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With Gartner’s experts claiming ‘quiet hiring’ to be a win-win scenario for both the employees and the employer, an in-depth report revealed that 63% of the employees view quiet hiring as an opportunity to grow out of their rigid role and gain new skills. 

The same report has showcased that almost eight out of ten employees get ‘quiet hired’. Generally, quiet hiring occurs when an employee is moved into a new role, endowed with new responsibilities at their company, either for short term or permanently, due to fulfill the organization's need.

Characterized by its focus on introspection, mindfulness, and a more holistic evaluation of candidates, quiet hiring is rapidly gaining traction as a transformative approach to talent acquisition. At least 19% of employees have opined that they favor being ‘quite hired’ as long as it is a temporary role. 

The psychological downplay of quiet hiring lies in acquiring new skillsets, exposure to a different realm of technology, and a hopeful ignition of changing the current field and moving onto a better one.

In this blog post, we delve into the concept of quiet hiring and explore how it is set to shape the workplace in 2024 and beyond.

According to Emily Rose McRae, Sr. Director of Research at Gartner, “quiet hiring is when an organization acquires new skills without actually hiring new full-time employees.”

Although it can involve bringing in short-term contractors, its primary meaning lies in assigning current employees additional responsibilities beyond their existing job descriptions.

This can involve transitions to different positions or taking on new internal projects

While quiet hiring can be advantageous for organizations, it might also pose challenges for employees who are not inclined to move into roles they find unappealing.

Let's delve into the reasons behind the growth of this trend and its implications for both employers and employees.

What is quiet hiring?

Quiet hiring, also called mindful hiring or introspective hiring, is a paradigm shift from traditional recruitment methods that emphasize the most outspoken and charismatic candidates.

Instead, it emphasises a candidate's qualities that might not be immediately apparent, such as emotional intelligence, adaptability, and the ability to work collaboratively.

This approach stems from the realization that qualities like empathy, resilience, and the capacity to listen attentively are often overlooked in conventional recruitment processes.

Quiet hiring values candidates who possess these attributes and recognizes that their contributions can significantly impact team dynamics, innovation, and overall organizational culture.

Is quiet hiring the employer response to quiet quitting?

Quiet hiring and "quiet quitting" are two related but distinct concepts in the employment context, and they are not direct responses to each other.

Let's clarify both terms:

Quiet hiring: Quiet hiring is an employer's practice of conducting a confidential or discreet job search and recruitment process to fill vacant positions without drawing attention or disclosing sensitive information to the current workforce. It's often used for various reasons, including replacing underperforming employees, filling executive-level positions, or managing sensitive staffing changes.

Quiet quitting: Quiet quitting typically refers to a situation where employees become disengaged or dissatisfied with their current job but do not openly communicate their intentions to leave. Instead of resigning outright, they may reduce their effort, become less productive, or start disengaging from their work, all while keeping their intention to leave confidential.

While “quiet hiring” and “quiet quitting” may occur within the same organization, they are not direct responses to each other. Quiet hiring is a proactive recruitment strategy used by employers, while quiet quitting is a behavior exhibited by employees.

However, an organization's awareness of employees engaging in quiet quitting could potentially lead to the need for quiet hiring if those employees eventually decide to leave and their positions need to be filled discreetly.

What's driving the rise of quiet hiring?

Contemporary organizations confront a competitive recruitment landscape, a sluggish economy, and the pressure to control expenses. These circumstances create a dual challenge: searching for new talent while retaining high-performing individuals with sought-after skills.

Complicating matters further, staffing budgets often remain stagnant or decrease. Consequently, many organizations are compelled to think creatively, turning to quiet hiring as a strategy to bridge the gaps.

Who does quiet hiring benefit the most?

The approach benefits employees by providing them with opportunities to acquire new skills, gain additional experience, enhance their existing capabilities, and bolster their resumes, thereby increasing their attractiveness in the job market.

Nevertheless, there has been a vocal backlash from internet users. One Twitter user criticized it for seeming to exploit loyal employees and criticized the use of euphemisms to describe workplace issues.

While Gartner has described this approach as a "win-win for employers and employees," many strongly disagree. Another Twitter user asked, "Where are the quiet raises? Where are the quiet merit increases? Where are the quiet performance bonuses?"

Critics have also taken organizations to task for adopting tactics that involve assigning tasks to employees that are not necessarily within their job descriptions. "'Quiet hiring' appears to be the trend for many companies, allowing them to tap into internal talent without…

On Reddit, users expressed similar sentiments. One user questioned the expectation of employees to do more without increased compensation, while another likened the trend to "quiet slavery."

Every trend has a limited lifespan, and whether "quiet hiring" will endure remains to be seen. Will it lead to improved employee efficiency and satisfaction, or does it signal a broader trend that could redefine the concepts of "jobs" and "job descriptions" as we currently know them?

Key benefits of quiet hiring for employers

Here are five key benefits of quiet hiring:

1. Confidentiality

Quiet hiring allows organizations to keep sensitive information about job openings and potential candidates confidential. This is especially important when dealing with executive-level positions, mergers and acquisitions, or other situations that require discretion.

2. Minimizes disruption

By not openly advertising job openings, quiet hiring minimizes the disruption within the organization. This can prevent rumours, maintain employee morale, and reduce the risk of existing employees feeling threatened or insecure about their positions.

3. Attracting top talent

Some high-caliber candidates may be more inclined to explore new opportunities if they can do so discreetly. Quiet hiring enables organizations to approach and attract top talent who might be hesitant to openly job search.

4. Competitive advantage

Organizations can gain a competitive edge by securing top talent before competitors even become aware of the job opening. This is particularly advantageous in industries with high demand for specialized skills.

5. Faster hiring

Without the need for extensive public job postings and recruitment campaigns, quiet hiring can expedite the hiring process. This is beneficial when there's a need for swift staffing changes or when maintaining a low profile is essential.

These benefits highlight how quiet hiring can help organizations maintain confidentiality, attract exceptional candidates, and streamline the hiring process while minimizing disruption and gaining a competitive advantage.

How can employees maximize the benefits of quiet hiring?

Though quiet hiring seems skewed towards employer advantages, it can also benefit employees. Employees can maximize the benefits of quiet hiring by taking specific actions to conduct a confidential job search effectively. Here are five ways to do so:

1. Leverage a trusted network

Reach out discreetly to your professional network, including mentors, former colleagues, and industry contacts. Inform them of your job search intentions and request their assistance in identifying hidden job opportunities. Emphasize the importance of maintaining confidentiality.

2. Engage with executive recruiters

Consider partnering with reputable executive recruiters or headhunters who specialize in confidential job placements. These professionals often have access to unadvertised positions and can connect you with suitable opportunities that align with your skills and career goals.

3. Optimize your online presence

While maintaining an online presence is essential, be mindful of oversharing on public platforms like linkedin. Adjust your privacy settings to limit what others can see, and discreetly connect with recruiters and potential employers. Use a professional email address and avoid indicating openly that you are job searching.

4. Apply discreetly

When applying for positions, be sure to customize your application materials, such as your resume and cover letter, to align with the specific job requirements. Emphasize your qualifications and achievements while maintaining a focus on discretion and confidentiality.

5. Prepare for confidential interviews

Be ready for interviews that prioritize confidentiality. You may be asked to sign nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) or participate in meetings during non-working hours or offsite locations. Familiarize yourself with the organization's culture, values, and mission while respecting their need for privacy.

These strategies can help employees conduct a quiet job search while minimizing the risk of their current employer becoming aware of their intentions. Maintaining professionalism, respecting confidentiality agreements, and approaching potential employers with discretion is crucial.

Impact of quiet hiring on the workplace

Quiet hiring, a practice of conducting confidential or discreet job searches and recruitment, can have several impacts on the workplace, both positive and negative. These impacts can vary depending on the specific circumstances and how the process is managed. Here are some potential effects:

The positive impact of quiet hiring

  • Maintains productivity and morale: Quiet hiring can help prevent disruptions in the workplace. When employees are unaware of job openings, they are less likely to become distracted or demotivated by the prospect of a coworker leaving.
  • Confidentiality and trust: Employees may perceive the organization positively if they see that confidential matters are handled with discretion and respect for privacy. This can enhance trust between employees and their employer.
  • Attracting top talent: Quiet hiring can attract high-caliber candidates who prefer a confidential job search. These candidates may be more willing to consider opportunities that allow them to explore new roles discreetly.
  • Competitive advantage: Organizations can gain a competitive edge by filling critical positions swiftly, often before competitors are even aware of the job openings. This is especially advantageous in industries with high demand for specialized skills.
  • Avoiding legal issues: Quiet hiring may help organizations avoid legal complications that can arise when openly advertising job openings, such as discrimination claims.

The negative impact of quiet hiring

  • Lack of transparency: Quiet hiring can lead to a lack of transparency in the workplace, which might result in employee suspicion or distrust if not managed properly.
  • Missed internal opportunities: When employees are unaware of job openings, internal candidates who might be suitable for a promotion or lateral move might not have the chance to apply.
  • Limited diversity and inclusion: A secretive hiring process can sometimes inadvertently limit diversity and inclusion efforts, as potential candidates from underrepresented groups may not have access to these opportunities.
  • Challenges in succession planning: Quiet hiring can make it challenging for organizations to plan for leadership succession effectively, as it may not be apparent who is being groomed for leadership roles.
  • Potential for employee discontent: If employees discover that quiet hiring practices have been used to replace colleagues without their knowledge, it can lead to discontent and reduced morale.

Quiet hiring can have both positive and negative impacts on the workplace. When managed carefully and ethically, it can help organizations attract top talent discreetly and maintain employee productivity and trust.

However, it also presents challenges related to transparency, diversity, and succession planning that organizations must address to ensure a balanced and equitable work environment.


As we move into 2024, the workplace is undergoing a transformation driven by the principles of quiet hiring. This approach is changing how organizations evaluate, hire, and retain talent, emphasising qualities that contribute to a harmonious, collaborative, and innovative work environment.

Embracing quiet hiring, companies have the opportunity to create workplaces that value diversity, inclusivity, and holistic growth, setting the stage for a more fulfilling and prosperous future.

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