Apa itu Berhenti Tenang dan Cara Mengelakkannya
Learn what quiet quitting is with our complete guide. Recognize its early signs, ways to prevent quiet quitting's takeover, and ways to overcome it.
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It started with a 17-second video by Zaid Khan (@zaidlepplin), where he described a concept that resonated with millions: doing your job—no more, no less.
This viral moment gave rise to a workplace phenomenon now known as quiet quitting. Shortly after, TikToker Sarai Marie (@saraisthreads) amplified the trend with relatable skits, spotlighting employees silently stepping back from hustle culture.

So, what is quiet quitting exactly? It’s not about resigning—rather, it's the conscious decision to stop going above and beyond at work, choosing instead to meet expectations without overextending. While some see it as reclaiming work-life balance, for employers, it’s a red flag of disengagement.
According to Gallup study, disengaged employees cost businesses $7.8 trillion in lost productivity globally. Clearly, this is more than a social media trend—it’s a wake-up call.
In this blog, we explore what’s driving quiet quitting, its impact, and most importantly, how to avoid quiet quitting in your organization through empathy, communication, and smart engagement strategies.
What is quiet quitting?
Walaupun terdapat beberapa tafsiran tentang 'berhenti merokok secara senyap', ia secara amnya bermaksud berhenti daripada budaya kesibukan dengan tekanan kerja yang melemahkan dan berjam-jam. Ia merujuk kepada melakukan hanya minimum di tempat kerja dan bukannya pergi 'di atas dan seterusnya' untuk menarik perhatian bos dan memajukan kerjaya mereka.
Peningkatan populariti 'Berhenti merokok' yang hampir meteorik boleh dikaitkan dengan pandemik dan persekitaran tempat kerja yang berubah secara radikal. Kerja jauh mengaburkan garis antara rumah dan pejabat, dan orang ramai mula mempersoalkan keperluan untuk mengutamakan kerja dengan mengorbankan kehidupan keluarga dan peribadi. Perbincangan media sosial yang aktif berkisar tentang kesan keletihan terhadap kehidupan mental, fizikal, dan sosial kerana semakin ramai pekerja mula menolak tanggapan budaya hidup untuk bekerja.
Sekarang, ketika perniagaan berjuang untuk kembali normal di tengah-tengah pertempuran untuk menuntut kerja jarak jauh, ramai pekerja menilai semula bagaimana mereka hidup, menghabiskan masa mereka, dan apa yang penting tentang pekerjaan mereka. Pergerakan 'berhenti merokok secara senyap' membuka jalan untuk menetapkan sempadan yang sihat di tempat kerja, menghapuskan keletihan, dan merundingkan semula keseimbangan kerja-kehidupan yang lebih sihat.
Stories about quiet quitting
Internet penuh dengan orang yang pergi ayam belanda sejuk pada pekerjaan mereka. Ia bukan hanya pekerja kolar biru, tetapi juga eksekutif telah mula mencengkam dengan kisah mereka sendiri yang tenang berhenti setelah bergelut dengan kesihatan mental yang semakin merosot, kehidupan sosial yang tidak wujud, dan tugas yang tepat untuk mengimbangi kerja dan keluarga. Sesetengahnya, setelah kehilangan orang tersayang akibat pandemik, dilanda dengan kesedaran bahawa mereka akan terlepas detik-detik penting dalam hidup kerana tekanan kerja yang luar biasa. Yang lain lilin fasih tentang dapat menyambung semula, meremajakan dan menambah.
Walaupun cerita-cerita ini melukis gambar yang lebih besar, apa yang kelihatan tenang berhenti di atas tanah?

The economics of quiet quitting
Laporan menunjukkan bahawa ini bukan kes terpencil; sekurang-kurangnya separuh daripada Gen Z di A.S. (dan yang lain di seluruh dunia) secara mental dan emosi menarik diri daripada beban kerja mereka yang menuntut dan bos yang kurang empati.
Maria Kordowicz, profesor madya dan pengarah pusat pendidikan dan pembelajaran interprofessional di University of Nottingham, memetakan hubungan antara berhenti tenang dan kenaikan serentak dalam peletakan jawatan kerja dengan menghubungkan fenomena itu kepada penurunan yang ketara dalam penglibatan.
Laporan tempat kerja global Gallup untuk tahun 2022 mengesan gelombang peletakan jawatan ini kepada kebangkitan baka pekerja baru yang 'diberi kuasa' yang mengetuai perbualan mengenai bagaimana tanggungjawab harus dilakukan oleh majikan untuk menghapuskan punca keletihan. Kajian terbaru HBR mengenai kesan pengurus terhadap berhenti merokok secara senyap-senyap menyokong ini dengan menunjukkan bagaimana persekitaran kerja dan kebolehan kepimpinan adalah faktor utama dalam menggerakkan jarum ke arah produktiviti atau pemisahan.
Akhirnya, menimbang kesan ekonomi segera berhenti secara senyap, Setiausaha Buruh A.S., Marty Walsh, menunjuk kepada data kerajaan AS yang menunjukkan penurunan produktiviti buruh AS tahun ini. Dia berkata, "Jika anda seorang majikan, anda harus menangkap cukup awal bahawa pekerja anda tidak berpuas hati, tidak gembira, dan kemudian perlu ada dialog, perbualan."
Top 5 signs to look for in quiet quitting
‘Quiet quitting’ captures the spirit of the ‘new normal’—a time when more employees are choosing to do just enough to get by, rather than going above and beyond. While it may not seem like a pressing issue at first glance, this silent form of disengagement can have a compounding effect on team morale, productivity, and ultimately, business performance.
As employee motivation dips, so does innovation and customer experience—affecting both revenue generation and ROI. Here are the top five warning signs to help managers spot quiet quitting before it impacts the bottom line:
1. Chronic disengagement
Employees who were once enthusiastic but now display ongoing disinterest or apathy are waving a red flag. This lack of motivation often stems from burnout, feeling undervalued, or disconnected from their work. They may meet deadlines, but their energy, passion, and initiative are noticeably absent.
2. Only meeting minimum expectations
Quiet quitters fulfill their basic responsibilities—but that’s it. They no longer seek to exceed expectations or take ownership beyond their immediate duties. Unlike highly engaged employees who find purpose in their roles, quiet quitters work purely transactionally, often lacking pride in their performance.
3. Avoidance of extra tasks or initiatives
One of the most telling signs is an employee’s reluctance to take on anything that falls outside their job description. Whether it’s volunteering for new projects, mentoring a colleague, or attending optional trainings, quiet quitters will quietly decline—signaling a shift away from organizational commitment.
4. Isolation from the team
Collaboration is often the first to suffer. Quiet quitters may avoid brainstorming sessions, team-building activities, or cross-functional projects. They tend to prefer working in isolation, limiting interaction to what’s strictly necessary—weakening team cohesion and trust.
5. Minimal engagement in meetings
Rather than being active contributors, quiet quitters often remain silent during meetings. They may show up but rarely speak, contribute ideas, or provide feedback. This disengagement can slowly erode the overall team dynamic and innovation pipeline.
By recognizing these behaviors early, leaders can proactively re-engage employees through open dialogue, personalized support, and a culture that values work-life balance and meaningful contribution. Preventing quiet quitting isn’t just about productivity—it’s about preserving the heart of your organization.
Contrasting views on quiet uitting
Soalan mengenai kebaikan dan keburukan berhenti secara senyap sebagai strategi tidak syak lagi akan terus mengamuk. Tetapi berhenti merokok secara senyap-senyap adalah nyata dan di sini untuk kekal sehingga syarikat memutuskan untuk membuat perubahan yang tercerahkan untuk menghentikan keletihan dengan menawarkan gaji yang adil dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk melibatkan diri, mencabar, dan merangsang pekerja mereka.
Walau bagaimanapun, tidak semua orang menyertai konsep baru. Sesetengah pengkritik berpendapat bahawa berhenti merokok yang tenang menutup diri mereka daripada kenaikan gaji dan promosi kerana akan sentiasa ada orang lain untuk mengambil tempat mereka.
Since COVID, my priorities, values, who and what are important to me have shifted drastically. I now leave my office at the end of the day, not thinking about what I need to work on when I go home at night. I set boundaries for checking my emails and reaching out to co-workers during non-office hours. Most importantly, I am not anxious when requesting time off, taking personal days, or especially taking sick time. Before, it was something I would agonize over, and now it is something I can do without hesitation or worry.” Sara M., department manager
"Many of my friends work in Big Law, and while they're paid very well, the expectations placed on Associates are extremely demanding and often unfair/emotionally abusive. They can't or won't draw similar boundaries, often for fear of retaliation, but they all recognize the toll it takes on their mental and physical health. Many have left their positions as a result." Lane Sheldon, attorney
“I have zero ability to do anything but do as my boss requires me. The idea that 'quiet quitting' fits any job besides the ones laden with keyboard strokes, spreadsheets, and meetings, is foolish. It feels like more of a realization by people, who were more than happy to work 24/7/365 chasing the almighty dollar, that their lives are wasted in pursuing more stuff. Now they are presenting some laughable notion of 'I just realized I work too much, but luckily I can afford to do less because no one will notice anyway!' as a paradigm shift in worker's rights. I am disgusted that this has become something people believe could be effective for most of the workforce.” James Holverstott, laborer
“Quiet quitting is doing the bare minimum required of you at work and being content with mediocrity. Advancement and pay increases will go to those whose level of effort warrants advancement and doing the bare minimum certainly does not." Pattie Ehsaei, workplace decorum expert
How to solve the quiet quitting crisis in 2025
Kenyataan dari Gallup ini menyerlahkan tumpuan pada punca krisis berhenti merokok yang tenang - penglibatan pekerja. Ia kurang mengenai pekerja dalam pekerjaan mereka dan lebih banyak mengenai pekerja yang menetapkan sempadan kerana mereka tidak merasa dihargai atau dihargai dalam organisasi masing-masing.
Berikut adalah beberapa perkara yang boleh membantu majikan dan pekerja mewujudkan hubungan yang bermakna dan seimbang untuk mengelakkan berhenti merokok.
1. Dapatkan mereka bercakap dan bersedia untuk mendengar
Bercakap dengan pekerja anda dan menggali jauh untuk mengetahui sebab-sebab mereka diam. Tanya soalan yang relevan tentang beban kerja dan lebar jalur mereka, dan tentukan sama ada mereka berpuas hati dengan tugas / projek semasa mereka atau memerlukan sumber tambahan atau pembelajaran.
- Buka saluran komunikasi dua hala.
- Minta maklum balas yang jujur mengenai syarikat dan kepimpinan.
- Buat persekitaran di mana pekerja anda berasa selesa bersuara.
- Memberi motivasi dan rangsangan yang berterusan.
- Ambil maklum balas dan bertindak ke atasnya untuk melaksanakan perubahan.
2. Prestasi dan jangkaan keseimbangan
Duduk dan menilai beban kerja pekerja anda, mengadakan perbualan yang bermakna mengenai matlamat prestasi, dan menilai semula jangkaan syarikat dan bagaimana anda dapat membantu mengimbangi kedua-duanya. Mewujudkan sempadan yang betul antara kehidupan peribadi dan kerja.
- Mempunyai mesyuarat 1-ke-1 mengenai matlamat prestasi dan bagaimana untuk menyelaraskannya ke visi syarikat yang lebih tinggi.
- Menggalakkan keseimbangan kerja/kehidupan yang sihat dengan perbualan mengenai kesihatan mental.
- Galakkan pekerja anda mengambil cuti untuk mengisi semula dan berehat apabila sakit untuk mengelakkan keletihan.
- Pastikan pekerja anda mempunyai masa dan sumber yang mencukupi untuk menyelesaikan tugas mereka.
- Ketahui sama ada terdapat sebarang penyekat dan cara membuang / bekerja di sekelilingnya untuk mengekalkan tahap produktiviti yang tinggi.
- Perkasakan pekerja anda untuk bekerja secara autonomi dan menggunakan kemahiran yang berbeza untuk mengekalkan semangat mereka.
- Menggalakkan pembangunan dan kemajuan kerjaya dalaman.
3. Reward and recognize
Employees thrive on motivation and recognition. It’s essential to frequently appreciate your employees—not just for exceeding expectations, but also for consistently meeting them. Recognition should be timely, personalized, and meaningful.
With Empuls, you can move beyond annual award ceremonies and create an ongoing, immersive rewards and recognition experience that keeps employees engaged throughout the year. The platform enables:
- Personalized appreciation through social shout-outs, core value badges, and peer-to-peer recognition.
- Multiple types of awards—spot, nomination-based, jury awards, milestone celebrations, and service anniversaries—automated and easy to manage.
- A global rewards catalog offering gift cards, experiences, wellness options, and company swag across 100+ countries.
- Integration with popular work tools, so recognition happens seamlessly in the flow of work.
Pair this with a competitive compensation structure and a benefits package supporting physical, psychological, and financial wellness—and you’re well on your way to building a culture where employees feel seen, valued, and inspired to stay.
4. Create a culture of belonging and connection
Disengagement often stems from feeling disconnected from the organization’s purpose or values. Fostering a strong sense of community can make employees feel seen, heard, and appreciated—not just for what they do, but for who they are.
- Build community spaces using platforms like Empuls, where employees can join interest-based groups, celebrate milestones, and engage in informal conversations.
- Use town halls and internal social feeds to regularly communicate company wins and vision updates.
- Celebrate life events—like birthdays, work anniversaries, or team wins—to promote a culture of shared success.
- Encourage informal moments like virtual coffee chats or hobby clubs to humanize the workplace.
5. Actively seek and respond to feedback
Quiet quitting can also result from employees believing their opinions don’t matter. Regular employee feedback loops—when handled well—can be a game changer in re-engaging a disillusioned workforce.
- Use Empuls’ survey and feedback tools to run pulse checks, eNPS, and lifecycle surveys that capture real-time employee sentiment.
- Analyze feedback through people analytics and take action with data-backed insights.
- Close the loop by communicating what changes were made based on employee input—this builds trust and reinforces their voice in decision-making.
- Don’t limit feedback to exit interviews; start from onboarding and keep it continuous.
6. Make Wellbeing a Priority, Not a Perk
In a world where burnout is a leading cause of disengagement, organizations must go beyond token wellness days. Employees want holistic, ongoing support for their physical, mental, and financial wellbeing.
- Offer personalized perks and benefits through Empuls’ Perks & Benefits module, including early wage access, tax-saving allowances, wellness subscriptions, and more.
- Promote flexibility—whether it's hybrid work, asynchronous schedules, or mental health days.
- Equip managers with tools to regularly check in on employee well-being, using smart nudges from Empuls’ AI assistant, Em, to guide conversations.
- Encourage usage of benefits by showcasing real stories from employees who’ve found them helpful.
By combining empathetic leadership with the right tools, organizations can shift from simply preventing quiet quitting to cultivating an energized, loyal, and purpose-driven workforce. Platforms like Empuls enable this transformation by integrating communication, recognition, feedback, and wellbeing into a unified employee engagement strategy.
Conclusion: From quiet quitting to active engagement
Quiet quitting isn’t about laziness—it’s a signal. A signal that employees are craving more balance, purpose, and recognition in the workplace. It’s a response to burnout, misalignment, and a lack of meaningful connection—not a rebellion against work itself.
Organizations that want to reverse this trend must rethink how they engage, support, and value their people. Open communication, fair expectations, regular recognition, and a genuine investment in employee wellbeing can turn quiet quitters into active contributors.
Tools like Empuls make this transformation easier by empowering HR and managers to listen actively, reward meaningfully, and build an inclusive culture of belonging. The result? A motivated workforce that’s not just meeting expectations—but thriving well beyond them.
Now is the time to shift from reactive to proactive. Because when employees feel valued, they don’t quit quietly—they show up loudly. And they stay.