.

pelaksanaan eNPS : Bain memperkenalkan eNPS untuk sentiasa mengukur sentimen pekerja dan mengenal pasti bidang yang memerlukan perhatian.

Tindakan yang diambil : Maklum balas menunjukkan keperluan untuk keseimbangan kerja-kehidupan yang lebih baik dan lebih banyak peluang pembangunan profesional. Bain bertindak balas dengan melaksanakan jadual kerja yang fleksibel, menggalakkan keseimbangan kerja-kehidupan yang lebih sihat, dan mengembangkan program pembangunan profesional mereka, termasuk lebih banyak sesi latihan dan peluang pertumbuhan kerjaya.

Keputusan : Bain melihat peningkatan yang ketara dalam markah eNPS mereka. Pekerja berasa lebih seimbang dan menghargai pelaburan syarikat dalam pertumbuhan profesional mereka. Ini membawa kepada tahap kepuasan kerja dan pengekalan yang lebih tinggi.

3. Epal

Apple, dengan rangkaian luasnya yang terdiri daripada lebih 500 kedai runcit, memerlukan satu cara untuk mengekalkan tahap penglibatan dan inovasi pekerja yang tinggi di seluruh tenaga kerjanya yang pelbagai.

pelaksanaan eNPS : Apple menyesuaikan Net Promoter System®, yang secara tradisinya digunakan untuk mengukur kesetiaan pelanggan, untuk melibatkan pekerjanya. Mereka mencipta istilah "Penggalak Bersih untuk Orang" untuk menangkap pendekatan baharu ini.

Tindakan yang diambil : Menggunakan prinsip Sistem Promoter Bersih, Apple memperkasakan pekerja untuk menyumbang idea dan maklum balas mereka, yang membawa kepada banyak inovasi kedai tandatangan. Pendekatan ini menggalakkan pekerja untuk membawa tenaga, semangat, dan kreativiti kepada peranan mereka.

Results: The implementation of Net Promoter for People contributed to Apple's retail success. Many innovations in Apple's stores, such as the Genius Bar and the Today at Apple program, emerged from employee suggestions. This empowerment led to a more engaged workforce, which in turn enhanced the customer experience.

Dengan memanfaatkan sistem Net Promoter for People, Apple mencipta budaya di mana pekerja berasa dihargai dan diilhamkan. Ini bukan sahaja meningkatkan kepuasan pekerja tetapi juga diterjemahkan kepada perkhidmatan pelanggan yang lebih baik, kesetiaan pelanggan yang lebih tinggi dan peningkatan jualan. Kejayaan pendekatan ini di Apple menunjukkan kesan kuat menggunakan eNPS untuk memupuk persekitaran kerja yang menarik dan inovatif.

4. Microsoft

Microsoft , gergasi teknologi global, menghadapi cabaran dalam mengekalkan tahap penglibatan pekerja yang tinggi di seluruh tenaga kerjanya yang luas dan pelbagai. Kepesatan perubahan dan inovasi kadangkala membawa kepada perasaan terputus hubungan dan keletihan di kalangan pekerja.

eNPS implementation: Microsoft implemented eNPS to regularly gauge employee sentiment and identify areas needing improvement. They conducted eNPS surveys bi-annually to track engagement levels and gather actionable feedback.

Tindakan yang diambil : Maklum balas menekankan keperluan untuk keseimbangan kerja-kehidupan yang lebih baik dan lebih banyak peluang untuk pertumbuhan peribadi dan profesional. Sebagai tindak balas, Microsoft memperkenalkan beberapa inisiatif:

  • Fleksibiliti dipertingkatkan dalam pengaturan kerja, termasuk pilihan kerja jauh dan waktu fleksibel.
  • Memperluas program pembelajaran dan pembangunan mereka, menawarkan pelbagai kursus dan sumber untuk pembangunan kemahiran.
  • Peningkatan tumpuan pada kesejahteraan pekerja dengan program kesihatan dan sokongan kesihatan mental.

Keputusan : Tindakan ini membawa kepada peningkatan ketara dalam skor eNPS. Pekerja dilaporkan berasa lebih seimbang, disokong dan dihargai. Peralihan positif dalam penglibatan ini diterjemahkan kepada produktiviti yang lebih tinggi, inovasi dan kepuasan kerja secara keseluruhan.

5. Alat Mesin ANCA

Alat Mesin ANCA mengiktiraf keperluan untuk sistem ganjaran yang lebih telus dan konsisten untuk meningkatkan penglibatan pekerja. Pendekatan sedia ada mereka adalah tidak teratur, menyebabkan pemisahan dalam kalangan pekerja. Untuk menangani perkara ini, ANCA memutuskan untuk mengukur kepuasan pekerja dan meningkatkan penglibatan menggunakan eNPS sebagai sebahagian daripada strateginya yang lebih luas untuk pengiktirafan pekerja.

eNPS implementation: ANCA Machine Tools integrated Empuls to not only automate their rewards system but also to gather valuable employee feedback through eNPS surveys. The platform enabled them to track employee satisfaction and gauge how likely employees were to recommend the company as a great place to work. These regular surveys provided insights into areas of improvement and helped shape their engagement strategies.

Tindakan yang diambil:

  • Melancarkan tinjauan eNPS melalui Empuls untuk memantau kepuasan pekerja dan menjejaki penglibatan dari semasa ke semasa.
  • Menjalankan tinjauan penglibatan pekerja secara berkala untuk mengukur keberkesanan program ganjaran dan keseluruhan persekitaran kerja.
  • Menggunakan maklum balas daripada keputusan eNPS untuk melaraskan program pengiktirafan dan menangani kebimbangan pekerja tertentu.
  • Memperkemas proses pencalonan dan ganjaran, memastikan pekerja diiktiraf secara konsisten berdasarkan maklum balas.

Keputusan: Berikutan pelaksanaan tinjauan eNPS, ANCA Machine Tools menyaksikan 80% pekerja menjaringkan diri mereka sebagai 'promotor,' yang menunjukkan tahap kepuasan yang tinggi. Selain itu, terdapat peningkatan 100% dalam markah penglibatan pekerja, mencerminkan kesan positif sistem ganjaran yang kerap dan telus. Penggunaan eNPS secara berkala membantu ANCA menambah baik inisiatif penglibatan pekerja mereka secara berterusan dan memupuk hubungan yang lebih kukuh antara tenaga kerja dan syarikat.

6. Gulf Taleed

Gulf Taleed , sebuah organisasi terkemuka di Arab Saudi, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penglibatan dan pengekalan pekerja dengan menyelaraskan tenaga kerjanya dengan nilai teras syarikat. Untuk mengukur dan meningkatkan kepuasan pekerja, mereka memerlukan cara yang konsisten dan tidak berat sebelah untuk mengumpulkan maklum balas dan menjejaki penglibatan di seluruh syarikat.

pelaksanaan eNPS: Gulf Taleed diperkenalkan Empuls sebagai platform semua-dalam-satu untuk penglibatan pekerja, dengan tumpuan untuk menggunakan eNPS dan tinjauan penglibatan untuk mengukur kesan pengiktirafan dan keseluruhan sentimen pekerja. Tinjauan ini memberikan pandangan berharga tentang kepuasan pekerja dan membantu mengenal pasti bidang untuk penambahbaikan.

Tindakan yang diambil:

  • Melancarkan tinjauan eNPS melalui Empuls untuk sentiasa mengukur tahap kepuasan dan penglibatan pekerja.
  • Melaksanakan tinjauan penggabung baharu untuk menangkap perspektif baharu tentang budaya syarikat dan proses orientasi.
  • Hasil tinjauan bersepadu ke dalam strategi pengiktirafan syarikat untuk menyelaraskan pengiktirafan dengan maklum balas pekerja dengan lebih baik.
  • terpakai Empuls untuk menjejak dan menganalisis respons eNPS, mengenal pasti corak dalam kepuasan pekerja dan bidang yang memerlukan perhatian.

Keputusan: Melalui Empuls platform, Gulf Taleed mencapai kadar penyiapan 70% untuk tinjauan eNPS mereka dalam masa tujuh hari. Cerapan yang dikumpul membantu membentuk strategi penglibatan pekerja mereka, dengan lebih 300 kes pengiktirafan rakan sebaya direkodkan dalam masa enam bulan sahaja. Selain itu, syarikat melihat peningkatan yang ketara dalam pengekalan, semangat dan penjajaran pekerja dengan nilai korporat.

Pekerja yang gembira dan terlibat menawarkan pelan hala tuju yang pasti untuk perusahaan yang berjaya. Skor Promoter Bersih Penglibatan Pekerja menawarkan cara yang mudah dan ketara untuk memastikan tahap penglibatan pekerja, membantu syarikat mengekalkan persekitaran kerja yang sangat menarik yang memberi manfaat kepada kedua-dua pekerja dan pengurusan.

How to calculate and implement the net promoter score for employee engagement?

Measuring and improving employee engagement starts with understanding how employees feel about the workplace. Employee net promoter score (eNPS) provides a simple yet effective way to gauge sentiment, track trends, and take action. Here’s how to calculate and implement eNPS to create a more engaged workforce.

Calculating eNPS for employee engagement

Employee net promoter score (eNPS) is calculated using a straightforward formula. Once employees respond to the question, "How likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work to a friend or colleague?", their answers are categorized into promoters (9-10), passives (7-8), and detractors (0-6). The final eNPS score is derived by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters, while passives are excluded from the calculation.

Since eNPS results can vary based on when and how the question is asked, companies adopt different approaches, gathering feedback monthly, quarterly, or annually to track trends effectively. The scoring scale ranges from -100 to 100, with scores above 50 considered excellent, 10 to 30 as good, and anything below zero signaling the need for immediate action.

While eNPS is a valuable metric for measuring employee sentiment, it shouldn’t be viewed in isolation. Comparing results over time provides a clearer picture of engagement trends and allows businesses to adjust strategies accordingly. Regular assessments, ideally conducted every quarter, help organizations keep a pulse on employee satisfaction and address issues proactively.

Implementing eNPS for employee engagement

Implementing eNPS requires a structured approach to ensure accurate insights and meaningful action. Here’s how companies can effectively roll out an eNPS survey.

1. Designing the survey

The core eNPS question should be simple and direct: “How likely are you to recommend our company as a workplace to a friend or colleague?” To gather deeper insights, follow up with open-ended questions like “What is the primary reason for your score?” or “What improvements would enhance your experience?”

2. Selecting the right questions

To make eNPS more actionable, questions should be easy to understand and focused on key engagement drivers such as job satisfaction, work environment, leadership, and career growth opportunities.

3. Choosing the right survey frequency

To track engagement effectively, eNPS surveys should be conducted at regular intervals—quarterly or bi-annually—to monitor trends while avoiding survey fatigue. Too frequent surveys can lead to lower participation and less honest responses.

4. Encouraging honest and constructive feedback

Anonymity is key to getting candid responses. Employees should be assured that their feedback is confidential and used for workplace improvements. Clearly communicating the purpose of the survey fosters transparency and trust.

5. Analyzing eNPS results

Once the eNPS is calculated, companies must go beyond the score and analyze patterns in responses. Breaking down data by departments, job levels, or demographics can uncover specific issues that require attention.

6. Acting on feedback and driving change

eNPS is only valuable if organizations act on it. HR and leadership teams should develop action plans to address key concerns raised in the survey. Sharing updates on the improvements being made helps reinforce trust and shows employees that their voices matter. Regular follow-ups and adjustments based on ongoing feedback ensure continuous engagement enhancement.

A well-implemented employee net promoter score strategy not only measures engagement but also provides a roadmap for creating a workplace where employees feel valued, heard, and motivated to contribute to the company’s success.

Gathering employee feedback is just the first step—what matters is turning it into meaningful change. Empuls streamlines eNPS implementation with customizable surveys, automated scheduling, and real-time analytics, helping organizations capture honest employee sentiments without the hassle.

With anonymous feedback options and AI-powered insights, Empuls makes it easy to identify engagement trends and pinpoint areas for improvement. The platform doesn’t just measure engagement—it helps HR and leadership teams take action, ensuring employees feel heard and valued.

Menganalisis hasil tinjauan skor promoter bersih pekerja untuk meningkatkan penglibatan

Setelah tinjauan eNPS selesai dan data dikumpul, langkah penting seterusnya ialah menganalisis keputusan. Analisis yang berkesan boleh memberikan pandangan mendalam tentang tahap penglibatan pekerja dan menentukan bidang khusus untuk penambahbaikan.

1. Calculate the eNPS score

To calculate the eNPS, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. This gives a single score that represents the overall sentiment of the workforce. A positive score indicates more promoters than detractors, while a negative score suggests the opposite.

Example: If 60% of employees are promoters and 20% are detractors, the eNPS score would be 40.

Look for common themes in the responses. Are there particular issues that detractors frequently mention? Do promoters highlight specific aspects of the workplace? Identifying these trends can help prioritize areas needing immediate attention.

Example: If detractors often mention lack of career development opportunities, while promoters praise the collaborative work environment, these insights direct where to focus improvement efforts.

3. Segment the data

Break down the results by different segments such as departments, job levels, or locations. This can reveal unique challenges or strengths within specific groups. For instance, one department might have high engagement while another struggles, indicating where targeted interventions are necessary.

Example: If the sales department has a significantly lower eNPS compared to the marketing department, it may indicate issues specific to the sales team's work environment or management style.

4. Evaluate open-ended responses

Pay close attention to the open-ended responses. These comments provide context to the scores and can offer valuable insights that numbers alone cannot. Employees often share specific suggestions and detailed feedback that can guide improvement efforts.

Example: An open-ended response might reveal that employees feel overworked during peak seasons. This insight can lead to exploring solutions like better resource allocation or additional hiring during busy periods.

5. Benchmark against previous results

Compare the current eNPS score with previous scores to track changes over time. This helps assess the impact of any initiatives or changes implemented since the last survey. An upward trend indicates improvements, while a downward trend signals potential issues that need addressing.

Example: If the eNPS score improved from 20 to 35 over a year, it suggests that recent efforts to improve employee engagement have been effective.

6. Share and discuss findings

Present the analyzed data to leadership and relevant stakeholders. Sharing the findings transparently helps build trust and demonstrates a commitment to acting on feedback. Engage in discussions to develop actionable plans based on the insights gained from the analysis.

Example: Organize a town hall meeting where the results are shared with the entire company, followed by breakout sessions to discuss specific areas of improvement.

A thorough analysis of eNPS results is essential for understanding employee engagement and taking informed actions to enhance the workplace environment. By focusing on trends, segmenting data, and evaluating detailed feedback, organizations can make strategic decisions to foster a more engaged and satisfied workforce.

Acting on the eNPS results to improve employee engagement

Selepas mengumpul dan menganalisis maklum balas eNPS, langkah paling kritikal ialah bertindak berdasarkan cerapan yang diperoleh. Melaksanakan perubahan berdasarkan maklum balas pekerja menunjukkan bahawa organisasi menghargai pendapat pekerjanya dan komited untuk penambahbaikan berterusan.

1. Develop action plans

Based on the feedback, create specific, targeted action plans to address identified issues. Prioritize the areas that have the most significant impact on employee engagement. Ensure that these plans are practical and achievable within a reasonable timeframe.

Example: If feedback indicates a need for better career development opportunities, develop a comprehensive training and development program, including workshops, mentorship, and clear career progression paths.

2. Communicate changes

Transparency is key to maintaining trust. Inform employees about the feedback received and the steps being taken to address their concerns. Regular updates on the progress of these initiatives help keep employees engaged and informed.

Example: Send a company-wide email detailing the action plans derived from the eNPS survey and provide a timeline for when employees can expect to see changes.

3. Foster a culture of continuous feedback

Encourage ongoing dialogue between employees and management. Make it easy for employees to share their thoughts and suggestions outside of formal surveys. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can help identify issues before they become significant problems.

Example: Establish an anonymous suggestion box or a digital feedback platform where employees can continuously share their ideas and concerns.

4. Monitor and adjust plans

Regularly review the effectiveness of the implemented changes. Use subsequent eNPS surveys to gauge whether the actions taken have positively impacted employee engagement. Be prepared to make adjustments based on ongoing feedback and changing needs.

Example: If the new career development program receives positive feedback but employees still express concerns about work-life balance, consider additional initiatives to address this issue, such as flexible working hours or remote work options.

5. Recognize and reward improvements

Acknowledge and celebrate improvements in employee engagement. Recognizing departments or teams that show significant positive changes can motivate others and reinforce the importance of engagement initiatives.

Example: Hold a recognition event to celebrate departments that have made significant strides in improving their eNPS scores, highlighting specific actions that led to their success.

6. Leadership involvement

Ensure that leadership is actively involved in the process. Leaders should not only support but also champion the engagement initiatives. Their involvement underscores the importance of employee engagement to the overall success of the organization.

Example: Have senior leaders host regular town hall meetings to discuss engagement initiatives and personally address employee concerns and feedback.

Dengan bertindak atas maklum balas eNPS, organisasi boleh mencipta gelung maklum balas positif yang terus meningkatkan penglibatan pekerja. Pendekatan proaktif ini membawa kepada tenaga kerja yang lebih bermotivasi, berpuas hati dan produktif, akhirnya memacu kejayaan organisasi.

Empuls eNPS Surveys: Measure and improve employee loyalty with precision

Empuls eNPS Survey

Empuls eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) surveys are a powerful tool to gauge employee loyalty and satisfaction effortlessly. They focus on one key question: “How likely are you to recommend this organisation as a great place to work?” 

This simple yet effective approach helps you identify promoters (enthusiastic employees), passives (neutral employees), and detractors (unhappy employees), giving you a clear picture of your workplace environment.

  • Quick & hassle-free: Send bite-sized surveys that take less than a minute to complete, ensuring high participation rates.
  • Customizable templates: Tailor the survey questions to match your organisational goals and culture.
  • Real-time analytics: Get instant insights with easy-to-read dashboards that highlight employee sentiment trends.
  • Automated follow-ups: Set up automatic reminders to engage employees who haven’t responded yet.
  • Actionable feedback: Identify key areas of improvement based on detailed comments and suggestions from employees.
  • Benchmarking capabilities: Compare your eNPS scores across teams, departments, or industry standards.

Understanding your eNPS helps in creating a more engaged, motivated, and loyal workforce.

Ready to boost employee engagement?

Discover how Empuls eNPS surveys can help you turn feedback into action. Get started with Empuls today!


Penglibatan pekerja adalah penting untuk kejayaan organisasi. Menggunakan Skor Promoter Bersih Pekerja (eNPS) memberikan pandangan berharga tentang sentimen pekerja dan menyerlahkan bidang untuk penambahbaikan. eNPS ialah metrik mudah yang mengukur kesetiaan dan kepuasan pekerja, membimbing syarikat dalam meningkatkan persekitaran tempat kerja mereka.

Implementing eNPS involves designing the survey, selecting relevant questions, choosing the right frequency, encouraging honest feedback, analyzing results, and taking action based on the feedback. This approach promotes continuous improvement and open communication, increasing engagement and productivity.

Kajian kes Tech Innovators Inc., Penyelesaian Runcit Global, HealthCare Plus dan Kumpulan Perkhidmatan Kewangan menunjukkan cara eNPS boleh menangani cabaran tertentu dan meningkatkan penglibatan pekerja dengan ketara.

eNPS is a powerful tool for fostering a more engaged workforce. Organizations can create a positive work environment that drives success by listening to employees and making meaningful changes. Start using eNPS in your organization today to boost employee engagement and satisfaction. Schedule a call with the experts at Empuls now!

Soalan lazim

1. What is a good employee net promoter score (eNPS)?

A good employee net promoter score (eNPS) typically falls between 10 and 30, indicating a healthy level of employee satisfaction and loyalty. Scores above 50 are considered excellent, showing a highly engaged workforce, while anything below 0 signals dissatisfaction and a need for immediate improvements.

2. Bagaimanakah eNPS dikira?

eNPS dikira dengan menolak peratusan pencacai (skor 0-6) daripada peratusan penganjur (skor 9-10).

3. Mengapakah eNPS penting untuk penglibatan pekerja?

eNPS menyediakan ukuran sentimen pekerja yang jelas dan boleh diukur, membantu organisasi mengenal pasti bidang untuk penambahbaikan dan menjejaki perubahan dari semasa ke semasa.

4. Berapa kerapkah tinjauan eNPS perlu dijalankan?

Tinjauan eNPS hendaklah dijalankan pada selang masa yang tetap, seperti suku tahunan atau dwi-tahunan, untuk memantau arah aliran dan membuat pelarasan tepat pada masanya.

5. Apakah beberapa soalan susulan biasa yang perlu disertakan dalam tinjauan eNPS?

Soalan susulan boleh termasuk: "Apakah sebab utama skor anda?" dan "Apakah yang boleh kami lakukan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman anda?"

6. Bagaimanakah kita boleh memastikan pekerja memberikan maklum balas yang jujur dalam tinjauan eNPS?

Pastikan pekerja bahawa jawapan mereka akan kekal tanpa nama dan menyampaikan tujuan tinjauan dengan jelas.

7. Apakah yang perlu kita lakukan jika markah eNPS kita rendah?

Menganalisis maklum balas untuk mengenal pasti isu khusus, membangunkan pelan tindakan yang disasarkan, dan menyampaikan perubahan kepada pekerja untuk menangani kebimbangan mereka.

8. Bolehkah eNPS digunakan dalam semua jenis organisasi?

Ya, eNPS adalah serba boleh dan boleh digunakan dalam pelbagai industri dan saiz organisasi untuk mengukur penglibatan pekerja.

9. Bagaimanakah kita boleh bertindak ke atas maklum balas eNPS dengan berkesan?

Bangunkan pelan tindakan berdasarkan maklum balas, sampaikan perubahan, dan kerap menyemak dan menyesuaikan rancangan ini berdasarkan maklum balas dan keputusan yang berterusan.

10.What are the benefits of using eNPS over other engagement metrics?

eNPS adalah ringkas, mudah difahami dan memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang sentimen pekerja. Ia juga memupuk budaya maklum balas dan penambahbaikan berterusan.

Akses Panduan Percuma untuk Menjalankan Tinjauan Tempat Kerja yang Berkesan.
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