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Today’s growing businesses recognize the importance of employee experience (EX) in driving organizational success. One company that has embraced this concept is Unilever, a British-Dutch multinational consumer goods company.  

The organization is committed to providing exceptional employee experiences by implementing several initiatives, resulting in improved engagement, productivity, and retention. Some of these include flexible work arrangements, employee wellness, recognition and rewards.  

Moving further, providing positive employee experiences will give new light in scaling quality employee performances, wellbeing, and enable a successful company culture.  

As we delve into the evolving landscape of employee experience, we will explore the rise of employee experience, stages, how to improve employee experience, and share key challenges in 2024.  We will also examine a case study of an organization that has successfully implemented employee experience. 

What is employee experience?

Employee experience, often shortened to EX, is essentially how employees feel about their entire time at a company. It encompasses everything from the initial job application process all the way through to their eventual departure from the organization. 

The two key elements of employee experience are:  

  • Employee journey: Think of it like a customer journey but focused on the employee. Every interaction and touchpoint with the company shapes their perception. This includes aspects like company culture, work environment, leadership interactions, and the tools they use to do their job. 
  • Employee-centric approach: It's about designing an experience that prioritizes how employees feel valued and supported. This can influence their engagement, productivity, and even the company's reputation. Happy employees are more likely to recommend their company as a great place to work! 

In recent years, employee experience (EX) has emerged as a critical priority for organizations across industries. As the job market becomes more competitive and employee expectations evolve, companies recognize the need to prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of their workforce. 

According to Mckinsey report, employees who have a positive employee experience are 16 times engaged than employees with a negative experience.

Examples of companies with great employee experiences 

Here are some examples of companies that provide great employee experiences:  

1. Airbnb 

Airbnb has been at the forefront of the movement toward a greater emphasis on employee experience for several years. The company treats its employees with the same respect and consideration as paying customers, aiming to make everyone feel at home. These efforts earned Airbnb a spot on the Best Places to Work list. 

2. HP (Hewlett Packard) 

HP shifted its focus to the development opportunities and training of its employees, initiating several training and development programs and updating healthcare centers. These initiatives helped create an engaging environment for employees, who in turn dedicated their efforts to increasing the company's revenue. 

3. Wegmans 

Wegmans, a grocery store chain, is widely known for providing excellent customer service, which is the result of a strong employee experience. The company invests approximately $50 million annually in employee development programs, training employees both professionally and personally. This focus on employee engagement increased Wegmans' annual revenues from $7.9 billion to $9.2 billion. 

4. DoorDash 

DoorDash, a food delivery platform, has a flexible workplace model that allows managers and teams to determine the number of in-office versus remote days. Employee feedback is central to workplace decisions, with surveys going out every quarter. The company redesigns its office spaces based on employee preferences, with 75% of employees wanting to come in for big meetings or social events 

Factors which influence positive employee experience  

The factors which influence positive employee experience are 

1. Importance of company culture 

One key factor which influences positive employee experience is the growing importance of company culture. According to Recruitics, 59% of organizations see less turnover.

Employees today are not only looking for a paycheck but also a sense of purpose, belonging, and personal growth within their organizations.  By investing in creating a positive and engaging work environment, companies can attract and retain top talent, boost productivity, and foster a strong sense of loyalty among their employees. 

2. Focus on work-life balance and personal needs

The increasing focus on work-life balance and personal needs help influence a positive employee experience. Employees today expect their employers to accommodate their personal commitments and provide a flexible work environment that supports their overall well-being.  

Companies that prioritize employee experience are more likely to offer benefits such as remote work options, generous paid time off, and mental health resources. 

3. Transparency and accountability  

The growth in employee experience has also been fueled by increasing transparency and accountability in the job market. With platforms like Glassdoor and social media, employees have more access to information about a company's culture and reputation than ever before.

This has put pressure on organizations to prioritize employee experience and ensure that their internal practices align with their external brand image.  

4. Tools and technologies 

As employee experience continues to gain traction, companies are investing in a range of tools and technologies to enhance the employee journey.

According to KindMind, companies who support the personal growth of their employees achieve 7%-23% higher employee engagement

From onboarding platforms that streamline the hiring process to employee engagement apps that foster collaboration and recognition, there is a growing ecosystem of solutions designed to improve the employee experience. 

5. Use of AI 

One particularly promising area is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the employee experience. AI-powered tools can automate repetitive tasks, provide personalized recommendations for professional development, and offer real-time insights into employee sentiment and productivity.

By leveraging AI, companies can create a more efficient and engaging work environment that empowers employees to do their best work. 

6. Investing in wellness  

As the importance of employee experience continues to grow, companies that prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of their workforce will be well-positioned to succeed in the years ahead.

By investing in creating a positive and engaging work environment, companies can attract and retain top talent, boost productivity, and foster a strong sense of loyalty among their employees. 

Stages of employee experience:  

The stages of employee experience encompass a comprehensive journey that an employee undergoes within an organization, from the initial attraction to the eventual separation. These stages are crucial for shaping the overall employee perception, engagement, and satisfaction.  

Here is a detailed explanation of the stages based on the provided sources: 

1. Attraction: 

  • Definition: The attraction stage marks the first interaction between a potential applicant and the employer brand. 
  • Importance: It sets the tone for the employee's relationship with the organization, influencing their decision to apply and join. 
  • Strategies: Building a strong employer brand, showcasing organizational culture, and providing transparent information about policies and practices are key to optimizing attraction. 

2. Recruitment: 

  • Definition: Recruitment involves the process of transitioning a candidate from applicant to employee. 
  • Key aspects: This stage includes job postings, interviews, and ensuring a positive candidate experience. 
  • Focus: Representing the organization as an attractive place to work and gathering feedback on the recruitment process are essential during this phase. 

3. Onboarding: 

  • Definition: Onboarding is the stage where new employees are trained on organizational systems, processes, and expectations. 
  • Significance: Efficient onboarding helps new hires transition smoothly, fostering commitment and connection to the organization. 
  • Objectives: Creating a positive onboarding experience from day one is crucial for employee engagement and retention. 

4. Retention: 

  • Definition: Retention focuses on keeping employees satisfied, engaged, and contributing to the organization's success. 
  • Importance: Employee engagement is closely linked to retention, emphasizing the need to continuously engage employees through various means. 
  • Approaches: Providing opportunities for feedback, offering growth and development initiatives, and ensuring a sense of belonging are key retention strategies. 

5. Development: 

  • Definition: Professional development involves training and initiatives aimed at enhancing employee skills and capabilities. 
  • Significance: Continuous learning opportunities contribute to employee growth, engagement, and overall performance. 
  • Strategies: Encouraging internal mobility, offering learning opportunities, and providing coaching are essential for fostering employee development. 

6. Separation: 

  • Definition: The separation stage occurs when an employee decides to leave the organization, whether due to retirement or pursuing other opportunities. 
  • Importance: This stage is crucial for gathering feedback, understanding reasons for departure, and maintaining a positive employer brand. 
  • Actions: Conducting exit interviews, learning from employee feedback, and ensuring a smooth departure process are vital for managing separations effectively. 

How to improve employee experience?  

Here are some key ways to improve employee experience: 

1. Define your desired employee experience 

It's important to clearly define what employee experience you want to create and involve leaders and employees in charting out this strategy. Define the key components and parameters to measure success. 

According to 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends, 80% of executives rate employee experience as important or very important to them and their companies

2. Utilize employee journey mapping 

Map out the various stages an employee goes through in their time with the company to identify pain points and critical moments where feedback and action is needed. This allows you to understand how personal experiences shape key outcomes like engagement and productivity. 

3. Enhance internal communication 

Effective internal communication fosters a sense of community, encourages employees to work together, and creates a cohesive company culture. Provide the proper tools for communication, especially for remote employees. 

According to Forbes, 74% of employees report being more effective at their jobs when they feel heard. This feeling empowers them to perform better and exceed their own expectations. 

4. Design a great onboarding experience 

A strong onboarding program is critical for employee success. It should be measurable, tailored to specific roles, and have clear objectives. Managers should have individual development plans for new hires. 

5. Conduct stay interviews 

Stay interviews are valuable for understanding what keeps employees engaged and satisfied in their roles. They provide insights into improving the employee experience before employees decide to leave. 

6. Provide manager training 

Managers have a huge impact on employee experience. Training should teach delegation, interpersonal skills, goal-setting, and effective ways to give praise and feedback. 

7. Share customer feedback with employees 

Sharing positive customer feedback with employees boosts their confidence and gives them a sense of purpose. It demonstrates the link between employee experience and customer experience. 

How to design your employee experience strategy?  

To design an effective employee experience strategy, consider the following steps based on the provided sources: 

1. Define clear objectives and goals 

Clearly outline the objectives and goals of your employee experience strategy to ensure alignment with organizational needs and values. 

2. Gather employee feedback 

Collect feedback from employees at all levels to understand their needs, preferences, and challenges. This feedback is crucial for designing a strategy that resonates with the workforce. 

3. Implement a people-first culture 

Create a culture that values employees regardless of position, fostering a workplace where employees feel respected, supported, and valued. This approach encourages collaboration, trust, and innovation. 

4. Make EX an integral part of company culture 

Embed employee experience into the core values and culture of the organization. A human-centric approach should be integrated into the company's values to prioritize employee well-being and satisfaction. 

5. Map the employee journey 

Develop employee journey maps to understand different stages of an employee's lifecycle, identify key touchpoints, and ensure positive experiences at each stage. This helps in creating a holistic strategy that addresses all aspects of the employee experience. 

6. Create a conducive workplace environment 

Design physical and virtual work environments that promote productivity, collaboration, and well-being. A positive work environment is essential for enhancing employee satisfaction and engagement. 

7. Develop strong leadership and management 

Foster leadership that supports employees, provides regular feedback, and encourages open communication. Strong leadership is crucial for creating a supportive and motivating work environment. 

8. Offer learning and development opportunities 

Provide continuous learning and skill development opportunities to help employees grow and feel valued. Learning initiatives contribute to employee engagement and career advancement. 

9. Support work-life balance 

Implement initiatives that support work-life balance, allowing employees to effectively manage their personal and professional lives. Work-life balance programs enhance employee well-being and satisfaction. 

10. Implement recognition and rewards programs 

Recognize employees' efforts through performance-based rewards and recognition programs. Acknowledging employee contributions boosts morale and motivation. 

11. Foster diversity and inclusion 

Create an inclusive workplace that values diversity and ensures all employees feel respected and included. Diversity and inclusion initiatives contribute to a positive employee experience. 

12. Provide technology and tools 

Equip employees with the necessary tools and technology to perform their jobs efficiently. Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity and employee satisfaction. 

13. Offer wellness and health programs 

Implement wellness initiatives to promote physical and mental well-being among employees. Wellness programs contribute to a healthy and engaged workforce. 

Employee experience challenges in 2024 

The employee experience challenges in 2024 are:  

1. Enhancing employee engagement 

With the shift to distributed work setups and reduced physical interactions due to the pandemic, maintaining high levels of employee engagement poses a significant challenge. Communicating organizational goals, fostering teamwork, and ensuring consistent engagement become more complex in remote work environments. 

2. Managing employee lifecycles 

Ensuring transparency and visibility throughout the employee lifecycle is crucial. Continuous feedback and research at various checkpoints are essential to enhance the overall employee experience. Personalizing experiences for different employees to reduce turnover rates becomes challenging, especially in a distributed workforce setting. 

3. Leadership engagement 

Leader engagement has been spiraling downwards, presenting a critical challenge. Leaders are facing difficulties in maintaining engagement levels, with a continuous decline observed over the past few years. This trend highlights the importance of addressing leadership engagement to improve overall employee experience. 

4. Retention crisis 

High turnover rates persist as a significant challenge, with one in five healthcare workers leaving their organizations within a year. New hires and nurses experience even higher turnover rates, emphasizing the need for effective retention strategies to combat the ongoing retention crisis. 

5. Millennials' disengagement 

Millennials, a substantial segment of the workforce, exhibit lower engagement levels compared to other generations. Their experiences are rated lower, indicating a need to address the specific needs and preferences of this demographic to improve overall engagement and satisfaction. 

6. Employee disengagement 

Nearly one-third of employees are disengaged, underscoring the necessity for further measurement and action to address disengagement issues. Disengaged employees are twice as likely to turnover compared to highly engaged individuals, highlighting the urgency of tackling this challenge.

دراسة حالة 

1. Multinational consumer goods company  

A large consumer goods company struggled with a complex IT system that wasted employee time. Workers spent 13 hours a month navigating various programs to do simple tasks.  


  • The company needed a one-stop shop for employee questions on HR, IT, finance, and other areas.  


  • Replaced legacy tools with unified solution: This created a Single Query Management (SQM) tool. 
  • Consolidated queries across departments: This includes IT, HR, workplace, finance, travel, and legal. 
  • Governance and change management framework: This minimized disruption and ensured user adoption. 
  • Golden rules of zero customization: This kept the implementation efficient and scalable. 


  • Migrating 17,000+ knowledge articles with low error rates. 
  • Cost savings through replacing a phone desk with ServiceNow chat. 
  • Increased employee use of knowledge articles. 
  • Creating a self-service portal with improved search and chat. 


As the nature of work continues to evolve, with remote and hybrid models becoming more prevalent, investing in employee experience will only become more critical. Employees expect seamless, consumer-grade experiences when engaging with their employers, and companies that fail to deliver risk losing top talent to more digitally-savvy competitors. 

Looking ahead, we can expect to see employee experience strategies become increasingly sophisticated, leveraging advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to deliver hyper-personalized support and recommendations. The rise of the metaverse may also open up new frontiers for employee engagement and collaboration. 

Ultimately, employee experience is not just a nice-to-have, but a strategic imperative for organizations seeking to thrive in the digital age. By putting their people first and creating environments that enable them to do their best work, companies can drive innovation, agility, and long-term success. 

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